Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 383 Baidi's Pride

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Do you know why I took such a big risk and planned all this by myself?" Baidi said proudly.

He was complacent, he was showing off, he was acting like a child.

Maybe it's because he has been in the dust for too long, too long. When he saw a person whose status was similar to his own, he couldn't wait to show off to others.

Show off his success, he really did it.

Since he couldn't see Chen Xiu's spirit power, he could only rely on the previous news to determine that Chen Xiu's spirit power was level ninety-nine.

A level very close to himself, so he was deeply afraid of Chen Xiu, and even tried his best to win him over.

Because if Chen Xiu is level ninety-nine, plus the puppet of the national teacher, they will not say that there are 15 titled Douluo!

This amount, even Baidi had to back down.

Fortunately, he secretly attracted Chen Xiu.

However, if he knew that Chen Xiu was only grade 67, maybe he would not think so.

And did Chen Xiu cooperate with him?

The answer is yes.

As a second-to-five boy, once a fight starts, Chen Xiu, who has the upper hand, will directly attack the upper hand with the opponent.

Because I have cooperated with both sides, I also want to thank the old man Tianji's plan. Although his original plan was rejected, this idea was adopted by Chen Xiu.

"Then let me guess, what you have done so much is to destroy your country in your own hands, and then risk your life to enter a state of suspended animation."

"In the end, you have been waiting in this world for a thousand years. What are you doing so much for?"

Chen Xiu said and looked at the National Teacher, "Master, you must know?"

The national teacher nodded and said, "I didn't realize it until now. It turns out that he has been raising Gu."

Raising Gu?

"Yes, it's worthy of being my former brother, I can guess it." Baidi praised with a light smile.

"Don't you really want to know, why should I do this? I will tell you all now."

"In this world, there are many worlds like Douluo Continent, and we are nothing but a floating island in this vast sea of ​​stars."

Floating island?

Chen Xiu thought for a moment, Xinghai?Is he actually talking about the universe?

Yes, Douluo Continent is a planet, and there are many planets like here, and civilizations have also developed.

"And these floating islands on the sea of ​​thousands of stars are nothing but a lone boat in the vast ocean. After all, it cannot make waves or connect to other lone boats."

"When I heard this news, I was thinking, if I only rule one continent, what is the difference between me and the barbarians of other continents?"

"So, I decided to ascend to a god, sit down on the king of the world, the ruler of Xinghai, and let all the continents kneel under my feet."

This is the so-called, is the journey of a man in the sea of ​​stars?

Chen Xiuxiao listened with interest to Baidi's endless recounts, among which he did not know many news.

For example, the original Douluo Continent is a planet, and there are many civilized planets.

That is to say, as long as you go through the atmosphere and fly upward, can you not fly into the universe?1234 novel

This really refreshed Chen Xiu's worldview once again.

"Since the day I made up my mind, I no longer only focus on the land in front of me."

"I want to become a god, I want to ascend to the god realm, and then first unify the god realm and rule the thousands of worlds in the sea of ​​stars!"

"Although all continents are scattered irregularly in the vast sea of ​​stars, they all lead to one place, yes, it is the God Realm."

"But the point that made me truly desperate was still above the position of God. I succeeded in inheriting the position of the Holy King."

"But do you know? There are also hierarchical levels in the God Realm, and the Holy King is just a second-class god who doesn't enter the stream."

"With this second-class god, let alone conquering Xinghai, I can't even conquer the gods."

"And after I came into contact with divine power, I discovered that this is a kind of energy similar to soul power, except that it has an absolute characteristic, and a mass that surpasses soul power thousands of times."

"This absolute characteristic is as you know, immune to mental power, and malleability like spirit power."

"Therefore, there is a plan for the future. I will accept the beauties of the world and give birth to thousands of children for me."

"I divided the only divine power evenly among each heir, and planned the assassination."

"The ascension rituals were all designed by me in advance, and my suspended animation is also necessary. I have completed all the nine trials of the Saint King, and my time in the world is running out."

"In desperation, I had to fake death. No, it's okay to call me true death. After all, I did die for hundreds of years."

Seeing Baidi still talking endlessly there, it can be said that it really can be bbw for two hours with one mouth.

Chen Xiu and the national teacher made a pair of eyes, and after a while they saw the opportunity, besieged him left and right, killing him.

"In this way, my plan is already on the right track. I forcibly circled this small world with this alien thing, and brought all my sons in."

"I said that divine power is malleable. Although mortals can't cultivate, they can nurture this divine power with their own flesh and blood and time."

"And my descendants give birth to offspring, the divine power will continue to pass down, although some will escape, but it is not important, this is also in my calculation."

"Because the space is closed, this escaping divine power has evolved into the white spirit in your mouth."

"Yes, I am indeed raising Gu. Now that thousands of years have passed, everyone in this world is flowing with my blood."

"And their lives are given by me, so I naturally have the right to take them back, just as you have seen."

"Now my divine power has reached a saturated state, but I am not in a hurry to absorb it. I want to get back the other half of my divine power when I once enshrined it."

"As long as my plan is completed, this level of divine power will definitely push me to the position of a first-class god!"

Chen Xiu had already dispelled his hands and plundered everywhere, but they couldn't beat them and they could still run away with things.

And there were only four titled Douluo left beside him, and the national teacher seemed to be accumulating energy all the time, as if he was going to make more moves.

"Do it!"

"Come out, everyone, help me!"

When the words fell, nine sarcophagi full of cracks suddenly rose up in front of the national teacher!


The lids of the sarcophagus were lifted one after another, and nine upright figures walked out staggeringly.

Their skin seems to be made of clay, full of cracks without a trace of life.

But the Title Douluo aura exuding from these nine corpses is not fake!

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