Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

369 The Day Before the Wedding

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The tears were completely vented, and the long-standing feelings broke out in the girl's heart instantly.

Watching the tears keep running across Yu Tianling's white cheeks, Chen Xiu's cheeks held up to wipe away the tears for her.

"First, I only eat food made by one person in this world."

"Second, I don't wait to tell you now, but if you are willing to wait for me, then three days later, come to the Dragon Temple, I will give you an answer."

"If you still liked me then I will take you away."

After speaking, Chen Xiu turned upstairs, leaving only Yu Tianling in a daze at the top of the stairs.

She didn't know whether she should be happy or sad.

But at least she has a hope. In three days, will he really come?

The answer is obvious. No matter whether he will come or not, Yu Tianling will definitely wait for him.

This is destined to be a sleepless night when a guest visits Yutianling's home.

He is Yu Tianxin.

The defeat of Thunder Academy brought him back to the family early, and he has already graduated.

When he told Yu Luomian that someone maliciously killed the family's children, Yu Luomian didn't say anything.

It's not that Yu Luomian didn't want to care, but that he didn't have time to care, and the time left for him was running out.

Although Yu Tianxin was unwilling, but could do nothing.

So he desperately needed a comfort. Since childhood, Yu Tianxin liked Yu Tianling.

If it hadn't been for Chen Xiu's kick, the two might have done it.

Yu Tianxin finally chose to withdraw, and he blessed Chen Xiu and Yu Tianling.

But the facts didn't seem to be what he thought. Chen Xiu was about to marry the young master of the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect!

In other words!

His chance is here!

He has recently begun struggling to pursue Yutianling, but all have been rejected.

But he did not give up. He believed that as long as they were sincere, they would definitely have a chance to start again.

It’s the same today, but this time Yu Tianling didn’t chat with him much, "Heaven is back, it is impossible to have anyone else in my heart."

Yu Tianxin felt that his heart was tightened in an instant, "Is that so? That, that, that, do I really have no chance?"

Yu Tianling shook his head, "I'm sorry."

"I see, I wish you happiness." Yu Tianxin withdrew again.

No way, just as he couldn't beat Chen Xiu all his life, he couldn't win the same in terms of feelings.


The next day.

It was a sunny day, and the guests arrived early.

Yu Luomian and Ning Fengzhi were discussing some details of the wedding in the family discussion hall. On the surface, they were kind, but in fact they hid the knife in their smile.

Ning Rongrong, on the other hand, enjoyed the flowers in the garden alone.

The garden of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect.

"Is it unique in taste?"

Hearing a familiar cry, Ning Rongrong frowned, "You guy is really annoying, you are everywhere you go."

Chen Xiu gently folded off a crystal blue flower and handed it to Ning Rongrong gently.

"This is my home, I'm not here, is it in your heart?" Chen Xiu smiled.

After receiving the crystal, Lan Ning Rongrong threw it on the ground without even looking, and stepped on it.

"The flowers are good flowers, but the ones you gave them made me feel very sick." Ning Rongrong pouted.

Seeing Ning Rongrong throwing the crystal blue on the ground, Chen Xiu's face instantly became cold.

Without warning, Chen Xiu suddenly knelt down and carefully held up the squashed crystal blue flower.

This action scared Ning Rongrong. She thought Chen Xiu was going to do anything to her, but the following scene made Ning Rongrong dumbfounded.I love to read the Chinese website

A drop of crystal clear tears fell from the corner of Chen Xiu's eyes, as if she was sad for this crystal blue.

"The flowers here are all planted by me, and I remember each one."

Seeing this abnormal Chen Xiu, Ning Rongrong was instantly stunned.

what happened?

This big demon is still sad?

And it turned out to be sad for a flower

Could this be the legendary rigid appearance, but delicate and gentle heart?

Chen Xiu usually gave Ning Rongrong the feeling that he was domineering, arrogant, unreasonable, and powerful.

But today's Chen Xiu reveals the subtlety, looking at the flowers as if looking at her best friend.

Does this man have a tender side too?

Did I misunderstand him?

At this moment, Ning Rongrong unexpectedly felt a sense of guilt.

She killed the flower. It could have been in full bloom for a long time, but she ended its life.

"The flowers here are all grown by you?" Ning Rongrong asked incredulously.

Looking at this sea of ​​flowers, various colorful flowers bloom, and each flower has been carefully taken care of.

This kind of thing is very different from what an arrogant person like Chen Xiu can do.

In fact, Chen Xiu is a very delicate person?

There are actually reasons why he did that before?

Chen Xiu glanced at Ning Rongrong, and then threw the crystal blue on her hand directly: "I lied to you, how could I have time to plant flowers?"


Give me back my tears!

Ning Rongrong felt that he was being tricked for a moment, and Chen Xiu's acting skills were so similar that even she was deeply trapped!

"I knew, how could a person like you plant flowers? I actually believe you, I'm crazy too." Ning Rongrong sighed.

Chen Xiu spread her hands out, "Don't say that, at least I planted the one I gave you just now."

Ning Rongrong showed a disdainful smile, "I believe you and I am a fool."

Chen Xiu shook her head, "No, I really didn't lie to you this time. I planted this crystal blue with my sister."

Ning Rongrong was taken aback for a moment, "A person like you will still have a sister?"

Chen Xiubing did not refute, "Yes, people like me don't deserve a sister, so when I was twelve years old, my sister died."

"Because of terminal illness, this is a genetic disease passed down from our family, and my father and mother also died of this genetic disease."

"It may be God's favor. We are twins, but my sister has taken on all the diseases one by one. This is how I am today."

Ning Rongrong was immediately moved. It turned out that there was such a sad story behind this man.

"You are so good, your sister in the Spirit of Heaven will definitely be pleased." Ning Rongrong comforted.

"Puff, fool." Chen Xiu couldn't hold back a laugh.

Ning Rongrong was stunned for an instant, and when she came over, her pretty face was already blushed.

She was tricked again!

"Sure enough, I still hate you guy. We'd better never see you after tomorrow." After speaking, Ning Rongrong left angrily.

Chen Xiu lowered his head, yes, as long as you never open your eyes, we will never see each other again.

Taking out the magic sword from Na Jie, a strong blood qi radiated instantly, and the vegetation withered where the blood qi spread.

But in an instant, this beautiful garden became a dead place, and all the flowers and plants withered.

Immediately afterwards, a closed eye on the Demon Sword suddenly opened.

She jumped out of Chen Xiu's palm, and instantly turned into a girl with long blood-red hair and plunged into Chen Xiu's arms.

"My master is suffocated to death."

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