Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 292 King and Mount (Part 2)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"I can't hurt myself!" Shanxiu's voice came, and he landed without injury!

How could Chen Xiu fulfill his wish, "How did the suicide come about?"


Chen Xiu's words caused Shan Xiu to spit out blood. He just used his real ability.

But Chen Xiu was ruthlessly exposed.

Chen Xiu adjusted her posture, and the whole body's strength was condensed in her legs and dropped directly from the sky to Shan Xiu!

"Deadthorn Black Vine!"

When the words fell, countless black vines suddenly appeared on the ground, binding Chen Xiu in an instant!

"Ha ha."

"Little trick, Hei Teng will not attack his master."

Chen Xiu activated his true ability again, and in an instant, Heiteng released him.

Sunsu covered her chest, "But he only has one master!"

Hei Teng is about to catch Chen Xiu again!

"Yes, he only has one master, and that is me!" Chen Xiu said, and Wuhun instantly switched to Deadthorn Black Vine!

"The first soul ability, the battlefield of Deaththorn!"

When the words fell, Chen Xiu squeezed his backhand, and a large amount of black vines suddenly grew out of Shan Xiu's body and tied him up!

Shanxiu gritted her teeth and stomped her feet fiercely, "Fourth spirit ability, Spider Emperor Killing Formation!"


The black vines spread in an instant, and gradually formed the shape of a spider web on the ground!

Countless dead thorn spider teeth grew on the ground, all locked in Chen Xiu in the sky!

Whoosh whoosh...!

In an instant, tens of thousands of Deadthorn Spider Tooth rushed towards Chen Xiu!

"The second spirit ability, all plants are soldiers!"

Chen Xiu waved his hand, all the black vines around him turned into black armored soldiers and raised a reflective black shield!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

There was a series of blows, and the shield was shocked in no time!

Chen Xiu controlled these black armored soldiers to stand in front of her, one after another, going forward, regardless of life or death!

There are so many dead thorn spider fangs, Chen Xiu naturally won't sit still!

"The third spirit ability, the Spear of Deaththorn!"

Chen Xiu activated the third spirit ability a hundred times in an instant. In an instant, thousands of Spears of Deaththorn appeared on Shan Xiu's head!

"The Spear of Deaththorn, penetrates my enemy!"

Chen Xiu's words fell, thousands of spears of death thorns fell like a torrential rain!

Shanxiu's pupils shrank, and two pure white flames ignited instantly on her hands!

"Fourth Soul Ability, Burning Heaven!"

Shanxiu gritted her teeth, and the red lotus karma in her hand burst into a pillar of fire, directly swallowing a thousand spears of death thorns!

Not to mention that the spiritual space does not consume soul power, the soul power of the two has bottomed out!

That soul ability just now was Shanxiu's last soul ability, and he had no extra soul power!

Without the support of spirit power, the Spider King Killing Array also collapsed directly.

Chen Xiu's soul power was also exhausted and fell from the sky.

Suddenly, two iron swords appeared on the ground!

Chen Xiu and Shan Xiu's eyes flashed with sharp edges, and they both drew their swords and rushed towards each other at the same time!

Shanxiu picked up the long sword first, and swept Chen Xiu directly head-on!

Chen Xiu bent down to escape, and stabbed back with a sword in his backhand!

"You don't know how to use soul skills, and the same goes for swords!" Chen Xiu grinned.Bashan Academy

Shan Xiu raised his sword to block, "No, you will, I will!"

"You and I master sword moves, not sword intent. The consciousness is independent. You can only release soul skills one by one, but I can release 10,000 times at once!"

"I have everything and no love, but you, no!" Chen Xiu said, lifting the sword three times!

Shanxiu couldn't hold back this power, and immediately kicked back with a trembling wrist!

Chen Xiu blocked his attack with her knees, and turned back and kicked him directly!

"Also, I am faster and more ruthless than you!"


Chen Xiu kicked Shanxiu's abdomen, and Shanxiu, who was already injured, was kicked to the ground by him!

Chen Xiu held the sword in both hands, without any intention of underestimating the enemy, turned around and pierced Shan Xiu's chest!

The sound of a sharp weapon entering the body came.

The sword in Chen Xiu's hand turned to pure black at some point!

When the dark long sword pierced Shanxiu's chest, Shanxiu, who was completely white, was actually enveloped in darkness.

His clothes, starting to turn black inch by inch, including his hair color, are getting closer and closer to Chen Xiu!

"You are the mount, I am the king." Chen Xiu said lightly.

A black light appeared in Shan Xiu's body, and all of it was submerged in Chen Xiu's body.


Shanxiu's eyes gradually became blurred, and his and Chen Xiu's bodies slowly dissipated with the space, leaving nothing but nothing.


Outside, Chen Xiu opened his eyes from the bedroom.

The pale white spirit power and soul power together formed a brand new body.

Chen Xiu grinned, "Hello, my external avatar."

The new body opened his eyes, he knelt in front of Chen Xiu on one knee, and humbled his head, "Wang."

When Chen Xiu thought moved, he immediately controlled him.

Incarnate outside!

"Next, hide this body, if one day I die, I can use this identical body to complete the rebirth."

"With such a powerful mental power as me, even if my body is destroyed, I can seize a new body. I just don't know if my universe and heaven will follow me to another body."

Thinking of this, Chen Xiu directly entered the heavenly space.

It was still gray, only King Ye Zixiao and the Queen were smiling.

Chen Xiu felt a lot of fears pouring into his body, those screams, those fears, all kinds of pictures flashed in front of Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu tasted horror cheerfully, and with a wave of his hand, he turned the table and chair into pure metal.

Fear, spirit, and spirit power can modify this space together.

Chen Xiu first modified the table and chair to be made of pure metal, and then modified a lot of details.

Make these chairs and tables extraordinarily garish, with various delicate patterns.

Then Chen Xiu glanced at her feet, and instantly a large amount of floor surface appeared.

The patterns of these floors are connected, and they look like countless fragments.

Chen Xiu waved his hand again, and a wall suddenly appeared around them.

On the wall facing Chen Xiu's back, patterns of the world began to emerge.

There are always twenty-one sides on the wall. This is an irregular building. It is impossible to describe its weirdness in words.

Twenty-one walls are arranged irregularly, but they can all face the seats behind them.

Each wall has a corresponding tarot card pattern.

The wall behind Chen Xiu is the world.

After that, Chen Xiu looked at the top of his head again, and he waved his hand again, and a huge crystal chandelier emerged, bringing light to the dim space.

Chen Xiu slowly took his seat, and two photos suddenly appeared in front of him with a wave of Ye Zixiao and Xiao Hongyan.

"Thunder Douluo Yu Luomian, and the Pope of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong, this is the body I chose for you two. Are you satisfied?"

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