Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 301 This is the last time

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Master, you can't kill, this child is your destiny, killing him will cause disaster!" Zong Yang said, he was about to come up to stop Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu didn't speak, but just hugged the child in front of her chest with one hand, then turned around and pointed at Zong Yang with the magic sword!

"Do you think I don't know anything?" Chen Xiu said with a cold expression.

Zong Yang's expression tightened, "Master, what are you talking about? Subordinates don't understand!"

"do not understand?"

Chen Xiu's bloody left eye suddenly opened!

A cyan eyeball suddenly appeared in Chen Xiu's eye socket!

Chen Xiu's long hair turned white, and a third eye opened on her forehead!

Two small golden horns appeared on both sides of the forehead.

No spirit ring emerged, and four small black circles appeared on Chen Xiu's arm!

this is!

Zong Yang's pupils shrank, he knew exactly what martial spirit this was!

Super Martial Spirit: Three-eyed Saint Antelope·Baize!

"Don't forget, who gave you your martial soul."

Chen Xiu's voice was very cold, and through his blue eyes that day, Zong Yang's luck was seen by him!

It was a pale white column of luck, with a black carp hovering at the bottom of the column.

But there are signs of eagerness!

Chen Xiu was looking back at her own luck, the imperial aura of the golden dragon around the pillar, but there is a pale new star that stands out in her body!

This white star is his newborn child!

Chen Xiu said that this child is a evil star, it is a fact, and Zong Yang said he is a fate, which is right.

It is the natal star, but also the evil star!

After staying, there is endless suffering, and the catastrophe of killing is coming!

Both pros and cons are like a long sword!

It can hurt the enemy or yourself!

When Zhu Guoer saw that Chen Xiu didn't hurt the baby any more, he didn't stop him anymore, just crying softly alone.

It's like a child with a toy taken away.

Bai Jie came over to comfort her quietly, trying not to disturb the two adults.

But Zong Yang said with a heart in his throat, "Master, the subordinates did not deliberately deceive, listen to me to explain!"

Chen Xiu slowly moved the magic sword to Zong Yang's throat, and then slowly traversed the blade!

"Don't be smart, since I can give it to you, then I can get it back anytime." Chen Xiu said, and the refining sword of the wrist left a blood mark on Zong Yang's throat!

"This is the last time." Chen Xiu said with a cold expression.


Zong Yang knelt on the ground instantly, his whole body was sweating, and he quickly covered the wound on his throat with his hand.

"Thanks...thank you, the leader...for not killing." Zong Yang said with difficulty.

The dead thorn seed in him has grown, and Chen Xiu's meaning is obvious.

I can kill you with my fingers, don't make small moves in front of my eyes.

This time, it is the last time, and the next time, you will no longer have the value of existence.

Although there are not many more capable than you, there are definitely many!

I believe there are many people who have given up their lives and want to sit where you are now!

What Chen Xiu hates most is betrayal. Although Zong Yang didn't betray Chen Xiu, he was rebellious.

Even if it meant a little rebellion, it was enough to nurture Chen Xiu's murderous intentions!

But Zong Yang has other irreplaceable use values, so Chen Xiu will tolerate it to a certain extent.

This time it was Zong Yang's greed and desires, it is inevitable that people have seven emotions and six desires.

Not everyone is as indifferent as Chen Xiu.

Zong Yang retired afterwards.

Chen Xiu released the magic sword in his hand and released the possessed spirit.

At the moment when Chen Xiusong released the magic sword, the sword body suddenly elongated and turned into a figure!Bobo Novels

This figure became more and more real, and finally stood directly beside Chen Xiu.

She is only 1.5 meters tall, with blood-red to shiny long hair, and an eyeball inlaid on her forehead.

She is undoubtedly the new phantom soldier Holy Spirit.

Chen Xiu picked up Jiuxin Begonia in his hand, first glanced at her left eye, and saw a green light flashing.

Chen Xiu opened his left eye again, and his left eye recovered.

Then Chen Xiu held the child in one hand, and took Zhu Guo'er's severed arm in the other.

Seeing Chen Xiu coming, Zhu Guoer hummed and turned his head to the side.

Never forgive him this time!

Don't forgive anything!

Chen Xiu didn't care about her, just connected her arm again.

He also used Jiuxin Begonia to restore her whole body.

Bai Jie consciously exited the room and closed the door.

Chen Xiu touched Zhu Guoer's head and handed the child to her.

Seeing her baby, Zhu Guoer was overjoyed and hurriedly hugged the baby into her arms, and then looked at Chen Xiu vigilantly.

The look in Chen Xiu's eyes was like looking at a bad person.

Zhu Guoer was sitting on the ground at this time, not feeling cold, just sitting on the ground and staring at Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu's cold complexion slowly dissipated, and he stepped forward and hugged Zhu Guoer.

"You let me go, people can stand up by themselves!"

Although Zhu Guoer said so, his body did not resist.

I don’t know if it’s because of the child in her arms, or because she’s just stiff mouth?

Chen Xiu carried Zhu Guoer onto the bed, and then reached out to touch the child.

Zhu Guoer saw Chen Xiuxiu's long hand stretched out, and instantly opened her mouth, and bit her sharp teeth on Chen Xiu's hand.

"Bite Nii."

Zhu Guoer bite very hard, but Chen Xiu did not withdraw her hand, just let her bite.

Until Zhu Guoer felt something salty in his mouth.

Released her mouth, it turned out that Chen Xiu's palm was bit through by her.

A row of blood stains hung on her white palms, and Zhu Guoer cried when she saw it.


Chen Xiu smiled and stroked her head, still not speaking.

After a long time, Zhu Guoer held Chen Xiu's bloody hand and whispered, "Does it hurt?"

Chen Xiu shook her head.

Zhu Guoer held the baby beside Chen Xiu, "I can only touch it for you."

Chen Xiu touched the child and showed a warm and sunny smile.

Sure enough, kill it.

Chen Xiu frowned, "Why is this child frowning? Isn't it a hug?"

Zhu Guoer felt so too.

"Bai Jie said that babies are born like this."

Chen Xiu thought about it, "It doesn't seem to be. It is said that my skin was smooth when I was born, so I made a mistake."

Zhu Guoer hugged the child and turned her body aside to prevent Chen Xiu from touching it.

"The wrong hug is mine. You are not allowed to hurt him."

The killing intent in Chen Xiu's eyes flashed past, and Zhu Guoer became smarter, not as stupid as before.

In the past, Zhu Guoer looked like a little girl in both body and mind.

Now, her body has grown up, only a head shorter than Chen Xiu.

And the mind has gradually grown.

Chen Xiu could even feel the fluctuation of soul power in her.

At level forty-nine, it is no different from Chen Xiu's spirit power!

Zhu Guoer, really transformed into a human!

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