Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 363 I still won!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Referee, I request to check his storage soul guide!" Ye Feng raised his right hand and said.

The referee's eyes narrowed, "Sorry, we cannot take responsibility for you. You need to bear the consequences of the investigation."

"If you really want to do this, once you find that there is no problem after investigation, you must compensate Yu Yu Tianxuan ten times, or promise him one thing unconditionally."

Ye Feng nodded without worry, "I agree!"

The referee impartially enforced the law, nodding directly to the middle of the two.

"Then, Yu Tianxuan, please give your storage soul guide to Ye Feng for inspection."

Chen Xiu sighed, instead of handing over the ring, she took the initiative to take out the magic sword!

At this moment, the truth is revealed!

Without disarming the Golden Sacred Dragon, Chen Xiu took out the magic sword again!

This has it all!

"Unexpectedly, he is not a twin spirit!"

"This news is too explosive!"

"Who would have thought that Yu Tianxuan, who is the main force of Heaven Dou, would cheat!"

The person who was most shocked must be Tang San, "I didn't expect that his twin spirits turned out to be fake. Sure enough, it turns out that this is what happened to Longhua before..."

Bibi Dong's expression became gloomy, and now that things were heading for the worst.


There was a sound of a sharp weapon entering the body, and the scene fell silent for a moment.


With another sound, Chen Xiu directly pulled out the magic sword that had been pierced into Ye Feng's heart.

Ye Feng's pupils suddenly enlarged, and instantly covered his heart and knelt down, "You, you, you..."

Chen Xiu also knelt down slightly and whispered in Ye Feng's ear: "I think you can resurrect a few times."


Hearing this, Ye Feng's pupils couldn't help but widen a bit, what he meant!

Could it be!

Although it is similar, it is impossible, right?

Feeling the vitality surging in his heart, the injury on his body quickly recovered, and the broken heart became intact in a blink of an eye.

But the next second, Ye Feng was dumbfounded!


Chen Xiu stood up and confronted him half of his body with a blow!

"I'm not dead yet, come, let me see how many times you have to kill you to die!" Chen Xiu grinned.

Spirit emperor!!

It's you!

Ye Feng was finally sure at this moment, he was so familiar with this face!

Before, I just felt like temperament, now it's not just temperament!

Ye Feng couldn't forget Chen Xiu's ugly face and the disgusting stench on him!

I haven't smelled it before, but now!

Ye Feng finally smelled it, this stench that only belonged to Chen Xiu!

"Think of who I am, but it's too late."

Walking up and down, Chen Xiu kicked Ye Feng to the ground, pierced his body with a demon sword, and then flipped and cut it left and right!

He chopped his body into one piece after another, without shouting, because Chen Xiu cut his throat directly.

Hold the sword with both hands and insert it into Ye Feng's pupils, cutting the bones, and crushing his brain by the way!

The scene in front of him was very bloody and terrible.

Even the soul masters who have experienced many battles were shocked and speechless.

This Yu Tianxuan is so spicy at a young age!Find a book

I am afraid it will be another evil when it grows up in the future!

"Come on, continue to resurrect, let me kill you a thousand times!" Chen Xiu smiled grimly.

After waiting for a while, the flesh and blood on Ye Feng's body began to heal again.

Chen Xiu did not give him a chance to heal completely, and continued to chop up his limbs!

"The first soul ability, the seven stars determine the tone!"

Suddenly a piano sound came, and Chen Xiu's body instantly froze.

Dai Mubai jumped up, and a flying kick hit Chen Xiu.

Chen Xiu's body was kicked into the air, and it took about eight seconds to release the control on his body, and a backflip landed.

Chen Xiu wiped the blood stains on the corners of her mouth, "What kind of spirit ability is this that can force me to control for eight seconds and can't be removed?"

It was Ye Feng's companion, Hao Xingqin who used the trick just now!

As a descendant of the Seven Stars, she has the ability to directly control others for seven seconds!

This is the inheritance of stars, a normal Haoxing Martial Spirit can only force others to control for one second.

And this second can be accumulated, not in oneself, but in the next generation!

This is a characteristic that Chen Xiu has not discovered before.

Because the Haoxing Martial Soul he had previously had no celestial heritage.

And today, Chen Xiu saw the inheritance of stars through Hao Xingqin's martial soul!

"That's it, interesting!"

Just as Chen Xiu flipped her wings and was about to rush out, she was instantly pinched by two big hands!

"You have already lost."

The speaker was Shrek’s Dean Flander, and he and Zao Wou-ki held his left and right shoulders respectively.

"Don't make a mistake, okay? It was just a personal grievance just now. Tang San was already out of the game, and our captain was still on the court, so we still won." Chen Xiu grinned.

Flender turned his head with a shocked look. Sure enough, Yu Tianheng was still lying on the court!

And Tang San was left off the court long ago!

It turned out that he had already figured out how to win even if he was identified!

"You can bear me and me again, yes, I cheated, but even if I were to be eliminated, we still won."

Looking at Ye Feng, who was still barely recovering, Hao Xingqin knelt beside him and the corner of his eyes turned red.

"Why do we have to come up, we shouldn't care about this, dead man, aren't you already dead? Get up quickly!"

"Didn't you say you want to avenge your brother? Why did you make it so miserable? Are you lying to my tears?"

"If it is...then you...then you, you succeeded..." Hao Xingqin's tears fell unconvincingly.

She cried and shook Ye Feng's body, "Get up quickly~ Aren't you immortal?"

Not dead?

Chen Xiu smiled disdainfully when he heard this word, and saw him turning over and kicking him on the stomach of Zao Wou-ki and Flender.

The two did not expect Chen Xiu to exert his strength at this time and was completely caught off guard.

And Chen Xiu didn't rush to Ye Feng again, just fluttered his wings and flew.

Looking at the devastated earth, blood and chaos accompanied by death and injury, Chen Xiu showed a happy expression on her face.

Why does he never get tired of this scene?

Chen Xiuzhen should call herself an artist, who can properly and beneficially thicken such a beautiful scene.

"Referee, can you announce the result of the game?"

Bibi Dong nodded to the referee, and the referee immediately said: "Congratulations to the Tiandou Royal Academy for winning the championship in this competition, now you can send someone up to accept the award."

Chen Xiu tried to absorb Ye Feng's martial arts in the air, but the result was the same, unable to absorb anything.

Ye Feng is not dead yet.

Forget it, it doesn't matter, since he is going to die sooner or later, let him live a little longer.

Turning his head to look at Tang San, Tang San was already in a coma with his eyes closed.

"Tang San, let you beat me a hundred times, I only beat you once."

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