Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 323 Our Story Comes From Choice

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In a mysterious temple somewhere, an old man faced the angel statue and bowed his head respectfully.

"We are a family of angels."


Baidi City.

Baidi personally burned incense and bathed, leading his descendants to stand in a row respectfully to pray to heaven.

"We are the white tiger clan."


"We are, Dragon Race."


"We are, Celestial Warrior, Sun Bloodline."


Holy Spirit teaches.

Chen Xiu slowly opened his eyes. The injury on his body had already recovered, but he had fallen into a deep sleep for two days.

Now, Chen Xiu can't get a piece of it, and her perfect figure is just exposed to the air.

Several spirit master women slowly stepped forward with Chen Xiu's clothes, bathing and changing clothes for him.

Chen Xiu opened her arms and let them touch her body.

After some rectification, the maids all retreated, and Zong Yang walked in with a fan.

"What's the matter with the leader, how could it hurt so badly?"

A gleam of blood radiated from Chen Xiu's pupils, "The martial soul fusion failed, and I almost died with him."

"If I can't find anything to replace the energy of another world, I will never take the risk of trying to fuse martial arts."

Zong Yang was startled by Chen Xiu. Chen Xiu's expression was too fierce just now, just like his expression when he killed someone.

It really frightened Zong Yang.

"Master, the promotion race is over, and the Tiandou team is about to set off today, won't you rush back?"

Hearing Zong Yang's words, Chen Xiu directly sat down on the chair.

"Don't worry over there, I can fly over when the time comes, and it won't arouse others' suspicion. Nothing has happened in the teaching recently?"

Hearing Chen Xiu's question, Zong Yang hesitated for a moment, "There is no big thing, but there is a small thing."


Zong Yang put down the fan, and said solemnly, "Master Shengzi has a situation there."

As we all know, the Holy Spirit has only one son, and that is Chen Xiu's only son, Chen Qianzhu.

Since he was born, Chen Xiu has not taken care of him.

I haven't seen each other for a few months now.

Zong Yang waved his hand, the fourth spirit ability was activated, and a virtual image was projected in front of Chen Xiu.

The picture above shows Zhu Guoer and Bai Jie playing outside with Chen Qianzhu who had been in a few months.

This is all normal, but what Chen Xiu didn't expect was that Chen Qianzhu, who was less than a few months old, could already run and jump!

And he ran very fast, heard very high, every step was very regular, it was not like a child who was ignorant and could not grasp the balance.

His body developed a little too quickly, and it was beyond common sense.

Chen Xiu didn't think so, and others were not surprised. After all, he was the son of the leader, and he must be born extraordinary.

But what Chen Xiu didn't expect was that Zhu Guoer took Chen Qianzhu to lunch near noon.

What are you eating?

Zhu Guoer seems to like to eat the tender fruit, so she only eats these every day, and she can't stop eating.

It's bulging until the belly.

However, the young Chen Qianzhu was the opposite. He opened his mouth and bit into a steak!

Bai Jie on the side seemed to be discouraging, but it was useless. Chen Qianzhu was not interested in the milk and soft food at all.

At his age, his teeth have not yet grown, so he shouldn't be able to bite meat at all.

But what Chen Xiu saw was Chen Qianzhu tearing a piece of meat, swallowing it in his stomach in a few swallows.

Relying on Chen Xiu's eyesight, he clearly saw that Chen Qianzhu not only grew teeth, but also had sharp teeth like beasts.

"Master, do you see weirdness?" Zong Yang said.

Chen Xiu stood up blankly and walked directly outside the hall, "Go."

Zong Yang sighed and hurriedly followed, it is really hard to say what will happen next.Beauty Nest Novel


On a lawn, Chen Qianzhu, full of food and drink, just lay on the lawn to enjoy the sun.

Suddenly, it got dark.

Chen Qianzhu opened his small eyes and saw Chen Xiu's tall figure.


For some reason, as soon as he saw Chen Xiu, Chen Qianzhu was silent, his two small eyes were full of anxiety and fear, and his body trembling was afraid to move forward.

Chen Xiu waved his hand to hug him, but Chen Qianzhu drew him away.

Chen Xiu didn't show any expressions on the surface, but his eyes immediately turned pale gold!

At this moment, Chen Xiu clearly felt an unprecedented vitality!

In Chen Qianzhu's body, there was a terrible vitality, revealing endless temptation.

Just like Tang monk meat, one bite can live forever.

That's it.

Half soul beast half human.

Only then did Chen Xiu understand why he was so weird everywhere.

Under Chen Xiu's visual observation, although Chen Qianzhu has only been a few months old, he has the body shape of a normal child of one or two years old, but his body reveals something strange.

For example, in the dark eyes, there are a few circles of pupils stacked in the pupils, which look like double pupils.

The ten-finger nails are black with some weird lines on them.

Seeing Chen Xiu's sudden arrival, Zhu Guoer hopped over.

Then in Chen Qianzhu's puzzled eyes, he rushed into Chen Xiu's arms like a child.

What is mother doing?

Obviously this person is very dangerous, why should you approach him?

Who is he?

That day, Chen Qianzhu first came into contact with another character besides his mother, his father.

Sister Bai Jie told him this. He didn't understand the meaning of these two words at the time, nor did he understand his relationship with himself.

But he had a feeling at that time that something in Chen Xiu's body was attracting him.

His heart is constantly moving closer to Chen Xiu, and it seems that there is a charm that is pulling Chen Qianzhu.

Chen Qianzhu was scared, but he admired Chen Xiu a little bit.

He doesn't know why, he doesn't even understand what worship means, this is what Bai Jie's sister told him.

Strong people will make you feel scared, and will make you want to worship and respect him from the bottom of your heart.

Since then, Chen Qianzhu has changed, and he often peeks at Chen Xiu in secret.

Imitating Chen Xiu's every move, as if doing so would make him feel happy.

Sister Bai Jie said that she might have found something she likes, that's why she has that feeling and emotion.

There is no shortage of children in the Holy Spirit. On the contrary, there are many orphans and children everywhere.

They have also become an indelible part of Chen Qianzhu's childhood.

At the beginning, Chen Qianzhu was very happy to be able to play and play games with other children.

But as time went by, one day Chen Qianzhu suddenly felt that he was so naive.

Not only did his body grow faster, but his mind grew faster. This was all caused by his peeking and imitating Chen Xiu.

Playing with these children no longer brings him happiness.

As he understood the world more and more, he gradually began to yearn for the life of adults, and he yearned for the life of his father.

I remember that one day, Chen Xiu suddenly came to Chen Qianzhu and brought him three gifts, and told him that he could only choose one of them.

The first gift is a blood-red sword.

The second gift is the children's favorite toy.

The third gift is a variety of delicious and exquisite food.

Chen Qianzhu took the hilt of the sword without hesitation, and said the first sentence in history that he and Chen Xiu have met for so long.

"I want this."

Later, Chen Xiu asked him again: What kind of person do you want to be in the future?

Chen Qianzhu still didn't hesitate, and just said: "A person like you."

On that day, Chen Xiu showed a smile, a smile he had never had before.

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