Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 397 Desolate Battle (1)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!To the west of the Holy Spirit, Ximoguan, the deserted temple Kun stands here.

The Holy Spirit staying here is naturally the Holy Spirit of Huangsha.

After Chen Xiu announced the status of the Holy Spirit Church to the world, he chose the twelve Holy Spirits.

Some have already existed, and some are newly added.

But without exception, they all possess unprecedented super martial arts!

Huangsha Holy Spirit is no exception, his original martial spirit is only the top level, and the Holy Spirit teaches no waste.

Either accept the martial soul fusion, succeed, and naturally become a super martial soul, and continue to succeed the position of the Holy Spirit.

And if you fail, it goes without saying that the position of the Holy Spirit is the place where the capable.

Fortunately, his will is firm, and his accumulation over the years has made him feel like a rock.

After successfully fusing the spirits, he also reached the seventieth level, successfully activating the real body of the spirits.

Dominate the desert in the true sense.

And today, his sand puppets are all gathered together, all of them are like enemies.

In front of the desolate temple, Huangsha Holy Spirit and the elders of the Beast King are waiting here.

"Boy, this is the first time you and I are fighting side by side. It's really exciting." Beastmaster grinned.

The Holy Spirit Huang Sha squinted at the Beastmaster, his muscles that could not be covered by cloth, as firm as steel.

Untreated hair and thick beard look like the name.

Orc, oh no, Beastmaster.

Huang Sha Holy Spirit smiled slightly, "You don't look nervous at all?"

The beast king sat on the steps of the desolate temple with a grin.

"Hahaha, these words really fit your personality." While smiling, Huang Sha Holy Spirit also sat beside him irrespectively.

"I always thought you were a simple-minded barbarian with well-developed limbs. When I saw you today, I refreshed my three views." Huang Sha Shengsheng said.

The Beastmaster grinned, "Haha, do you think of me that way?"

"Dare to tell me that, you are the first one, I just like your outspoken person, unlike the kind of mother-in-law hypocrites!"

Huang Sha Holy Spirit smiled and shook his head, "I'm just being outspoken, don't worry, let's talk about it, how did you get wanted as an evil spirit master?"

The Beast King sighed, and the whole person fell straight over, lying on the yellow sand and looking up at the sky.

"It's nothing, I don't know what evil is, and harmony is righteous. I live my whole life, not asking for anything else, but asking for a clear conscience."

"When I was a hairy boy, I always liked to go out to fight injustice, and I wanted to get in on everything."

"But at that time, I didn't realize it, I would bring disaster to the family by doing this."

"Hehe, because I saved a man in black covered with blood, I got into a big sect that I didn't even dare to think about before."

"If I hadn't discovered it early and hid in advance, then there might not be today's Beastmaster."

"But although I escaped a disaster, my family, parents and younger brother, all died at the hands of those thieves!"

"From that moment on, I made up my mind to avenge my blood and hatred! Hey, although the process was very tortuous, in the end, I succeeded."

"One person destroyed the entire Jackal Sect. Only then did I know that they were just a group of soul kings."

"Hey, this is right or wrong, who can say?"

"I killed my family, if I don't save that person..."

The Beastmaster said that he grabbed his waist, but there was no wine gourd.

Because of fear of mishaps, he threw the wine gourd in this morning.

As soon as the Beastmaster thinks about the past, he can't help but want to use alcohol to dispel his sorrows.Weishu Bar

The Holy Spirit Huang Sha saw this scene and smiled, "Here."

With that, he took out a leather bag from his waist, which was made of animal skins, and the people in West Desert used this thing to hold water.

The Beastmaster took the leather bag and gently pulled out the stopper, an instant scent of wine spread.

The Beastmaster smiled bitterly and shook his head, "If you and I can meet earlier, maybe we can also become a happy couple."

"Don't drink the wine, you will have to fight for a while and make a mistake."

Throwing the leather bag back, Huang Sha Holy Spirit did not care, he could understand the mood of the Beastmaster.

Regardless of the lightness he said, in fact, it has already had the consciousness of death.

He has taken Longhui Pill, even if he does not die in this battle, I am afraid he will not be able to bear the side effects of the pill.

"I think back then, my feelings of revenge, it was refreshing like never before!"

"But when I took revenge and killed those wicked people, I became the wicked person in their mouths."

"You said, what is right? What is evil?"

Facing the question of the Beastmaster, Huang Sha Shengsheng shook his head, "There is no good and evil in the world, good and evil are in my heart."

"it is good!"

"It's so good and evil in my heart. I didn't expect you to have this insight at a young age. Although the old man would like to talk with you for three days and three nights, there is no time left."

The two looked into the distance together, and a figure flying in the sky had already arrived first!

The dense army of soul masters followed closely behind!

The Beastmaster stood up and shouted at the figure in the sky: "Who is the one who comes, Sajia will not kill the unknown!"

The figure in the sky heard the words of the Beastmaster and shouted back: "Golden Crocodile Douluo, Yang Wudi!"

The Beastmaster grinned, "It turns out to be the enemy of ten thousand people, let me listen carefully, the next person who will kill you is Ten thousand Beast Douluo!"

When the words fell, two pillars of spirit power rose up into the sky, one pillar of spirit power appeared in nine colors, and nine beast shadows appeared in it!

The other pillar of spirit power appeared golden, and a large amount of yellow sand was rolled up in an instant!


"Wan Beast Douluo? The old man has never heard of it. If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have that ability!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo's words came to an end, and immediately released his martial spirit and rushed towards the Beastmaster!

"It doesn't matter if I haven't heard it, because it's what I think now, but you just need to remember that this is a name that kills you, that's enough!"

After finishing talking about the Beastmaster, he also released his spirit and rushed towards Golden Crocodile Douluo!

One from the sky and the other from the ground, the two figures finally collided in mid-air!

And seeing the fight on the side of the Beast King, Huang Sha Shengsheng twisted his neck and stood up, "Okay, all the miscellaneous fish will be handed over to me."

Looking at the Soul Master's army splashed with a large amount of dust in the distance, Huang Sha Holy Spirit gave an order, "Kill!"

"Kill kill kill!!!" xN

In response to the call of the Holy Spirit of Huangsha, the sand puppets all escaped into the sand. This is their home court!

Huang Sha's Holy Spirit smiled slightly, seven spirit rings rose up beside him, Huang Sha's true body had already been activated.

I saw Huangsha Holy Spirit's right hand began to turn into sand and fell continuously, then his arm and body.

In the end, the whole person turned into sand, completely integrated into the West Desert.

In the distance, the general of the rebel army was stunned for an instant, "What's the matter, the enemy fled without a fight?"


Without waiting for him to say another word, a figure suddenly appeared in the yellow sand, and it hit his forehead directly!

"Today, no one can walk out of this desert alive."

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