Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 360 Finals (Part 2)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chen Xiu and Tang San's two eyes collided in the air, and a spark that was tearing the air instantly ignited.

Tang San clenched his fists, this time, he must avenge his teacher!

Chen Xiu's provocation was successful, and Tang San's heart was already ignited with hatred.

"Very well, it's this kind of gaze, come on Tang San, come and try, let me see if you can turn the tide as before!" Chen Xiu grinned.

The players from both sides entered the arena, and the fourteen stood facing each other.

Dai Mubai opposed Yu Tianheng, Chen Xiu opposed Tang San...

Soon, with the referee's order, "Preparing for the game, both sides can release their martial arts!"


With a roar of the dragon, Yu Tianheng took the lead in completing the possession of Wuhun!

A purple beam of light soared into the sky, and Yu Tianheng instantly completed the possession of the spirit!

However, Chen Xiu did not move, because the magic sword had already appeared in his hand.

After that, Dugu Yan Bai Chenxiang and the others also released their martial souls.

The expressions on Tang San and others' faces remained unchanged, and they were not overwhelmed by the spirit possession of Chen Xiu and Yu Tianheng.

In terms of momentum, Shrek can be said to be no weaker than Heaven Dou!

But it was strange that Shrek and his party didn't release the martial spirit, and they didn't know what calculations they had made.

The headed Chen Xiu had four purples and one black and five spirit rings around him, while Yu Tianheng had two yellows and two purples.

"The game begins!" With the referee's order, the two sides opened the distance instantly.

The Shrek side did not choose to attack. It is strange that instead of choosing to attack, they retreated quickly!

Until everyone retreated to Tang San's side and formed a circle.

The circle began to change slowly, and Tang San walked out from inside, and was surrounded by Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

Soon, the five people outside began to walk around them.

this is!!

The spirit power fluctuations of the seven began to spin together and gathered into a vortex, which shocked everyone present!

Look at this posture!

Could it be a seven-in-one fusion technique?

Chen Xiu's magic sword shook twice, "Interesting, seven-in-one fusion technique, let me learn it."

At this time, the two brothers Stone Mill and Graphite suddenly guarded Chen Xiu.

"Big Brother Tianxuan, you can't go, you are our main force, let us both carry it!"

Chen Xiu frowned, "No, you retreat, I must take this move."


"It's nothing, trust me." Chen Xiu said with a confident smile, and then slowly stepped forward.

At this moment, Douluo was shocked by Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi, and the three titles sitting in front of the Pope's Hall!

Have they been hiding?

Has been hidden until the finals!

How confident are you at this time?

Bibi Dong also had to admit that she really underestimated Shrek.

On the court, the steps of Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, and Zhu Zhuqing were surprisingly consistent.

As if following some rhythm, the spirit power fluctuations on the four of them also formed a special trajectory.

Standing in the center of the formation, Ning Rongrong held hands with Oscar and closed his eyes at the same time.

Nine-colored radiance rose from Ning Rongrong, while a faint pink light appeared on Oscar.

Two rays of light circled back and forth, rising to the sky!

Chen Xiu has slowly approached everyone in Shrek. If they are motionless, then Chen Xiu will be on their faces in the next second!Yunnan Novel Network

"Change--!" Tang San suddenly shouted.

Shrek's strange formation was changing, with Tang San at the forefront, and then it formed a triangle.

The two in the back passed their spirit power to the two in front, and the two in front passed it on to the front.

By analogy, in the end all the spirit power of the seven was gathered on Tang San!!

After that, Ning Rongrong instantly released the boost to the seven, but in the next second, all these boosts were transferred to Tang San!

"Clear Sky Hammer!"

That's right, Clear Sky Hammer!

This is another news that shocked the audience!

Tang San turned out to be a twin martial soul!

And the second martial arts spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer!!

Thanks to Chen Xiu's help, Tang San did not reveal the secret of the Clear Sky Hammer in advance, but broke out at this moment!

But it has completely attracted Bibi Dong's eyes, seven-person fusion skills, clear sky hammer, twin spirits.

All this together made Bibi Dong shocked and speechless.

"Could it be his son."

Very well, Chen Xiu's goal has been achieved, and Bibi Dong has truly paid attention to Tang San!

In the arena, a surging black light gushed out from Tang San's left palm. At this moment, he suddenly raised his head!

Purple-golden rays of light gush out from his eyes, and under the action of the purple magic pupil, everything in front of Tang San slows down.

My left hand is activated, and under the lead of the black light, the Clear Sky Hammer flies out of thin air from bottom to top!

The hammer body did not rotate at all, but flew straight up. Following a thunderstorm, the Clear Sky Hammer began to grow in a straight line!

The original hammer has become the size of a water tank!

The horrible breath burst out with a strong black light, dragging a black tail flame in the air!


The black Clear Sky Hammer fell and slammed directly at Chen Xiu with the momentum of thunder!

But in the next second, the graphite and stone mill brothers rushed over holding the basalt shield!

The crackling sound made the whole Wuhun City heard!

The graphite and stone-milled martial souls were instantly crushed, and the two people fell down one after another with blood spewing out under their powerlessness.

But Chen Xiu took the blow with the Demon Sword.

"What are you two idiots doing? Didn't I say that I was enough!" Chen Xiu shouted at the two.

The stone grinders and graphite forced a smile, "Big Brother Tianxuan, this is the only thing we can do for you. We know that you can't take that blow, so don't force it..."

Indeed, the power of this blow has exceeded Chen Xiu's imagination.

Without releasing his martial soul, he would definitely be smashed and smashed after holding a magic sword.

If the two brothers didn't stand up for Chen Xiu, he might really not be able to take it down.

"Really two idiots." Chen Xiu frowned and her wrist suddenly turned into a dragon!Directly picked Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer with his sword!

What a great power!

Holding the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, Tang San was almost pushed by this force, but fortunately, a partner worthy of his back pushed him behind him.

Otherwise, the seven-in-one fusion technique just now might disintegrate instantly!

Tang San's strike just now had already reached the 70th-level Soul Sage's casual strike.

If it weren't for Chen Xiu to resist this blow at last, the two brothers would have become flesh after the hammer.

Chen Xiu should really thank them. Without them, it would not be easy for Chen Xiu to take that move.

Oslo and Bai Chenxiang came quietly and quickly retreated to the back of the team with the two brothers.

Yu Tianheng slowly walked over to shoulder to shoulder with Chen Xiu, "Let's go together."

Chen Xiu nodded, "Also."

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