Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 408 Bloody Battle (11)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At the bloody temple, the two sides had already fought and couldn't talk.

The Scarlet Holy Spirit stood under the temple, and the blood of the enemy gathered into a huge blood cell in his hands.

It gets bigger and bigger, every time the enemy falls, the blood cell will increase by one point.

"Hehe, more and more, with this blood, I will soon be able to condense the bleeding stones."


Scarlet Holy Spirit showed a cold smile, his former appearance has long since disappeared.

His skin was pale as a dead person, and he couldn't remember how long he hadn't seen the sun.

His skin was almost as white as his own gray hair.

"go to hell!"

Suddenly a shout came from my ear.

Seeing the warrior rushing towards him, the eyes of Scarlet Holy Spirit couldn't help showing a trace of appreciation.

"I admire your courage and sigh for your ignorance. Just go quietly like this, the sixth soul ability, the heart is mastered."

After speaking, the sixth spirit ring of Scarlet Holy Spirit flickered, and he stretched out his right hand to the disciple of the Wind Sword Sect.

In an instant, a phantom of the heart appeared in his hand!

The Wind Sword Sect disciple was immediately stunned, and every frequency of his heartbeat was actually mapped on that virtual heart!

This kind of restlessness, this feeling of life beating in the palm of others!

"Do not!!!"


The heart in Scarlet Holy Spirit's hand was cruelly crushed, and the disciple of the Sword Wind Sect fell to the ground.

Scarlet Holy Spirit hooked his fingers, and the blood of that Wind Sword Sect disciple broke out in an instant and was sucked into the huge blood cell.

Only one corpse was left kneeling on the spot.

"Now, who is the next snack?"

Scarlet Holy Spirit scanned the surroundings through blood-red eyes, and the entire dark forest appeared in his eyes three colors of black, red and green.

Dead objects appear black, living objects appear blood-like red, and plants appear green.

This is his martial arts ability, super martial arts: immortal blood corpse.

In Zong Yang's words, it is vampires and zombies.

Although he didn't understand what it meant, he could still call himself a blood clan proudly.

Looking at the two figures in the sky, the elder Xie Yue who was in charge of guarding this place was beaten back by the opponent in a row!

"Damn it, in this dark forest, not only does it not help me at all, it also greatly limits my ability!"

Elder Xie Yue retracted the nine black crescent martial spirits, and the whole person directly swept up.

He wants to rush out here, the darkness is not his home court!

And the person who was fighting against him was Ghost Douluo, and his strange ability happened to fit such a dark scene perfectly!

"Gu Rong, if you are a man, don't hide, come out with me if you have the ability!"

Bone Douluo Gu Rong glanced, "Okay, before that, it depends on whether you are fast enough."

"The sixth spirit ability, a thousand bone spears!"

After speaking, the sixth spirit ring next to Gu Rong Bone Douluo flickered!

Countless gray-white spirit powers spilled out of Gu Rong's body, and thousands of bone spears scattered toward Elder Xieyue at the same time!

"When you claim to be decent, your appearance is so vicious!"

Elder Xieyue gritted his teeth, and the nine black moon wheels instantly condensed and lined up on his chest at once, and turned in one direction!

"Sixth spirit ability, full moon!"

The moon wheel formed a black barrier in front of him, and all kinds of crackling sounds came out.

Gu Rong continued to increase the output of soul power, "When dealing with a wicked person like you, no matter what means is used, it will not appear dirty."

"The ninth spirit ability, the ossified dragon!"


With a roar of the dragon, the bones in Gu Rong's body broke out, and then began to grow wildly!

In the blink of an eye, Gu Rong's body turned into a giant bone dragon with a huge physique, and swept directly towards Elder Xie Yue!

"Since ancient times, evil is invincible, so give up!"


The huge bone dragon has no flesh and blood, so it can't be compared with those real dragons, but the body is still huge!

Seeing such a behemoth sweeping towards him, Elder Xie Yue secretly said that it was not good!

but.Lazy listening to books

It's here, my friend!

Elder Xieyue's figure suddenly disappeared, and he has rushed out of the dark forest!

The bone dragon transformed by Bone Douluo Gu Rong also broke through the dark forest, "You have nowhere to hide!"


An unprecedented suppression comes from the sky.

The black moon!!

There are rumors in ancient times that if the moonlight changes, there will be disasters.

Green is sorrow for hunger, red is fighting and soldiers, yellow is virtue and joy, white is drought and mourning, black is water, and people are sick and die!

The sudden change made Bone Douluo unexpected, he saw Elder Xieyue suspended in the air, and the black moon became his background.

His seventh soul ability: Xieyue's true body was secretly released at some point!

When he waved his hand, the moon seemed to fall into his applause!

He is controlling the moon!

"This is my home game, Gu Rong, you have nowhere to escape."

The huge figure of the Bone Dragon twisted, and he felt that his body was weighed down by a huge amount of weight, "Escape? The word escape has never been in the old man's dictionary!"

Only tactical retreat.


On the dark forest battlefield, a few sword shadows flashed past, and a blood clan was directly chopped into eight pieces of corpses!

Ye Feng and others have found the younger brother, but they are late.

The younger brother is dead.

"I want to avenge my brother!!"

The people who had been dazzled by the hatred had already rushed out, and Ye Feng and the others were useless no matter how they blocked it.

In a short while, the young figure melted into the darkness, and Ye Feng and the others lost their way.

All kinds of fighting roars were heard constantly around, but they couldn't see it, because the youth left with the flames.

"What do we do now? Our great good man Ye Feng." Long Ying's voice was full of mockery of Ye Feng.

Where the responsibility lies, people fail to save, but put themselves in it.

Long Ying shook his head, he really didn't know what to say about Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stood up blankly, "Then win the battle with them, and then everyone will leave together."



Speaking of Ye Feng's body, several holes were torn open!

Hao Xingqin's pupils shrank, "You transferred everyone's injuries to yourself! Are you crazy!"


There were a few more cracks, and Ye Feng instantly treated himself, "Not everyone, but I can feel it, help me, Qin'er."

Hao Xingqin was stunned, why?

Why is there such a stupid person in the world?

Doing such a thankless thing, others might not remember him at all, why would he do it?

Knowing that it would be dangerous, he broke in without hesitation.

Hao Xingqin doesn't understand, she really can't understand, maybe this is the kindness in her mother's mouth.

"Ye Feng, why are you coming back?"


An abrupt voice came out, and a pale hand suddenly struck out in the darkness!

He pinched Ye Feng's throat in an instant and lifted him into the air. Two blood lights were slowly emitted from the darkness!

Those are his eyes.

Through a little afterglow in the distance, the figure in the dark began to become clearer and clearer!

Seeing this person's face, Ye Feng's pupils shrank instantly, "Hao, Hao Xingdi, you, aren't you dead!"


Thanks to the following classmates for their rewards, the author clasped fists here.

100-'Let down everything and go with you' Next Door Uncle Wang 2'


500-'Holy ~ Knight' Su Muqiu'

1000-'Wu Mingshi Ann'

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