Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 391: The Rise of the Oppressed

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The main hall of the Holy Spirit.

Chen Xiu got two novel things, the super martial soul light sacred dragon, and the white tiger sacred king's inheritance stone.

Another deity inheritance.

It is a triangular stone, as long as a drop of his own blood is dripped, then the nine tests of the Saint King will begin.

However, according to Baihu, this is only a second-level deity.

Chen Xiu didn't pay much attention, but he separated another clone for him to accept the nine test of the Saint King.

By the way, Netherworld White Tiger's martial spirit was also given to him, and because the white tiger in the four phases had already had nine trials.

So this matter is also taught to him, so he will guide the clone how to complete the nine tests.

However, Chen Xiu's spirit power has now reached level sixty-nine, which can be said to be only one step away from level seventy.

But he is not in a hurry, for some reason, he has always been anxious lately.

This anxiety began after Chen Xiu killed Yu Tianheng, which made him feel very headache.

There is always something guiding him in the dark.

It seemed to be a call from a person, calling Chen Xiu to a place, as long as he got there, all his worries would be solved.

In the main hall, Chen Xiu rubbed her eyebrows, "What is it, what is calling me?"

At this time, a plump blond woman brought a plate with a glass of water and a strange pill on it.

"Still having a headache?"

"This is newly developed by Yaotang, try it, it should help you."

Seeing Qian Renxue coming over with the medicine, Chen Xiu directly rejected it, "No, I have a hunch, this is not something that medicine can solve."

"But, if you keep going like this, who is your Holy Spirit teaching to take care of it?" Qian Renxue said.

Chen Xiu closed her eyes, "Xue'er, I don't want to worry about this now, I must go to a place now."

"I think only there can I find the cause of my headaches."

Qian Renxue put the plate on the side of the booth, "Then you can rest assured, there is me here."

Chen Xiu shook her head, "No, you still have to hide, you can't stay here forever, call Zong Yang over."

Qian Renxue puffed up her mouth slightly, "Do you trust that Zong Yang that way?"

Chen Xiu nodded, "I can only trust people who are under my complete control. This is nothing more than strength."

Qian Renxue sighed, "Well, it's up to you, I don't want to stay here much, in case your Guoer sees me, it's not good."

Feeling a touch of jealousy, Chen Xiu slowly got up, "Wait for me, this time will never be too far away. I will hold the most powerful wedding in history for you, and people from all over the world will be the witness."

Qian Renxue nodded obsessively, "Well, I'm waiting for you."


The next day.

Chen Xiu, who had ordered everything, set off. He traveled with his body, with long black hair floating freely behind him.

The wide white-gold robe shows a sacred breath.

Chen Xiu must be accompanied by two guardians, Qinglong and Mingfeng.

But now that the four phases are gathered together, Mingfeng has also been renamed Suzaku.

The Azure Dragon's injury has already healed more than half, and after adding a spirit beast that has been sucking for tens of thousands of years, his spirit power has returned to the ninety-fourth level.

The destination of Chen Xiu's trip is Sunset Forest.

……Express novel

Excalibur Villa.

For some reason, the sect masters of all major sects gathered together, and they all had a serious face without exception.

Qibao Glazed Glass Sect, Wind Sword Sect, Elephant Sect, Fire Leopard Sect...

Ning Fengzhi was the first to break the silence, "So, Master Li, are you inviting us here to make peace?"

Seeing that everyone was here, Li Yao nodded and started answering Ning Fengzhi's question.

"Why did Li summon you, I think you all know it well, right?"

"Yes, it is precisely because of the Holy Spirit Cult. The current Holy Spirit Cult is in full swing. The reason is our consistent indulgence before!" Li Yao said, patting the table.

For a while, the major sovereigns were embarrassed, "We don't want to be like this either, but it's just that we really can't help it."

"The means and strength of the Holy Spirit Sect is obvious to all. Four Title Douluo, the Jagged Sect was destroyed in one night."

"The old man suspects that the White Tiger Sect may also be the work of the Holy Spirit Sect."

"Hey, the Holy Spirit Cult is too strong, and we are really helpless to call them the Emperor of Ten Thousand Martial Arts."

Ning Fengzhi pondered for a moment, "So, Zhuang Master Li, are you trying to say that we should hug us before the Holy Spirit Cult attacks us, and then we turn back?"

Li Yao nodded, "Exactly."

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "It can't be done, our Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect can only provide two Title Douluos, and the rest can only play a supporting role."

"In addition, Zhuang Master Li is three titles. Ning has also heard that Sect Master Ying seems to have broken through to Title Douluo?"

This Sect Master Ying is the Sect Master of the Fire Leopard Sect, "I really can't hide from Sect Master Ning, yes, the old man has recently broken through to Title Douluo by luck."

Ning Fengzhi nodded, "In addition, the Fire Leopard Sect only has four Title Douluos, and the strength of the Holy Spirit Cult is still unknown. I am afraid that the chances of winning are still slim, unless all the Title Douluos scattered on the mainland can be summoned. ."

Li Yao clapped his hands, and a figure appeared in the meeting room in an instant.

With green hair, green eyes and green clothes, the whole person is horrible, it is the poisonous Douluo Dugu Bo!

Five titles!

"Is this enough?" a suzerain questioned.

Indeed, the five titled Douluo are very remarkable, but does the Holy Spirit Cult really have no fifth place?

Are they really only four?

And this is just the apparent combat power, what is the combat power of the Spirit Emperor?

These are unknowable. The most taboo thing in a war is to fight an unknown enemy.

Know yourself and the enemy in a hundred battles, no matter how dark the enemy is, they are bright.

It can be said that their information is now probably placed on a table, repeatedly observed by a certain ruling or elder.

"Yes, so, on this trip, I also invited Wuhundian to help.


Li Yao's words shocked everyone present, Wuhun Hall?

Is he crazy?

The Wuhun Hall is now a public enemy, and even looking for the Wuhun Hall to help, this is no less than seeking a tiger's skin.

But Li Yao had already made plans, "You don't need to say any more, I have reached a cooperation with Wuhundian."

"The jade of the other mountain can attack the stone, and it is difficult to defeat the behemoth of the Holy Spirit Teaching with your and my strength, but the Spirit Hall can."

"As far as I know, Wuhun Temple also wants to eliminate the Holy Spirit Cult and then hurry up. The so-called enemy's enemy is a friend."

"Now that we have a common enemy, he broke the current situation, and we should let him disappear again."

"For the dawn, for the common people, for the family, and for the heaven and the earth, I, Li Yao, swear here that if the Holy Spirit teaches not to get rid of every day, I will never stop."

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