Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 341 Encountering Su Yuntao

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!With the end of the game at Tiandou Royal Academy, Chen Xiudian went out with Yu Tianheng after smashing his purse.

Just the two of them, no one else called.

Yu Tianheng wanted to call everyone, but Chen Xiu said that there was an important thing, and only the two of them could know about it!

Finally, the two chose a more luxurious restaurant to sit in.

There are very few people in the restaurant, except for the staff, almost no one.

and many more.

There seems to be someone.

Chen Xiu took a closer look, isn't this Su Yuntao?

"Master Su Yuntao, don't come here unharmed." Chen Xiu said hello as soon as they met.

Su Yuntao didn't know Chen Xiu now, he had met Chen Xiu before.

But Chen Xiu had never seen this disguise.

When Chen Xiu called him an adult, Su Yuntao stood up in a daze, "Where I dare to call it an adult, I am just a great soul master, and your identities are much higher than me."

"Then, I have finished eating too, so I won't bother the two young masters."

Su Yuntao hurried out after speaking. It was not because of anything else. He always felt that Chen Xiu's eyes were a bit unkind.

How can he stand this?

He has been around for all these years, and he is only a small inspection of the Wuhun Palace, like the proud man of these days, how can he afford it?

Hey, it's better to go first in case of accidents.

Chen Xiu had some thoughts, but Su Yuntao suddenly left, not giving Chen Xiu a chance to say a word.

Forget it.

"Master Su Yuntao is really busy." Chen Xiu said with a smile.

Yu Tianheng and Chen Xiu found one of the most remote corners, and immediately after they sat down, a soul master came over.

"What do the two young masters want?"

Chen Xiu scanned the menu, and it was full of ingredients for various precious soul beasts.

Ordering here is different from the outside world, instead of buying finished products, but raw materials.

After choosing the ingredients, you can choose the cooking method.

Everything is selected according to your taste.

Chen Xiu pushed the menu to Yu Tianheng to let him make a choice.

Yu Tianheng ordered two dishes that Chen Xiu was familiar with.

It was the grilled dragon steak that Chen Xiu ate in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family a long time ago.

"Now can I say something important?" Yu Tianheng said.

Chen Xiu waved her hand, "Don't worry, don't worry, let's talk about it after dinner, by the way, we are adding two bottles of polar snow."

Yu Tianheng frowned, "You seem to be underage."

"Does it matter?" Chen Xiu said and passed the menu to the waiter.

The waiter took the menu and withdrew, and it didn't take long for the waiter to walk over with two crystal clear wine bottles.

The wine bottles are beautifully packaged, with snowflake patterns embedded in various colored glazes, which are rare crafts.

This so-called polar snow is an annual tribute of the Xingluo imperial family, and this bottle alone will cost 800 gold soul coins.

Eight hundred is a sky-high price that ordinary people can't earn in a lifetime.

For ordinary spirit masters, this is a huge sum of money that can only be obtained after decades of struggle.

Generally, people who only have brain pumping drink this wine in Wuhun City, and Chen Xiu not only ordered, but also ordered two bottles, which is indeed rich.

Yu Tianheng couldn't say anything, after all, it was Chen Xiu's treat.

"Tianxuan, looking at you now, I can hardly believe that you are only fourteen." Yu Tianheng said suddenly.I love Soudu

Chen Xiu raised her brows, "Oh, how do you say?"

"From appearances, you and I look the same age, about eighteen or nineteen."

"Those people outside think so too, but who would have thought that you are only fourteen years old as a monster."

Hearing Yu Tianheng's words, Chen Xiu smiled and said nothing. He didn't care about his age. If he wanted to, he could become both an old man and a child.

Chen Xiu was fourteen now, but his real height was 1.78 meters, even a little taller than Tang San and almost the same as Yu Tianheng.

"Don't talk about the ones that are not, today, I just want to have a good drink with your big brother."

After speaking, Chen Xiu grabbed a bottle of Polar Snow and directly opened the bottle cap with her fingers, and gave Yu Tianheng and herself a full glass.

Looking at the blue liquid in the delicate wine glass in front of him, Yu Tianheng felt very stressed.

He had heard of this wine, and heard that even if it was Contra drinking a bottle, he would order it!

This made him a bit uncomfortable, but Chen Xiu was bored in a mouthful, and even his expression didn't change.

"so so."

After that, Chen Xiu looked at Yu Tianheng, and the meaning was obvious. I did it all, so you don't give face.

No way, Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth and wanted to be as bored as Chen Xiu.

But he was stupid the moment the cold drink entered his throat!

what is this?

Yu Tianheng pinched his throat with his hand in an instant, and he felt that his throat was frozen!

That hot sensation, for some reason, made him exude a chill from his throat to his heart!

This is wine, this is clearly swallowing ice!

The extreme cold is hot, the extreme hot is cold, and then there is a two-pole reversal, the two heavens of ice and fire!

It took more than twenty minutes for Yu Tianheng to relax. He felt that he had already stepped into the underworld halfway before.

Now Yu Tianheng still feels a bit cold in his back.

But looking at Chen Xiu, he still had a drink without changing his face.

Is this a person?

Soon, two golden-colored test dragon rows were delivered.

Chen Xiu didn't move a sip, and was still there slowly tasting the wine, this time he didn't drink it all.

At this time, Yu Tianheng recalled that since Chen Xiu came to the Tiandou Royal Academy, Yu Tianheng had never seen him eat decent food once.

This has been the same since this journey, and every time I go to the hotel, I can hardly eat anything except for a drink.

The good name is to save them money.

But this time he treats himself, but still doesn't eat. What does it mean?

"Tianxuan, is this food not to your taste?" Yu Tianheng asked.

Chen Xiu did not shake the glass, "That's not true, but I only eat food made by one person."

Yu Tianheng was stunned for an instant. Chen Xiu's words meant that someone was tempted?

But Yu Tianheng didn't ask too much, after all, it was a private matter of others.

At this time, the effects of alcohol began to take effect slowly.

This wine is very strong, Yu Tianheng only felt his brain sink, and the surrounding scenery began to slowly overlap.

Chen Xiu saw that the time came and put down the wine glass, "Big brother, do you know why I can awaken the golden holy dragon's martial arts?"

Yu Tianheng shook his head with blurred eyes.

Chen Xiu smiled slightly, "Actually, I am just like you, but only the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon martial arts spirit, and the spirit ring is also a normal configuration."

"Until, I joined that organization, my spirit ring began to change sharply, my spirit power began to soar, and even the spirit of martial arts evolved into the legendary golden sacred dragon."

Yu Tianheng's pupils shrank, and with the effects of alcohol, Chen Xiu's words shocked him so much.

"And the price I paid was just a few useless bad lives."

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