Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 411 The Battle of the Emperor Seal (14)

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!To the west of the Holy Spirit, here is a mountain range, which separates the two worlds like a black dragon.

But this time, such a dragon-like momentum was ruthlessly cut off.

In the middle of this mountain range, a group of people opened a gap here!

An antique city was forcibly built on this gap.

This is the Temple of Emperor Meteorite, also named the Forbidden City.

Now it was nightfall, and the fighting between the two sides continued, but as the day passed, the Holy Spirit who was guarding here hesitated to show up.

The porcupine Douluo of the Wuhun Palace was not good at attacking, so he couldn't enter the Emperor's Meteorite Temple for a while.

The elder Thousand Arms taught by the Holy Spirit always fights steadily, and the porcupine Douluo can't take him for a while.

The spirit of the thousand-armed elder is a centipede, and as the number of spirit rings increases, the more arms his spirit possesses.

Up to now, the thousand-armed elder who has the nine-ring cultivation base already has 8,000 arms.

He has a thousand feet and a length of eight hundred feet. He held the Emperor's Meteorite Temple with his body for a while.

And below, for some reason, the soldiers on the side of the Emperor's Meteorite Temple are not persevering!

I can't kill it!

Those soldiers wore an iron armor and steel helmet. They had a uniform pace, well-trained, and formed long teams to attack and defend.

For some reason, they just can't kill!

Although the Martial Spirit Palace side did not suffer much, it had already begun to enter a state of exhaustion.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on, why can't these people be beaten to death?"

"Didn't it mean that every temple has a Holy Spirit?"

"It must be the power of the Holy Spirit!"

"Damn it, where the title on the other side has been guarding, we can't get in at all!"

"I just hope that the elders can quickly take the title of the opposite party, otherwise it will be in trouble."

"My spirit power is already less than 50%."


On the other side, the emperor's army knocked the shield in the other hand with the long sword in their hands, "Ha! Ha!" xN

"Fight for the emperor!" xN

The shouts shook the sky and the earth moved, the spirit of the army slowly condensed, and the momentum of the emperor's army rose!

They are still pushing forward, arrogant, ruthless, and powerful. This is a jagged army!

In the Temple of Emperor Meteorite, and above the Forbidden City in the outer city, a young man wearing a Nine Dragon Emperor robe slowly walked out of the Temple of Emperor Meteorite.


A flash of lightning fell, and the Qi of Kowloon spiraled up!

A faint golden soul power immediately enveloped the entire emperor's army!

At a time, tens of thousands of soldiers knelt down, and bowed to this person with three deductions and nine prayers!

"Participate in Zhou Tianzi!" xN

The shouts of tens of thousands of soldiers were like thunderous ears, and they stunned the returning Wuhun Palace army in an instant!

This person is the emperor's seal of the Holy Spirit, and is also the son of Emperor Zhou. He dare not claim to be an emperor.

Because, in the eyes of the Holy Spirit of Emperor Yin, Chen Xiu is the heaven, and he is Chen Xiu's son who considers himself the son of heaven!

"Flat body."

A flat voice spread across the battlefield, and tens of thousands of soldiers reorganized the team at the fastest speed!

Elder Thousand Arms's huge centipede lowered his head, "The emperor, you are finally done with your preparations, I will fall apart when dragging down the old man."

Emperor Yin Shengsheng had a luxurious blond hair and a handsome face. He was not very old, only fifteen years old.

But it is expensive to teach the Holy Spirit!

I saw the Diyin Holy Spirit squinted at the elder Thousand Arms, "If you want to do it, you have to burn incense and bathe, and pray to my father, so that you can use the power that my father has given him.

The elder Thousand Arms is speechless, you are not the birthright of the leader, why are you called the same?

Yes, Diyin Holy Spirit was originally just a nine-year-old child who was going to die.

During a wild hunt, Chen Xiu accidentally found a beast with a size of several tens of feet and a white-haired beast!

Yes, the ten thousand year soul beast, so Chen Xiu naturally couldn't let it go.Cool Record Literature

Immediately summoned people to slaughter him. At that time, the giant tiger was exhausted and died after the war for three days and three nights.

But when Chen Xiu put aside the tiger's belly, he discovered that there was a child hidden in the tiger's belly!

What surprised him even more was that the child was swallowed by the giant tiger unscathed!

Later, Chen Xiu knew that this was because of the characteristics of his martial arts, and Chen Xiu saw that he was interesting and took him into the teacher.

Unbeknownst to Chen Xiu, his appearance rekindled the seeds of hope for the deeply desperate child.

He regarded himself as a new birth, and he recognized Chen Xiu as his father, and his new beginning was to enter the Holy Spirit.

Later, after several years of hard work, Chen Xiu chose the Holy Spirit and gave everyone an equal opportunity.

As long as you can survive the martial spirit and merge into the super martial spirit, then everyone can become a holy spirit!

The Holy Spirit of Emperor Yin was born from this. He now sees Chen Xiu as the heaven, and he sees himself as the son of heaven, as the son of heaven.

"Wuhun, Emperor Seal."


A pale golden pillar of spirit power rose, and the emperor robe of the emperor seal holy spirit was blown by the wind!

Jiulong Haunted all gathered in the palm of the Holy Spirit of the Emperor Seal!

That is an emperor seal entwined with nine golden dragons!

I saw the emperor seal holy spirit wave the emperor seal, the first soul ability was activated!

"The palm seal of the Emperor of Heaven shocks the Quartet. The nine seals are the ultimate, the first seal, Shi!"

As soon as this seal was printed, the soldiers underneath all appeared in a row, and the next golden light uploaded by Emperor Yinzhi instantly formed a pair of soldiers and horses!

"Oh! Ha!"

"Participate in Zhou Tianzi!"

The emperor seal holy spirit releases his hand and activates his soul abilities again, "The palm print of the emperor stuns the four directions, and the nine seals are the ultimate, the second seal, robbery!"

When the words fell, the second spirit ring beside Di Yin Shengsheng flickered.

A sky thunder fell on the emperor seal, and the thunder on the emperor seal was transferred to the tens of thousands of soldiers.

The thunder and lightning attached themselves to their weapons, giving them the ability to paralyze the enemy!

The situation reversed in an instant!

The soldiers were no longer holding their shields in battle, they immediately disintegrated and swarmed!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" xN

The army that completely abandoned the defensive stance instantly fought with the Wuhun Palace side!

Along with the flash of thunder, the movement of the Wuhun Palace side slowed down visible to the naked eye!

The soldiers broke through several lines of defense one after another under the pursuit of victory!

But the benefits and risks coexist, and they completely abandoned their defenses while killing the enemy and causing damage instantly!

This can be described as hurting the enemy eight hundred and losing one thousand, but does the Emperor Seal Holy Spirit care about the lives of these soldiers?

The answer is obvious, don't care.

Because these soldiers are just derivatives of his spirit power, the emperor is ruthless, and it is destined to exchange injuries for injuries.

But is the Emperor Seal Holy Spirit afraid of loss?

The answer is obvious. He is an army alone, and all the loss is only the amount of his soul power.

But in fact, these soldiers have souls.

But they must grow up in endless battles to be able to give birth to consciousness, and once soldiers have consciousness, they can be promoted to generals.

This is a growth-shaped martial spirit, and users can also completely fight the war of attrition without training super individuals such as generals and military gods.

This is also possible, but a general can definitely control one team with one enemy and one hundred.

These can share a lot for the emperor's seal and holy spirit, but the kings and gods are even more terrifying, they will grow with the growth of the master's spirit power.

As long as spirit masters can become Title Douluo, then the military god they cultivated will also become Title Douluo.


Author, I have started school, are you surprised?Was it unexpected?

The update time will change in the last fourteen days, so please understand.

It returned to normal after 14 days.

Ah, in fact, I went to school for 14 days, and then I graduated. If you have any questions, don't say anything, just don't trust me.

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