Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 306 She Takes Drugs!

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Huo Wu frowned. Apart from her body, she really didn't know what she had to deal with.

I'm afraid this black robe man came for the same purpose as Feng Xiaotian.

"Don't you hate Tang San?"

"You don't even want to seek revenge from him all the time. Have you been waiting for this opportunity for a long time? But because of Tang San's performance just now, you have been shaken, didn't you?" The black robe man smiled strangely.


"Are you going to kill Tang San for me? Let me be your girlfriend when things are done?" Huo Wu said proudly.

She is very confident about her appearance and thinks that people close to her are all for her beauty.

She thinks everyone is greedy for her body, and the black robe in front of her is no exception.

She thinks so, but there is actually no problem.

After all, this is true in Blazing Academy. After Blazing Academy, there are still many licking dogs like Feng Xiaotian.

However, what she could not expect was that the black robe man didn't put him in his eyes at all!

All people taught by the Holy Spirit have a more sacred goal in their eyes, which is far greater than the desires of men and women.

Even if the fairies stand in front of them, they will be indifferent, because they have already served the Lord both physically and mentally.

"Ha ha."

"You have misunderstood, the transaction I told you is just a common money transaction."

With that, the black robe man took out a box from his arms.

"This is the elixir that I use a special channel. After taking it, people can greatly increase their soul power in a short period of time, bursting out a soul power that is far more than twice the usual!"

"How about selling you two thousand gold soul coins? Conscience enough?" The black robe man smiled.


Huo Wu's first reaction was fake. Can someone give her such a good thing?

But now that the word transaction was added, Huo Wu actually believed him a little bit with the foundation of money.

But two thousand gold soul coins are now his own net worth.

Usually there are good things, and those people are vying to give them to themselves. When will she buy them?

Even if you want to buy it, someone else will buy it for her.

"Two thousand is too expensive? Besides, if your medicine is true or false, I don't know." Huo Wu frowned.

"It's true or not, you'll know if you try it, you will be on the court right away, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Furthermore, you can come to me at any time after the end of the game. Anyway, everyone is here during the competition, right?"

The words of the black-robed man make sense. If it is really a fake, he will go directly to him when he gets off the court. Can he still run during the competition?


As the shadow warriors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they all have the ability to travel through the shadows together.

Seeing Huo Wu's heart, the black robe people still don't forget to add a fire, "I have a guaranteed quality. You can pay half of it in advance, and the other half will be honored later. If you breach the contract, then I also have the right to take you drugs before the game. Report the matter."

"But I think that will hurt both sides, so you'd better not do such an unwise move."

After thinking it over, think about how much you feel to Tang San, as long as she can be ashamed, she will recognize it too!

"Well, then I will prepay you one thousand gold soul coins. If I can really beat Tang San, then you come to me after the game and I will fulfill the agreement." Huo Wu said.

"Very well, I hope to work with you again, Miss Huowu."

After collecting the money, he handed the pill to Huo Wu, and the black robe man also slowly stepped back.

Money doesn't matter, it's just to make Huo Wu believe it more.

As for the real effect of the pill?


That's not a pill to increase soul power!

That was newly developed by the Holy Spirit, the Heart Demon Explosive Body Pill!

Thinking of this, the black robe man took out another box from his arms, and after that, as long as this was handed over to the elders of the Beast King, the task was successfully completed.

and many more.

How come this box looks familiar?

On closer inspection, this is not...

I fuck!


This is the Heart Demon Blast Pill!I love e-books

What I gave Huo Wu just now was the special rejuvenation pill requested by the elders of the Beastmaster!

This is what the elder of the beast king dragged him to refine the hall according to the task requirements.

The effect is thirty times that of ordinary rejuvenating pills!!

If this thing is eaten, one will die tonight!

No, this doesn't seem to be my concern!

What should I think about now?

Of course, I should hurry to find Huo Wu to come back!

However, when he turned around, Huo Wu had already knocked out the medicine and played.

It's over.

I'm gone.

Please remember me, everyone, I am a shadow warrior, code-named 47, and at the age of 24.


I can't just pass away like this, just think about 47!Use your witty little head to think of a remedy!


At this time, Huo Wu had slowly stepped into the playing field.

It is strange that from the moment he took the stage, his body suddenly became hot.

Moreover, it is getting hotter.

Is it the effect of the pill?

But why didn't I feel the increase in soul power?

Sure enough, it is a fake medicine.


Seeing Huo Wu flushed, Tang San wondered, what new trick is this?

Forget it.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Immediately afterwards, Tang San released his martial spirit, facing Huo Wu, he still had to use martial spirit.

Blazing Academy is not a trash academy like Barack Academy.

Huo Wushuang could not help but cheer for Huo Wu as he watched his sister's face getting more and more fierce, and her breathing more and more rapid.

He was supposed to be the first to appear, but Huo Wu rushed forward and said that she was the first.

Huo Wushuang could imagine his sister's anger.

Look at Huo Wu's anger, her complexion flushed, and she was out of breath when she was breathing.

How angry is this?

With the ups and downs of Huo Wu's chest, Tang San also noticed, this may not be a trick, Huo Wu may be sick.

Tang San could feel the heat from Huo Wu's body through the air.

So, is the fire martial arts spirit so strong when it gets sick?

Next time the fat man is sick, he must send more ice packs to avoid burning the house.

"Tang, Tang San..., me, me,...definitely..."

Seeing that Huo Wu was struggling to speak, Tang San sighed, "You are sick, so take the initiative to give in."

"I'm not sick!"

After Huo Wu yelled these words, she almost got unsteady and fell directly to the ground.

Blame that black robe man, what kind of medicine he gave himself!

I also blame myself, how come I believe his words for a while?

Now I'm dizzy, and I can fry an egg if I feel hot!

His legs tremble constantly, and he can't even stand steady.

But now it's too late to regret, and it's even more shameless to admit defeat!

It could have been a try, but now it's better, there is no chance of a complete fight.

However, looking at Tang San this way, he was actually a little handsome.


"I report, she is taking drugs!"

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