Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 399-Battle of Yin and Yang (3)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At the same time, southwest, in front of the Yin Yang Temple.

Unlike other temples located in strange terrain, Yin Yang Temple was built on a prosperous town.

The residents of the small town are also very unusual. The people here are all people with crow wings.

Of course there are exceptions. The town is divided into two halves, half of which are men in black with crow wings.

The other half is a man in white with white wings.

Yes, here is the jurisdiction of the twin Holy Spirit.

They were standing on the left and right, behind an elderly man holding a hammer.

This elder was the elder of the refining hall who had survived under Chen Xiu's hand, and the only living person who mastered the method of making the refining sword.

Back then, Chen Xiu slaughtered hundreds of people in the refining hall with a bloodbath to prevent such weapons from appearing again.

"Hey, you two kids, can you say something nice, it's always so cold, but it's not cute at all."

Yin Ling looked at the elder of the refining hall, "Our duty is to assist you in repelling the resistance. Other than that, we have not received any orders."

Yang Ling nodded, "So, we are not obligated to chat with you."

The elder of the alchemy hall covered his face, and the two children deserved to be trained by the apocalypse ruling, and they all spoke so harshly.

"Forget it, forget it, old man, I'll take a look at the scenery by myself."

In front of the Yin-Yang Temple, the elder of the Liantang opened the door and looked back, the two people were exactly the same height.

Both are about 1.7 meters tall, and since the latest Martial Soul Fusion, both of them have undergone great changes.

Yin Ling has long black hair, and there is no white in his eyes.

A black religious robe, tattooed on the back is a wolf holding a hunting knife!

Yin Ling has short white hair and no pupils can be seen in his eyes.

A white robe with a white sheep with a hunting bow tattooed on the back.

The elder of the alchemy hall was looking at himself, a messy blacksmith suit with sweat and oil on it.

The elder of the alchemist smiled bitterly and shook his head. Perhaps today is his death date, but he is wearing such a suit.

Shaking his head, the elder's eyes couldn't help but recall things from a long, long time ago.

At that time, his surname was Tang and he was also a member of the Clear Sky School, but now, he is nothing more than a notorious blacksmith.

"Fine, nothing, everything is over."

The elder of the alchemy hall carried a huge dragon head hammer, and nine spirit rings were always entwining his body.

In order to cope with the unexpected situation, the elder of the refining hall decided to release the martial spirit all the time to prevent the enemy's sneak attack.

On the other side, outside the town, an army of more than 4,000 soul masters had quietly touched it.

They didn't come over with great fanfare, because the leader of the team was the Sect Master of the Fire Leopard Sect, Yan Douluo.

He is a newly promoted title Douluo, so naturally he dare not be the same as those old titles.

He has only ninety-one level spirit power, if he encounters a level higher than himself, he can't fight at all.

Yan Douluo was really helpless when Li Yao's gang drove the ducks to the shelves, and only hoped to hold it back.

Although he can run without a fight, his disciples are different.

More than four thousand people, the elites of the sect are all here, what about these disciples as soon as he leaves?

The sect cannot be opened?TXT Bookstore

"Master, don't be so depressed. There is a small town in front of you. Why don't we find out what's going on inside?"

Yan Douluo looked at the red-haired youth next to him. This was his apprentice, and the younger generation was considered a genius of Tianzong.

At only eighteen years old, he broke through to the fortieth level soul sect.

"Hey, idiot, this time the first incident is definitely not a trivial trouble, but a war on the entire continent."

"The remaining seven major sects, except for the Clear Sky Sect, participated in all of them. Even the Spirit Hall is no exception. The titles with names and surnames on the mainland have been called 80%!"

"This battle is called "Zhu Xie", but anyone who dared to escape, or who didn't work hard, might be labeled as an evil spirit master."

Yan Douluo sighed, "If I guess right, the Yin Yang Temple should be in this town, I just hope there is no title in it."

"Master, what are you afraid of? You are a Title Douluo now!" Yan Douluo knew when he looked at the new fire in the apprentice's eyes.

The child's vision was still too narrow, thinking that Title Douluo had reached its peak.

In fact, it was not the case. Title Douluo was also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Yan Douluo could now be said to rank behind Duluo.

The future is not necessarily, but now he is definitely the weakest among Title Douluo.

The crowd walked into the town, and a group of thousands of people was mighty. As long as they were not blind, they should have been spotted.

"Strange, the people here are weird, and they obviously haven't released the spirits, but they have the flesh and blood of spirit beasts on their bodies." Yan Douluo secretly said that things were wrong.

He was about to order his disciples to withdraw from the town, but it was too late...


A giant hammer hit the entrance without warning, and then a figure fell from the sky!

"It's all here. If you don't go in for a cup of tea, doesn't it seem that our Holy Spirit teaches you don't understand the way of hospitality?" The elder of the hall grinned.

Urban residents with black and white wings slowly surrounded them, and they revealed their martial arts.

Yan Douluo gritted his teeth, ranging from 40 to 70, "Trouble."

You can't play here, you must first lead this guy to another place!

"Huh, this is the way of serving as your holy spirit? I will give it back to you when you come and go!"

Yan Douluo Shi Wuhun's physique instantly became thick, and a layer of black fire spread across him instantly!

Yan Douluo raised his head and roared, two identical heads grew on both sides of his neck!

A black tail turned into a black fire extending from the hips!

"Hell three-headed dog! So it's you, hahaha!!!"

Seeing Yan Douluo's martial spirit, the elder of the refining hall suddenly laughed.

Yan Douluo's expression tightened, no!How could he recognize himself?

"Don't talk nonsense, I have never seen you. I am the Fire Leopard Sect Yan Douluo. Since ancient times, evil has been invincible. Today you will fall here!"

Yan Douluo flew directly into the sky as he said, the elder of the refining hall smiled dismissively, "Then you are here, what are you running?"

"I'm afraid I will tell your secrets? Hahaha! Well, since you know shame, I won't expose you first!"

The elder of the refining hall held up the giant hammer, and the whole person was directly 180 feet high and stopped in the air.

The elder of the refining hall and Yan Douluo looked at each other, "Don't run away?"

An evil fire flashed in Yan Douluo's eyes, and the fangs in his mouth opened, "It ended up with you here, no one can know my secret!"

"Hahaha————!!!" The elder of the refining hall looked up to the sky and smiled, "Are you so afraid that others will know your secret?"

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