Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 389 Four-phase White Tiger

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After struggling, Baidi finally knelt down in front of Chen Xiu weakly.

And offered him his forehead, calling him, "Master."

The corners of Chen Xiu's mouth raised, "Slightly smoother than I expected."

Baidi, oh no, Baihu's divine power has been dissipated, and this body does not have the god-given things of his body.

So now Baihu's spirit power is only 95th level.

Next, there was a loud noise in the entire space. It seemed to have been moved or opened by someone.

In short, everything seems to be different.

Chen Xiuneng felt the changes here most clearly, because they had entered the heavenly space.

That's right, the entire small world with entities has been transformed by heaven!

This was exactly what Chen Xiu had imagined, but he didn't expect that he would go slant with his sword and truly realized this trick!

Let the heavenly space have entities, can store real objects, and let living people enter it!

Chen Xiu slowly opened her arms, and the 4D mark on her forehead was thoroughly revealed!

He can easily feel every corner of this world, and he can easily control the creation and destruction of this world.

Because here is his territory.

And even if Chen Xiu destroyed the reshaping here, it still has the same amount of entities, and this will not change.

This is so-called, civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains unchanged.

Chen Xiu cleared everyone out with a thought, only one person stayed here.

Ghost mother, smiling confidante.

"Interesting things, I can feel a real feeling, is this your new trick?"

Chen Xiu silently flew up from the ground when she heard the ghost mother's words.

He looked down from the highest point, and the entire heavenly space was not in a completely real state, but was partly real and partly illusory.

For example, in the small world of Baidi City, everything is real.

Chen Xiu can use it to store objects, and you can also keep living people in it.

But once outside this range, everything around will return to falsehood, everything is a derivative of mental power.

And the ghost mother cannot set foot in this real land, because she is just a soul.

Chen Xiu cleaned up all the debris with a single thought, and all the ruins and destruction of various buildings disappeared in an instant.

And then, Chen Xiu started his biggest goal of this trip.

The treasure house of Baidi City!

When Chen Xiu waved his hand, countless soul bones rose to the sky, all of which were stored in the Hall of Heroes.

The local natives would not fuse soul bones, and the accumulation of thousands of years would be cheaper for Chen Xiu.

All kinds of spirit bones, immortal grass, martial spirits, and spirit rings were all absorbed by Chen Xiu and thrown into the illusory territory.

Because the illusory world is infinite, Chen Xiu thinks he can be as big as he is, but reality is not the case.

However, the illusory world cannot store spirit bones, because spirit bones are entities, not the infinite body like spirit rings.

It is worth mentioning that the time flow of Baidi City has now been assimilated with the time flow of Heaven.

That is 1:365.

"Well, I should also go out. The harvest of Baidi City this time really exceeded my expectations, especially this world bead, it is like a god."

In this way, a thousand-year conspiracy ended, and again, it was a farce.

If Baidi and Guoshi are evaluated at the same time, they are not good people, they are all calculating each other for their own needs, and they have killed countless people at the same time.61 Wenku

The national teacher may have a place to show his true feelings, but it is a pity that it eventually became completely unrecognizable under the ravages of the years.

Because he lived too long, he began to fear death, so he longed for the power of the other half.

Only in this way can his life as a mortal continue!

Perhaps Baidi's ambition was dozens of times bigger than him, but it was still useless, he was still defeated by his arrogance.

Perhaps it would be the case for another person. As the strongest in the mainland, who can compare with him?

With the half-length body now, the soul power is chasing the ninety-nine level, it can be said that it is only one step away from the hundredth level!

Such people have planned for thousands of years, enduring loneliness and loneliness, even though they are a hero, they are bound to end.

Maybe they are not good people, they are all fighting for their own interests, but what about Chen Xiu?

Isn't he?

Immortality is also his goal.

Baidi's words are not bad. He has no regrets or regrets even if the final result of the decision he made was a failure.


Three days later, in the ruins of the Thunder Dragon Fort of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect.

The ruined place here is beyond recognition, the city wall has collapsed, and the piled corpse mountain has long been gone.

Countless soul masters came here to hunt for treasure, destroy, and plunder, but in the end they all returned without success.

This result may have been doomed, because the Holy Spirit has already ransacked this place.

In this way, as the final value here was squeezed out, the accumulated corpses were also disposed of.

This place has truly become a ruin, without any value, and will only be gradually forgotten in history.

Perhaps thousands of years later, people remember that there was such a battle in the legend that Yu Luo, the god of thunder, had one enemy and four, and ended with one death and three injuries.

But people don't remember why he fought, that is the forgotten family, that is the thing destined to be obliterated in the long river of history.

On the True Dragon Peak in the distance, a woman is holding a baby just full moon looking towards it.

A tear fell from the corner of her eye. Perhaps, from the very beginning, the existence of the family was wrong.

Why do people kill each other?

Why do people hurt each other?

Why do people have their own suspicions?

Isn't the family existence just to avoid these?

But why are facts always contrary to what is supposed?

In a group, there is always a conspirator who plots a conspiracy, but there is a bigger conspiracy above the conspiracy.

"Father, maybe I have never called you this way in my life, but I didn't expect that you would eventually leave in this way."

"I'm sorry, Liu Erlong, my unfilial child, come back to see you..."

Liu Erlong stayed here for a long time, but besides the silence, it was still quiet.

Eventually she left, she left this place that made him love and hate, no, maybe only hate.

But now, she can't hate it.

He couldn't hate the man who had separated himself and Yu Xiaogang. It had nothing to do with right or wrong. The dead was great, and Liu Erlong chose to respect.


The ruins of Leilong Fort, crossing the half-collapsed city wall, Ye Feng began to look around.

"Hey, it's still too late after all. I really don't have the ability to stop this, even though I have seen this day."

Before Ye Feng continued to sigh, a clear call suddenly came from behind.

"Hey, dead man, why are we coming to this place? You, like those people, want to come here to pick up trash?"

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