Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 344 Join Shrek!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"So what does the ghost face Raksha's death have to do with you?" Tang San still kept focusing on this theme.

Ye Feng still patiently answered, "According to my investigation, this monster was created by the Holy Spirit."

"And Ghost Face Raksha is very likely to be an important figure in the Holy Spirit Cult!"

"The Holy Spirit's path is weird. It belongs to the type of dragons that don't see the end. I have caught them at the lowest level."

"But no matter how I asked him, whether it was bullying or temptation, he just refused to say, and finally committed suicide by taking poison."

"So, I decided to start with a line and spy on the Holy Spirit Cult from the side, and the ghost face Rakshasa was the point I chose."

"I believe that as long as it is around him, I can definitely find something."

There is also the influence of Ye Feng's strange sixth sense.

He felt that investigating the ghost face Rakshasa would definitely find something.

"So you investigate Ghost Face Raksha, what does it have to do with me?" Tang San kept asking what did it have to do, which shows that he is trying his best to avoid this matter.

"Tang San, haven't you thought about it?"

"Why is my sister dead as soon as that ghost face Rakshasa died, is this too coincidental?" Ye Feng said.

"You have also asked a lot, so can I ask you a question too?" Tang San asked actively this time.

Ye Feng froze for a moment, "Of course it can."

"Why do you want to investigate the Holy Spirit Cult? If it is to avenge your sister, what is the use of investigation? What do you use to avenge?" Tang San asked a very realistic question.

What if the investigation is clear?

The enemy is clearly placed there, do you dare to move him?

In the final analysis, this is a world where powerism is paramount.

Without that strength, don't say that kind of big talk.

Ye Feng smiled slightly, "Yes, so I need your help."

Tang San was silly, "Do you think I can deal with the Holy Spirit Cultivation by adding one?"

Ye Feng shook his head, "Naturally not, we still need more people, so I created Dawn."

When the words fell, a green ripple suddenly splashed around Ye Feng.

In an instant, everyone felt that their state had returned to their peak!

And this is just a little spirit power sputtered out of him!

This terrifying vitality, every turbulence of the green ripples, seems like a heartbeat, regular and can bring a burst of warmth to people.

After that, five spirit rings slowly rose up beside Ye Feng.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black!

Five rings!

Flender's eyes lit up and he quickly held Ye Feng's hands, "My child, how old are you this year? Have you ever joined the Soul Master Academy?"

"If not, then there might be one, if there is, then might as well change another? If you don't want to change, why not have one more?"

Qin Ming quickly stepped forward and pulled Flanders away, "Dean, don't be ashamed. Such a genius must have already joined the Soul Master Academy."

"No, I haven't joined any college yet." Ye Feng replied.


Hearing this, Flender's body shook, and instantly pushed Qin Ming away, only to see that he pushed his glasses and walked to Ye Feng with a serious face.

"Do you know that the encounter between you and me was due to fate! From the first time I saw you, I knew that you were destined to join Shrek!"

"By the way, and this kid next to you, what is your name?"

Hao Xingqin gritted his teeth, "I am sixteen years old, not a child!"

When the words were over, Hao Xingqin's martial arts soul slowly appeared in front of her, and seven twinkling stars appeared on it.

Immediately afterwards, there were five more spirit rings.Biqugek

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black!

It's another five rings!

Flander stared at the Venus, and instantly held Hao Xingqin's slender hand, "This mature lady, please join Shrek Academy!"

Hao Xingqin snorted and took back the Martial Soul, "It's pretty much the same."

Ye Feng touched her head, "Don't keep your face straight, just smile."

Hao Xingqin glared at him, "I want you to control, shut up, dead."

Ye Feng's complexion froze, he recently gained a strange nickname.

On the way, Hao Xingqin called Ye Feng if there was nothing to do, he was dead, really poisonous.

"Then your answer?" Flander asked.

Ye Feng thought for a while, "We often travel around, I'm afraid we can't stay in one place for a long time, so sorry."

Flander had expected this a while ago, so he still has a back hand.

"Then you can put up a name, as long as you two help us once at this time, you can come to Shrek directly to find me if you have something to do. It is my duty to Flanders!"

Ye Feng and Hao Xingqin looked at each other, "In fact, this is what we planned."

"We are going to investigate the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, so we originally wanted to take advantage of the competition and join you Shrek temporarily."

Flender clapped his hands, "That feeling is good, walk around, come, sit here!"

The two sides hit it off immediately, and then Ye Feng and Hao Xingqin were led into the rest area of ​​Shrek.

However, Flander didn't care about the three or seventy-one, he asked the two people's information and went directly to the organizing committee to register.

At this time, Ye Feng also expressed his doubts.

"Yu Tianxuan is equally suspicious, leaving aside his background and background, it's hard not to doubt his five ten thousand-year spirit rings, and the suddenly mutated golden holy dragon martial arts spirit."

"The so-called twin martial arts suddenly appeared recently. If I am suspicious, then I have nothing to say."

"And if he is a person taught by the Holy Spirit, he must be an important person!"

"So, this time, no matter what, I have to get in touch with Yu Tianxuan more."

"In return, Hao Xingqin and I will help you win the second place in the competition. As for the Wuhun Palace team, it is better not to play, so as not to get into trouble."


Good guys!

Listening to this posture, this Ye Feng said to have them and easily defeat the Wuhun Temple, it is not a matter to get the first place!

But because it was more troublesome and would offend the Spirit Hall, they thought it was enough to take the second place.

"I am from the auxiliary system, and Hao Xingqin is from the control system. Look at the match."

Ye Feng is an auxiliary department, he himself said it was the Jiuxin Begonia Martial Spirit, but Tang San didn't see the Jiuxin Begonia.

But no matter what, the vitality emanating from Ye Feng's body should never be underestimated!

Therefore, Tang San was going to replace Oscar to make up for Ye Feng.

As for Hao Xingqin, he had heard of Hao Xing Wuhun, but he didn't understand it, and he didn't know whether the control effect was strong or not.

Therefore, Tang San decided not to let her play for the time being, after all, her appearance was really not reassuring.

A little kid, do you tell others that she is a level fifty soul king?

However, Tang San still understands through the influence of his previous life, and he cannot judge people by their appearance.

Feeling Tang San's gaze, Hao Xingqin suddenly turned his head to look at him, "What are you looking at, Bald, believe it or not, I bit you?"


Thanks to the local tyrants, moonlit nights for their rewards.

I wanted to watch eight changes today, but if my relatives at home passed away, it might take a few days to make up for it next time.

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