Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 320 Chen Xiu's evil!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this moment, Ye Feng understood how ugly the man in front of him was.

Your kindness to him is cruel to yourself.

How bad his character is, all the gorgeous looks and likable images are just a disguise.

Once you pierce his disguise, he will turn his face on the spot, regardless of all obstructions, and tear you to pieces with the most ugly face!

Hell is empty, demons are on earth.

He is the real demon.

Ye Feng regretted it, but it was too late.

Before, Ye Feng still had doubts in his heart. Is Chen Xiu really heinous?

Is it too extreme to see things on your own?

Ye Feng has a special ability. He can smell people's scents since he was a child. It is a unique smell.

A kind person always exudes a faint floral fragrance.

And people with dirty and dirty hearts will emit a stench like carrion!

This is the ability that he was born with. The reason why Ye Feng chose Li Hong and Hao Xingdi was because of their taste.

Ye Feng could feel the purest kindness in them.

Before, the smell of Chen Xiu made Ye Feng puzzled.

It is a faint peach blossom, as if being in a peach forest, it makes people feel bathed in spring breeze.

It was also because of this smell that Ye Feng hesitated, so he wondered if he was wrong?

But when Chen Xiu dropped that sword, everything changed!

The smell of Chen Xiu's body slowly changed from the scent of peach blossoms to a disgusting smell, and people would feel endless pain when they smell it.

This is the purest stench Ye Feng has ever heard.

No matter how dirty the heart is, there is even a trace of light and kindness in the heart.

Ye Feng understood that at this level, it was definitely not because of the so-called life that brought the man in front of him to where he is today.

It's just that he was such a person, he was born with that stench!

His bad nature was carved into his bones when he was not born.

That kind of evil to the bones, without any trace of light and conscience.

Ye Feng endured the terrible pain and forced Jiuxin Begonia to heal himself.

Ye Feng had never experienced that kind of painful feeling. He had never suffered such a serious injury.

The blood vessels of the whole body seemed to be covered with ants, and they seemed to hollow out their bodies bit by bit!

And his wounds are as if they were driven by a hammer, nail by nail!

Today, his consciousness has become increasingly blurred.

He could vaguely see Li Chen and Li Yao standing in front of him.

Unexpectedly, I still drag them down...

Chen Xiu moved her muscles and bones, and then slowly raised the magic sword!

"Unexpectedly, Jiuxin Haitang still has a descendant. Li Yao, others say that I don't plan for you. I now give you two choices."

Chen Xiu stretched out two fingers as he said, "One, hand over Ye Feng, from now on we will keep the water in the water, and two, you insist on stopping me, I will level your Excalibur Villa."

Without hesitation, Li Yao summoned the Martial Soul Breaking Dawn Sword. For a time, nine spirit rings rose one by one!

"Ye Feng is my disciple, if you want to fight, then fight!" Li Yao said with a face of war.

At this time, the disciple of Excalibur Villa had already climbed up from the ground with his body supported.

Chen Xiu suddenly regretted it. Why didn't she kill him just now?

"It's really troublesome, Uncle Feng, let's kill a Title Douluo for fun today?" Chen Xiu grinned.

Li Feng's eyes widened, and the decadent color in his eyes swept away, and the black robe on his body went without wind!

A gust of wind swept in, and for an instant, everyone's clothing was slapped by the wind.

A ray of blood flashed in Li Feng's eyes, "Is it finally the day, Li Yao, the revenge of the broken arm, you and I should be liquidated today!"

Li Chen led the other disciples back behind Li Yao, "Father, the current situation is very bad for us. The two titles of the other party can only use that."

Li Yao shook his head, "No, you are wrong, they only have one title, and the Spirit Sovereign is definitely not a title."

"Also, as a last resort, I will never use that, Chen'er, you take Ye Feng with you and leave first."

"Now the spirit emperor's goal is Ye Feng. As long as Feng'er is given time, his Jiuxin Begonia will heal him completely. The top priority is never to let the spirit emperor touch Ye Feng.

Li Chen nodded after hearing this, "This..., okay."

Chen Xiu's long hair was blown by the wind, and her figure gradually became longer, and finally hovered directly in the sky!

A gloomy light radiated from his chest, and something seemed to flicker.

This flickering light spot was seen by Li Yao in an instant!

Could it be!

Is this the spirit of the spirit emperor?

What the hell is it?

A weapon spirit or a beast spirit?

Or something else, the body, the spirit, are all possible.

In the chest, what could it be?

Chen Xiu spread his arms, and in an instant, a golden spirit power fluctuation suddenly spread from his body.

"Want to run, can you run?"

"I said that if you are still, you can't move forward."

The second spirit ability, true!

A layer of golden light instantly enveloped the audience, Li Chen was about to take Ye Feng away, but the two turned around and completely froze there.

Li Yao still couldn't feel Chen Xiu's spirit power, which made him feel an inexplicable depression.

Facing this unknown enemy is the most scary.

Fear comes from the unknown, and you will never fear what you understand.

What you fear is often what you don't understand.

People are afraid of ghosts because they don't understand them, nor can they understand them.

After all, the image of ghosts was originally narrated by the population to scare people.

Their communicators may not understand what they are and how they constitute.

Chen Xiu slowly raised the magic sword and appeared behind Li Yao in a blink of an eye.

Li Yao was startled, and the Dawn Sword in his hand was divided into nine in a blink of an eye, and he stabbed Chen Xiu while waving his hands!


The sound of a sharp weapon entering the body came.

The nine dawn swords pierced Chen Xiu's head thoroughly, and turned into meat in an instant.

However, in the next second, Li Yao felt a flower in front of him, and the space in front of him started to shatter like a mirror!

this is!

not good!

I didn't have any precautions before, and I unexpectedly lost the illusion of the Spirit Emperor!

According to Dugu Bo, once he is hit by this trick, there is basically no solution!

No matter what Li Yao thinks, it doesn't matter anymore, because Li Feng's martial soul, Haifeng Killing, has been put on his neck.

It was a long knife with a slightly curved back and various cyan whirlwind patterns on it.

Li Yao has been hypnotized by Chen Xiu's Jing Hua Shui Yue, as long as Li Feng moves his hand, he can directly wipe his neck.

But Chen Xiu didn't care about Li Yao's life, his goal was only one, Ye Feng!

Super Wuhun, Jiuxin Begonia!

Coupled with the one in Chen Xiu's hand, it happens to be able to merge two nine-hearted begonias into one, one step closer!

At this moment, Ye Feng and Li Chen really stopped moving due to Chen Xiu's initiation, so they could only watch Chen Xiu approaching step by step from the same place!

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