Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 283 Hunzi Chen Xiu (2)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Soul sucking!

Tang San suddenly activated the soul suction, and directly extracted the soul power of the ice phoenix!

Ice Phoenix's figure stopped instantly, and a large amount of spirit power was sucked into Tang San's body!


With a bang, the ice phoenix burst open!

Chen Xiu and Shui Binger were bounced away!


It's obviously not time yet?

They could obviously last longer before!

Why is it so short this time?

Shui Binger was puzzled, she couldn't understand the reason!

She was able to release a spirit ability just now to hit Tang San directly!

However, at the moment when she was about to release her soul skills, the martial soul fusion was released instantly!

If it is not time, then Chen Xiu took the initiative to release the fusion!

With the explosion of the ice phoenix!

A layer of storm was stirred up in an instant!

Shui Binger was directly shaken off the court by this impact.

Only Chen Xiu and Tang San fell back to the arena again!

Tang San covered his chest and coughed up blood in an instant.

Chen Xiu was also a little uncomfortable. Just now forcibly disarming the martial soul fusion, he suffered a huge backlash, and now his soul power has bottomed out.

No one outside the court knew what was going on, and the wind and snow blocked everyone's sight.

Tang San struggled to get up, propped up with eight spider spears.

Chen Xiu sighed and stood up.

"You admit defeat, I don't want to hurt you." Tang San said.

Chen Xiu smiled lightly, "Really?"

"Do you really have that strength? It's not just me and Shui Bing'er who were back shocked just now."

A lot of icy condensed suddenly on Chen Xiu's hands!

Xuanming Divine Palm·Fifth Floor!

Tang San's pupils shrank, why does she still have spirit power?


It's all for this.

I can't lose!

Tang San moved the mysterious jade hand, and hit Chen Xiu's chest with a preemptive palm!

I saw Chen Xiu put on a defensive posture, blocked with both hands, and then slammed back!


this is?

Thousands of catties!

Tang San's body shape turned, and Chen Xiu's strength was directly relieved!

But then, Chen Xiu kept up with another palm!

Tang San quickly returned his palm!

Two palms facing each other!

With a touch, the two backed away a few steps.

Tang San lowered his head and looked at the palm of his hand, it was pitch black there!

this is!

Cold poison!

Tang San no longer had the physical strength to run the Xuanyu hand, and the palm just now was Tang San's last strength!

And Chen Xiu was even more uncomfortable, Tang San's last palm was amazing!

Is it because of fire poison?

Chen Xiu's eyes narrowed, and his right arm trembled a little. The palm just now gave him a shock.

He wasn't using the Golden Sacred Dragon Martial Soul now, and it was still too reluctant to face Tang San.

"Huo Po, this kind of thing, just suck it over."

Chen Xiu had multiple wounds on her body, but none of them bleeds.

His snow-white skin is very cold, without a trace of blood, even the blood has frozen.

Tang San leaned on the Eight Spider Spirit Bone to forcibly support his body, and stood motionless.

Chen Xiu slowly stepped forward and instantly grabbed Tang San's right hand!

Turn your wrist for a while, and then start the soul absorption!

Tang San's pupils shrank!

She is sucking my soul power!

Do not!

more than!Good novel

And the toxins in my body!

A large amount of fire poison poured into Chen Xiu's body, and the feeling of heat caused Chen Xiu to frown.

Suddenly, Tang San stretched out his left hand to pat Chen Xiu!

Chen Xiu grinned, just right!


Grasping Tang San's left hand, turning his wrist, he sucked his soul!

Is it really that simple!

Tang San's Xuantian skill was activated instantly!

In an instant, the spirit power in the body accelerated its transportation to Chen Xiu's body!

However, Chen Xiu's spirit power and cold poison were magically sucked back by Tang San!

Chen Xiutong suddenly went wide!

This Tang San actually saw through his soul-absorbing secret!

Soul absorbing, in the final analysis, is to connect one's soul power cycle structure to others.

Then forcefully use the spirit power to bring the spirit power of others into one's body!

But Tang San saw through this!

He mobilized the Xuantian Kungfu, and mobilized a great Zhoutian spirit power in Chen Xiu and Tang San for a while!

Chen Xiu's right arm absorbed Tang San's spirit power, but the left arm's spirit power circulated into Tang San's body!

And then it was another weekday, Tang San's spirit power entered Chen Xiu's body, and Chen Xiu's spirit power entered Tang San's body!

Good job!

Tang San!

You brought me another surprise.

Chen Xiu used all the strength of his whole body to suddenly stop the soul suction!


A back shock of spirit power came from Tang San's body, and Chen Xiu was directly shaken back a few steps.

Forget it.

Enough for today, so let’s stop here.

Chen Xiu turned to look at Tang San who had passed out into a coma, then turned and jumped off the ring.

Tang San, you remember, I gave you all your victories.

But this is only temporary. When you are of no value, you will have no place to turn over again when you are in my hands.

So, take advantage of this moment, hurry up and enjoy the beauty of this moment.

As Chen Xiu walked down the ring, the ice and snow slowly melted, and Shrek Academy won.

27 battles and 0 losses.

The qualifier is over.

The only real gains from this battle are two people.

Chen Xiu and Tang San.

In that weird spirit power cycle, the cold poison and fire poison of the two were both acquired by the other half!

Tang San's body of poison was broken.

Chen Xiu's mysterious palm was also broken.

However, the interaction of the two toxins has allowed them to condense a golden body that is not poisonous!


The contest is over.

To everyone's expectations, Shrek Academy and Tianshui Academy were both defeated.

Tang San recuperated for a long time due to serious injuries.

Now, as Tang San's injury recovered, the award ceremony was held late.

"Next, Your Majesty, the Sect Master of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tiles, and Platinum Bishop Salas will issue promotion qualification certificates and bonuses to the five teams that are promoted."

The first five winning teams all have a bonus of 10,000 Gold Soul Coins.

As the awards were completed, the host gave the right to speak to the most noble Emperor Xue Ye.

Xueye Dadi's gaze was swept one by one from the representatives of the five colleges.

At last staying on Tang San, he smiled and said, "First of all, children, I want to congratulate you."

"You have successfully obtained the qualifications for this Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. As the supreme ruler of the Heaven Dou Empire, I am proud of you."

"You are all the hope of the empire in the future, so I decided to grant the captain and vice captain of each team the viscountry, and the rest of the team members will be baroned."

"Distribute fiefs after you graduate." The words of Emperor Xue Ye caught the eyes of the team members.

But Tang San's gaze was always on Xue Wu from Tianshui College.

This is really Xuewu.

She didn't know what was going on, she knew she slept in a daze.

Then, the game is over.

It seems that someone has participated in the competition for himself, and I don't know who is so kind.

Shui Bing'er didn't tell Xue Wu the truth. She was holding a routine at the beginning, only that someone had participated for her.

At this moment, Salas cut in suddenly: "Your Majesty, it's not good."

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