Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 281 Hunzi Chen Xiu (1)

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"I'm touching my big conscience."

"But why are you touching me?"

Shui Binger felt that Xue Wu had gone out, and her whole person had changed when she came back.

"Captain, the game is about to begin, let's play." Chen Xiu smiled.

"Uh, all right."


With both parties entering.

Shui Bing'er took the lead, with a height of about 1.65 meters and a very uniform body.

He has long aqua-blue hair draped behind his back, and his fair face is dotted with delicate features.

At first glance, it does not seem to be amazing, but if you observe carefully, you can constantly discover her beauty!

After that, it was Shrek's gang. This time they were still hiding their strength, and there was nothing to introduce.

"The final round of this qualifier is about to begin!!"

"Let us set our sights on the main ring of the center, this will also be the most exciting game today!"

"The Shrek Academy team and the Tianshui Academy team, which have been determined to qualify from the qualifiers, will stage the final climax of this Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition!"

"One side is the dark horse of this year, and the other is the old strong team. Who can win the final victory?"

"Let's wait and see."

Boarding the center ring, when Shui Binger saw the lineup of Shrek Academy, her brows couldn't help but frowned.

This lineup again!

Retain the strength lineup, and only play two soul sects.

ps: Xiao Wu is only level 38.

The two soul sects that had appeared in Shrek Academy did not appear.

Are they underestimating Tianshui College?Still underestimate Tianshui College?

The two sides stood in a row, Shui Binger and Dai Mubai opposed.

Seeing Qing Shui Bing'er's appearance, Dai Mubai was not surprised. He had seen many beautiful women, and it was the first time he saw such a special beautiful woman.

"The captain of the Shrek team, Dai Mubai, a forty-fifth level assault war spirit master."

After all, the other party is all girls, Dai Mubai's tone is much more polite.

Although Shui Bing'er was angry, it didn't show the slightest on the surface, "Tianshui College's team leader, Shui Bing'er, the 43rd-level control system war spirit master."

"Shui Yue'er, the thirty-sixth level agile attack type war spirit master." Standing next to Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er cast a wink at Dai Mubai.


Dai Mubai was stunned, and Shui Bing'er was also a little stunned.

The captains of both sides reported their names and spirit power to show respect, but it was enough for the captains to say their spirit power.

This is a competition, not a competition, Shui Yue'er's words are very prominent.

After finishing speaking, there was a blush on Shui Yueer's face, and she stared at Dai Mubai in a daze.

Shui Binger couldn't help covering his face, sister, you are so embarrassing.

Chen Xiu on the side was on stage for the first time, feeling a little strange, but suddenly realized that a gaze fell on her.

Follow that gaze, huh?

Tang San?

Did he find anything?

The referee did not want to delay any longer, "Both sides are ready to release your martial arts!"

Both sides retreated, releasing Wuhun almost at the same time!

The formations of the two sides are similar, with the control spirit master in the middle.

As for Chen Xiu, he was left behind.

As everyone showed their spirits, everyone in Shrek was slightly surprised.

Tianshui College is a little stronger than they thought!

In addition to Shui Bing'er, the captain of Tianshui Academy, there are actually two soul sects!

One is Chen Xiu standing at the end, and the other is a woman with long aqua blue hair standing at the front.

A circle of dazzling blue light floated behind the water ice with a somewhat brilliant blur.

Tang San didn't even see what martial soul it was!

But Chen Xiu can see it!

No wonder Tianshui Academy is so powerful, it turned out to rely on this Phoenix!

That's right, Shui Bing'er's martial spirit is Bing Phoenix!

It surpassed the existence of the top martial arts, but it was a few minutes away from the super martial arts.

It belongs to the existence that is not above and below.

The three power attack spirit masters in front of Tianshui Academy, their martial arts are all fish of a certain kind, and many fish scales have grown on their bodies.

As for Chen Xiu's martial arts?

It's water, nothing else.v3 Academy

"Game start!"

With the referee slammed down, the two sides took action instantly!


Team Shrek took the lead, among which Dai Mubai led Tyrone and Huang Yuan to rush out.

Xiao Wu and Jing Ling walked around from both sides, followed by Tang San, entangled the five people with five blue silver grasses.

After that, the three front-row attacking departments of Tianshui College instantly greeted!

Tang San instantly released the winding spirit ability to the front row of Tianshui Academy!

Seeing Tang San release his spirit abilities, Shui Bing'er immediately released his spirit abilities!

The first soul ability, frozen!

The ice-blue light flashed, everyone felt their bodies cold, and then they were instantly frozen in a block of ice!

Including Tang San!

And Tianshui's spirit war master was also bound by Tang San's entanglement, unable to move.

Shui Bing'er immediately released the second spirit ability. In an instant, the bodies of the three assault type and two agile skill type spirit masters were instantly covered with a layer of ice armor.


Dai Mubai roared, and everyone in Shrek broke free from the ice instantly!

"Xue Wu, start." Shui Binger said without looking back.


Call me?

I am an actor.

I just want to hang up and give people away quietly. Why do you have to ask me to do something?

Forget it.

It's boring to stand all the time.

I saw Chen Xiu's black hair fluttering and dancing, and the four spirit rings on her body flickered at the same time!

Tang San opened the Purple Demon Eye, and he clearly saw that Xue Wu released four spirit abilities in an instant!

There is no gap in it!

Does she also get distracted to control the law?

Tang San was puzzled, he could only release three spirit abilities in an instant, and that Xue Wu could release four at once!

Chen Xiu used 20% of his soul power to activate four soul abilities.

In an instant, a large cloud of dark clouds condensed on the stage, which happened to completely cover the ring!

Immediately afterwards, big raindrops began to fall from the sky, turning into a large curtain of water pouring out!

In an instant, Shui Bing'er issued an ice seal, which directly iced all Shrek people!

Tang San used the ghostly shadow to dodge a circle, and found that the ice seal had come as promised!

"This turned out to be a soul-locking ability, so I have to, the blue silver cage!"

Since he couldn't hide, Tang San directly locked himself in the blue silver cage to defend Shui Bing'er from the ice!

In an instant, the Blue Silver cage was sealed by ice, and Tang San broke through the cage in an instant, and escaped.

There were more and more raindrops, and gradually, everyone in Shrek was restrained by Chen Xiu.

But Li Bing'er frowned, "Xue Wu, you didn't use all your strength."


Was discovered.

Then use more soul power.

As Chen Xiu used 50% of his soul power, in an instant!The torrential rain poured out, and every drop of rain was like a knife!

Rain water battered Tang San and the others, leaving a wound, and the wound will continue to deteriorate!

Not good!

Blue Silver Cage!

Tang San instantly used the blue silver cage to control all the Tianshui players!

But Chen Xiu's spirit ability was still released normally, and it was not broken by Tang San's cage at all.

"The situation is getting worse, Mubai, you directly use the White Tiger Meteor Shower to attack the most fringe team members!" Tang San said.

Dai Mubai did not hesitate, and instantly released a white tiger meteor shower towards the four people on the edge!

A barrage-like attack poured out in an instant!

The four most remote Tianshui team members were directly knocked off the stage!

Shui Binger felt that the situation was not good, "Resist the ice ring!"

In an instant, Shui Bing'er directly broke everyone's cage, cancelling all the spirit abilities that Shrek threw over!

However, four of them were eliminated just now, and only three of them were left.

Tang San frowned, "Is it similar to Huo Wu's ring of resistance? It's tricky."

In an instant, the water ice moved!

Instead of rushing towards Tang San and the others, he turned and rushed into Chen Xiu's arms!

"Xue Wu, martial arts fusion skills!"

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