Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 346: The Strongest Nanny Ye Feng

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Undying Haitang's heart, even if Ye Feng only has five rings, he only has two spirit abilities.

But these two spirit abilities don't need the spirit ring to release, so the spirit ring is just a decoration.

It was possible that it had inherited the characteristics of the original Jiuxin Begonia, no matter how many spirit rings were attached, there was only one spirit ability.

But that is not correct. It should be said that every time a spirit ring is acquired, the spirit ability will be strengthened once.

In other words, why the Jiuxin Begonia was rated as Super Martial Soul.

The reason is simple, that is extreme!

Unlike other auxiliary spirits, Jiuxin Haitang only specializes in curing this.

You can even understand that the intensity of Jiuxin Begonia's treatment is the intensity of all spirit rings fused together!

If you have five 20,000-year spirit rings, then the spirit abilities you release are of the strength of 100,000 years!

And after this martial spirit fusion, it gained another ability, and similarly, the effect of this spirit ability is the same as the previous treatment.

Both are to obtain spirit ring enhancement, and there is no conflict between the two spirit abilities.

In other words, you have acquired a hundred-year spirit ring, and it is not one of the abilities that is enhanced, but the two are enhanced together!

The two abilities that Ye Feng currently mastered were healing and turning injuries.

'Zhuan hurt' Ye Feng prefers to call it'difficult to deal with.'

The reason is simple, the effect of this spirit ability is actually to transfer all the damage suffered by others to oneself.

Of course, Ye Feng can also spread the damage equally to everyone, so that he doesn't have to stand alone.

But Ye Feng didn't do this, he took all his teammates to him at the beginning of the game!

In other words, all the injuries suffered by the six people will be transferred to him alone!

But Ye Feng didn't care about it, "You can play it with confidence, I will stand up to everything."

When the words fell, Su Yuntao shouted, and the game started!

Tang San and the others still didn't know what the green line implicated from them meant.

There is a green and luminous silk thread on the chest of the six Shrek, which is connected to Ye Feng's chest.

They don't understand what spirit ability this is, but now it's on the arena, and they can't speak.

Davis's mentality has collapsed, especially Zhu Zhuyun is still talking about it.

"No, it's impossible. She was only at level 20 when she left home, and only two years have passed. How could she break through level 40?"

Zhu Zhuyun seems to have been hit, so why not Davis?

Dai Mubai was five years younger than himself, but his spirit power was about to catch up with him!

No, definitely can't keep him!

Even if you are fighting against the rules, you must get rid of him in this competition!

Davis was cruel and decided to kill Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing in the arena, forever!

At this moment, Dai Mubai's heart was extremely cheerful!

Ever since he was young, Davis has never been able to appreciate him, now!

Seeing the jealousy in Davis's eyes, Dai Mubai finally had a feeling of being faced squarely!

As the game started, Ning Rongrong instantly started to increase the Shrek players!

In an instant, the colorful streamer plunged into the five people, and Ye Feng said that he didn't need to increase the amount, so Ning Rongrong did not give him the increase.

Accompanied by Tang San's command, Davis and Dai Mubai simultaneously released the white tiger body barrier and rushed towards each other!

Although their spirit abilities are not exactly the same, the first three spirit abilities are exactly the same!

Because the first three spirit abilities are given by the family, these three spirit abilities are the best combination that the family has gone through many generations of experiments!

Immediately afterwards, Davis and Dai Mubai met!

The two simultaneously launched the White Tiger King Kong Transformation and blasted at each other!


The sound of spirit power colliding and exploding came, and Davis was instantly stunned by two steps, but Dai Mubai remained unharmed.Must-Read House

Davis was dumbfounded, and Dai Mubai was dumbfounded too!

what's the situation?

Dai Mubai even felt that Davis's fist just now was limp, like a child's hand, making him unable to feel any strength.

Tang San suddenly thought of something at this moment, and suddenly looked back, as expected!

Ye Feng suddenly took two steps back just now, only to see a green light flashing on him, and then he returned to his original position.

That's it!

Tang San suddenly realized!

"Ye Feng, how long can you last with this trick?"

Hearing Tang San's question, Ye Feng smiled slightly, "It's infinite, just go ahead, I am immortal."

Seeing Ye Feng's confident smile, Tang San had no scruples, and directly used the blue silver grass to pull Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun to the back row of the other party!

Since the damage can be transferred to Ye Feng, there is no need to hesitate!

You can directly use the unfailing style of play!


Davis roared, and suddenly jumped up to beat the four back!

But what he didn't expect was that, including himself, all his teammates were beaten back by Shrek!

But Shrek rushed to their auxiliary spirit master unscathed!

Davis also wanted to understand at this time, it must be because of the five-ringed soul king!

It is definitely the ghost of his spirit skills!

It was too late to give him time to think, and the four Shrek had arrived in front of them in the back row!

Zhu Zhuyun, like his teammates, tried to attack them from behind!

The result is very unified, no matter how much power they use, how many spirit abilities they use, they can't cause any harm to everyone in Shrek!

And these injuries will not disappear, Ye Feng has eaten them all!

However, he has been treating himself so that he is not directly swallowed by the accumulated damage!

Ye Feng's act of treating himself is equivalent to treating everyone in disguise.

It's just that he collected all the injuries on himself and treated them uniformly.

Davis suddenly grabbed Zhu Zhuyun, "If we don't kill the Soul King, no matter how much we attack, it will be useless, Zhu Yun, Wuhun Fusion Skill!"

Zhu Zhuyun also realized the problem at this time, Davis fell silent, and the two quickly hugged each other.

The four Shrek have successfully killed the back row in a wave of fire!

And the only remaining members of the Star Luo Royal Academy actually gave up attacking Dai Mubai and them!

They turned and rushed towards Ye Feng, who was standing at the back!

Of course Tang San couldn't let them do what they wanted, "Blue Silver Cage!"

"It's late!" Davis grinned and instantly merged with Zhu Zhuyun!

The white tiger gleaming with golden light jumped out and merged with the civet emitting a faint black light in the air!

The huge Nether White Tiger once again appeared in front of everyone!

And the remaining three spirit masters on Xing Luo's side were directly controlled by Tang San's Blue Silver cage!

Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu turned to attack the soul master who was under control, but Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing held hands.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill, we will too!" x2

When the words fell, the scene was exactly the same as before, and another huge white tiger appeared!

Davis and the others were wholeheartedly trying to kill Ye Feng, so they didn't care about Dai Mubai and pounced directly on Ye Feng!

But Ye Feng looked at the oncoming Netherworld White Tiger, still looking calm.

"Only the Spirit Sovereign can take my life, and you are not even qualified to give the Spirit Sovereign shoes, let alone kill me."

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