Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 299: The Fierce Soldier is Born!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Time passed quickly, and Liu Erlong also assumed the responsibility of the little monsters' teacher.

It's that Teacher Liu Erlong's stomach is a little bulging recently, maybe because of eating too much.

Tang San also closed his retreat and returned to the team.

Xiao Wu was also promoted to rank 39, not far from rank 40.

During the time when fighting Liu Erlong, Tang San also comprehended new skills.

A variant version of the Blue Silver Prison, the blue silver spikes!

Now, one month has passed, and the promotion competition for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is about to begin.

Liu Erlong said that he had some things to do, and he might not be back for a few months.

Everyone did not stop, and in the end, it was Flander, Zao Wou-ki and Qin Ming as the leading teachers to accompany the Shrek Seven Devils to participate in the competition.

In Shrek Academy, Oscar leaned against a remote corner and looked around. After making sure that there was no one, he tapped the wall lightly.

"it's me."

Oscar whispered.

When the words fell, a man rose in the shadow.

He wore this black suit, covered his face with a mask, and his whole body was monotonous black.

This man is the shadow warrior of the Holy Spirit.

"Spirit Seal."

The Shadow Warrior spoke.

Oscar nodded, then slowly raised his right hand.

I saw a golden pattern suddenly appeared on the back of his original white hand.

This pattern looks like a sun, and there is a golden vertical eye in the middle of the sun.

Seeing this pattern, the shadow warrior nodded, "The spirit pattern is correct."

Oscar carefully took out a scroll from his arms and gently handed it to the Shadow Warrior.

The shadow warrior took the scroll blankly, and then fled into the shadows in a blink of an eye.

"Xiao Ao, what are you doing here alone?"


Hearing Dai Mubai's voice coming out behind him, Oscar's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Take a deep breath, Oscar, you can't be nervous!

I saw Oscar turned his head, revealing that familiar and wretched smile, "Boss Dai, I have something good, do you want to take a look?"

Hearing Oscar's words, Dai Mubai couldn't help feeling disgusted, "Forget it, I don't want Zhu Qing to misunderstand."

"That's a pity, I'll go find the fat guy." Oscar said, turning and leaving.

Dai Mubai didn't care either, he adjusted his collar and walked slowly towards the girls' dormitory.


Holy Spirit teaches.


Finally, the poisoning has been quenched, and finally it's the last step!

Chen Xiu looked at the huge furnace in front of him, the poisonous refining sword was being locked in the middle of the furnace by countless red chains!

The craftsmen looked at the blood-red long sword in the furnace with excitement!

The sword is three feet long, the blade is pure black, and it is engraved with the unique spiritual seal of the Holy Spirit Church and pure black patterns.

There is a hole with a big eyeball in the hilt, I don't know what gemstone to set.

I saw Chen Xiu rubbing the small head of the magic soldier holy spirit with a fond look.

"Do you like the new body I prepared for you?" Chen Xiu smiled.

Huanbing Shengsheng nodded, without Chen Xiu saying, she had already jumped into the fire!

The flames in the furnace were Mingfeng’s Fire Phoenix True Flame, with the heat that had already refined Title Douluo!

The moment the magic soldier Holy Spirit jumped down, all his clothes were burnt.

She hugged the sword tightly with her tender skin, and a piercing sound came.

A layer of golden fire ignited instantly on his white flesh!

But in a blink of an eye, the phantom soldier Holy Spirit has turned into a pool of blood and melted into the sword.




The sound of three chains breaking!

The chain that locked the magic sword broke instantly!


The heat whizzed out from the stove, blowing Chen Xiu's long hair!

The refining sword rose from the furnace little by little, and the heat in it gradually dissipated.

When she ascended in front of Chen Xiudu, her blade was no longer flushed, and all the heat in it had dissipated.Daxia Chinese Website

Chen Xiu grabbed the hilt of the sword, his eyes revealed a faint joy.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiu's left hand stretched out slowly towards her eye socket.

With slight force, the finger directly pierced the eye socket, and he directly dug out his left eye.

A stream of blood poured out from his eyes.

Chen Xiu gently pinched her eyeball and placed it on the hilt of the magic sword!

The position of the ball just happened to put down Chen Xiu's eyes!

When the eyes entered, he was instantly locked by the magic sword!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiu's eyes inlaid on the magic sword began to turn blood red!

In the end, it became a blood-red vertical pupil ruby!

Chen Xiu closed her left eye tightly, and a trace of madness was revealed in her right eye.

He turned around holding the white demon refining sword, and slowly looked at the blacksmiths and spirit masters.

"A murderous soldier must drink human blood!"

When the words fell, Chen Xiu appeared in front of a soul master instantly!


The sound of the sharp weapon's flesh came, and Chen Xiu just made an understatement!

The soul master in front of him was cut apart like tofu!

Chen Xiu didn't even feel the resistance of the bones, it was a feeling of no resistance!

It's like cutting a piece of tofu!

Cutting iron like mud in the true sense!


"Why, why?"

A blacksmith asked while stepping back.

Chen Xiu squinted at him with one eye, then slowly stepped forward, swinging and dropping the sword.

But a light and shadow flashed, and the blacksmith fell to the ground and was divided into two halves.

Neat incision, clean cut surface, no trace of blood.

The two corpses became mummy as soon as they fell to the ground!

Their blood was absorbed by the Demon Sword in an instant!

Gradually, the pure white magic sword began to have blood.

Chen Xiu turned around lightly, and looked at the hundreds of soul masters and countless poor people present.

"My lord, we have worked so hard to forge your sword. There is hard work without credit!"

"Please don't kill us!"

"I still have a wife!"

"grown ups!"


"What else are you talking about, run away!!"

"One who can run is one!"


Seeing the crowd surging in all directions, one of Chen Xiu's one eye suddenly turned golden!

"Who dares to run?"

When the words fell, the scattered crowd suddenly stopped!

They are like being stopped by time. Some people keep their legs raised, and some keep turning.

Chen Xiu snapped his fingers and said lightly: "Come here."

It was another command, and everyone turned around stiffly like zombies.

They lined up in front of Chen Xiu in an orderly manner.

The hall master of the Hall Refining Hall swallowed by the iron furnace and dared not make a sound.







Under the flickering of the sword shadow, blood was flying, and the magic sword gradually turned into a real blood red!

The color of this blood is getting fresher and brighter!More and more strange!

Chen Xiu just kept simple movements, swinging the sword, swinging the sword, swinging the sword!

The screams kept coming, but there was no trace of blood flowing on the ground.

This is a feast of massacre.

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