You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The blue robe was added, nine thunder dragons attached to it, and the slightly thick beard set off the angular face.

It can be seen that when he was young, he must be a popular girl, but because of his high age, the years have already erased his once handsome face.

However, his height of 1.97 meters, coupled with his calm temperament, still showed endless majesty.

This person is the Sect Master of the Blue Power Overlord, Yu Luomian, and he is also the second Patriarch of the Blue Power Overlord Family.

The master is his brother, who died decades ago, and transferred all of his huge family business to him.

Why didn't Yu Luomian wander around and participate in all activities like Ning Fengzhi did?

The reason is simple. He needs to deal with the affairs of the whole family alone. As the only title in the family, how can he have time to deal with outside affairs?

But today, the finals of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Contest allowed him to put down everything on hand!

As expected of his apprentice!

Although the old opponents from many years ago have all entered the coffin, their descendants have stayed.

What he did not accomplish back then is now done in Chen Xiu, and his life is no regrets.

He had been watching in secret, he didn't intend to make a move.

But seeing that Haotian Douluo dared to attack his lover, this Yu Luo Mian couldn't hide it immediately!

"I see who dares to move my apprentice!"

Little Haotian Douluo, thinking that when he became a Title Douluo, Tang Hao might still be drinking milk at home!

If it weren't for the side effects of using that taboo spirit bone, how could his spirit power drop from level 96 to level 95?And there is no improvement in life!

If it was his heyday, not to mention one Tang Hao, four Tang Haos would be the same!

Seeing Yu Luomian's appearance, Tang Hao instantly smiled, "Old guy, finally came out, I'll leave it to you here, I'll take my son away."

After speaking, Tang Hao rolled up Tang San and Xiao Wu and disappeared.

Not bad!

Yu Luomian repeated Tang Hao's full set.

Obviously, Tang Hao had discovered Yu Luomian here long ago, because he had been lurking in the dark, and they had discovered each other.

But Tang Hao's previous blow had already consumed 90% of his soul power. If Bibi Dong catches up at this time, then he really has nothing to do.

Therefore, before Tang Hao pretended to attack Chen Xiu, he was actually trying to force Yu Luomian to put him behind!

Bibi Dong was already burning with anger before she saw Yu Luomian appear, she wanted to release all her anger on him!

But Bibi Dong knew that no matter how great the loss was today, she couldn't kill Yu Luomian on the spot.

Because that plan has been prepared for countless years!

Don't ruin the future plan just because of a moment's breath!

Now that the other six Title Douluo were all seriously injured, Bibi Dong really didn't have the confidence to win the Yuluo crown.

After all, Yu Luomian still has that assassin.

"Sect Master Jade, I think we need an explanation." Bibi Dong said.


Yu Luomian snorted coldly: "Want to explain? Think of an explanation yourself, I just came to pick up my apprentice."

Bibi Dong said in a low voice, "Really? Since Sect Master Jade is not willing to give me this explanation, that's all."

"I just hope you don't forget the wedding of your beloved disciple and the young master of the Qibao Liuli Sect in three days."

Hearing this, Yu Luomian gritted his teeth, "Naturally, the old man has not forgotten, I have already set up a banquet in the sect, and I will wait for the Pope to come!"

After speaking, Yu Luomian snorted and carried Yu Tianheng in one hand, and took Chen Xiu with them. The three of them disappeared in no time.

In this way, a farce is over.

Those with backstage and background were taken away, and Dugu Bo also took away Shrek's gang and Tian Dou's.

Those three spirit bones were also secretly taken away by the leading teacher of the Tiandou Royal Academy.Good mood literature website

At this moment, a Wuhun Temple inspector suddenly ran over in a hurry, and he whispered a few words in Bibi Dong's ear.

Bibi Dong nodded first, then his eyes widened instantly, "What did you say?"

"Tang Hao looted the Wuhun Temple inventory and left'Tang Hao here for a visit'?"

The inspector nodded again and again, "Just so, the elders guarding the treasury were called by you, so, so Tang Hao broke in easily!"

Bibi Dong took a deep breath, the papal palace collapsed and the treasury was burned.

"It's really a leak in the room that rains in the night, Tang Hao, my Wuhun Palace will never die with you!"


The next day.

Blue Electric Overlord Sect.

Yu Tianheng opened his eyes in a daze and heard the conversation between the two as soon as he woke up.

"Master, it's all my fault."


"Xuan'er, you are not to blame. Take a good rest. The day after tomorrow is your wedding day with Ning Rongrong. You know what I mean?"


"If you do something, you definitely can't make Ning Fengzhi feel better."

"Uh, master, you have a black belly."

"Smelly boy! What are you talking about? Am I not for you?"

"Unless, you really want to marry Ning Fengzhi's daughter?"

"What's wrong?"

"Are you serious?"

"Of course it's serious. Ning Rongrong is not ugly. Master, will I lose money for this kind of thing?"


"You are still young, and the old man was just like you back then, thinking that as long as you look good, you will not lose anything, until I met her..."

"Cough!" Yu Tianheng straightened up while coughing.

Open your eyes completely, familiar walls, familiar ceilings, familiar decorations, this is his room?

what happened?

He fainted since the explosion, and then he didn't know anything, and he was here when he opened his eyes.

Yu Luomian and Chen Xiu sat on either side of the bed.

"Tianheng, how do you feel when you wake up?" Yu Luomian asked when Yu Tianheng woke up.

Yu Tianheng touched his ribs with pain on his face, "Generally there is no problem, but a few bones have not been connected yet."

When Yu Luomian heard these words, he shouted at the door, "Come in!"

As soon as the voice fell, a soul master wearing a white robe walked in tremblingly, "Jade, Sect Master Jade, what's your order?"

Yu Luomian pointed to Yu Tianheng, "You didn't get the treatment in place, why has my grandson not gotten some bones yet?"

The White-robed Soul Master quickly explained that Yu Luomian might be misunderstood: "This, it's not that the villain doesn't want to cure it, it's really the villain's powerlessness!"

"The young master was in a coma before. The villain is not sure where he is injured and can only pick some obvious parts for treatment."

"Specifically, I have to wait until the side is awake before I can accurately treat."

Yu Luo frowned, "Then you won't heal his whole body again?"

The white-robed spirit master showed a bitter expression for a moment, "The villain thought too, but the villain's spirit power doesn't allow it. If it is the legendary Jiuxin Begonia, only one spirit ability can make this young master as good as ever. "

"But the villain's martial spirit is just a secondary martial spirit like the Leaf of Life. It is impossible to complete the treatment in an instant."

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