Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 418 Projection of the Sky!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The center of Chen Xiu's figure appeared in the temple, but for some reason the figures of the nine gods had disappeared.

Chen Xiu felt an unprecedented level of refreshment.

It's like breaking free from the chains that have been restraining yourself!

This feeling of breaking through and locking, this feeling of unlimited!

Wanxiang, heaven!

The two martial souls who were shackled, now finally broke the seal!

Wanxiang, forcibly plundering, directly takes away the martial soul of the living!

Heaven, the fusion of all things, vegetation, flowers, stones, jade, gold and flesh, soul bone, spirit ring, martial soul, any matter can be fused!

Moreover, the restriction of the heavenly space seems to have been lifted, and Chen Xiu can now directly incorporate any real matter into it!

He can even directly create a real body for the ghost mother's smiling beauty!

At the moment when his spirit power reached the seventieth rank!

Both of his spirits were liberated!

Wanxiang’s copying is no longer a copying of a phantom, but a real and true copy of a permanent Wuhun!

It is equivalent to being born out of nothing, and plundering has become more crazy, he can even plunder other people's spirit rings!

Feeling all kinds of wonderful changes, Chen Xiu opened her arms, "It feels familiar, as if I had mastered this ability a long, long time ago."

And just when Chen Xiu felt the power, a disc like the sun suddenly rose in the hall!

Without any warning, the sunset temple fell to pieces in an instant, and a large number of buildings collapsed and spliced.

Surrounding the huge sun disc, the originally sealed sunset temple actually surrounds the sun disc, forming an altar covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles!

The field of vision suddenly widened, and there were no more buildings for thousands of miles, and from a distance, it was all white clouds.

I saw Chen Xiu walking slowly in front of the sun disc, and he gently touched the sun disc with his hand.

The scenery in front of me suddenly changed drastically!

Chen Xiu opened her eyes again and found her own heaven!

And in front of him is a blue planet, surrounded by endless stars.

Chen Xiu released her hand instantly, and the picture before her instantly changed back to a huge solar disk.

Chen Xiu tried to put her hands up again, and her vision changed drastically again!

It is not a journey, but his perspective has changed to the perspective of God!

Looking at the blue planet in front of him, Chen Xiu saw several familiar territories instantly!

"This is the Douluo Continent?"

and many more!

From this perspective, his current position is above the sun!

Released his hand, the scenery in front of Chen Xiu once again changed to a sun disc.

"Sunset Forest, Sun God, Disc, Douluo Continent, I understand."

Chen Xiu smiled slightly. If he guessed right, the sun disk in front of him must be some kind of artifact.

And its function should be to let people see the entire Douluo Continent.

"More than that, the chosen one."

An elegant voice came without warning, and Chen Xiu frowned, "You should be the sun god, right?"

Applause, a golden-red figure appeared.

"Yes, it's me, the sun god, Hao."

"This body is my last incarnation of divine power. It can only exist for one hour at most, so please don't ask anything indifferent." Qiankun Tingshu website

"Of course, before that, you must first promise me one condition."

The sun god's figure became clearer and clearer, and a shocking scene happened when he fully appeared in front of Chen Xiu!

I saw a pure golden * character on the sun god’s forehead!

The sun god smiled slightly, "Don't be surprised, after all, from the moment you were born, I have selected you as my only heir."

Chen Xiu hesitated for a moment, "Why?"

The sun god heard his question and shook his head with a wry smile, "Speaking of which I am helpless. Someone directly appointed you as my heir. As for his identity, I don't know, but I can't resist him.

Chen Xiu nodded, "Then tell me about your conditions."

The sun god sighed, "It is a condition rather than a request. I have three major regrets in my life. As long as you can complete these three regrets for me, you can accept my inheritance."

"The Nine Tests of the Sun God have been abolished by me. The nine who fought with you before are the nine followers of mine."

"That's a test for you, and it's also a meeting gift for you. Feel it well."

Chen Xiu closed his eyes gently, and he could clearly feel the golden blood flowing in his body.

And all his muscles and bones have grown to an extremely terrifying point!

Looking at the age of his bones, Chen Xiu found that he was nineteen by the age of his bones.

"I did feel it, so you can talk about the three regrets of your life."

The sun god nodded, and then slowly extended a finger, "My first regret is that I once lost to the sea god, so I need you to find the descendant of the sea god."

"Then, beat him."

Chen Xiu nodded, and the sun god stretched out his second finger again, "My second regret is her betrayal, so I need you to find the descendant of the angel god and let her fall in love with you."

"My sword is in her hand, you can take back that sword."

Chen Xiu nodded, and the sun god immediately raised a third finger, "My third regret is that one-fifth of the godhead was taken away by the god Shura."

"I was also a master god, but because the madman of God Shura wanted to condense the undefeated godhead, he took away one-fifth of the godhead.

"So, I need you to defeat the descendants of God Shura for me and get back the one-fifth Godhead for me."

Undefeated Godhead.

Restrain all gods!

Chen Xiu smiled, "I promised you all, then, now I ask you a question, why can you be sure that they will have descendants?"

The sun god looked directly at Chen Xiu, "Yes, it will definitely be."

"The next twenty years will be an era of turbulent gods. At that time, the Douluo Continent will be an era of half-gods who are not as good as dogs."

"Under my prediction, at least twenty-four demigods, and even more demigods, will descend on Douluo Continent."

"And the one who caused all this is you, the extraterritorial demon."

Chen Xiu closed her eyes slightly, "Is this your name for the traverser?"

"You can understand that too." The sun god replied.

"Well, time is running out. Let me make a long story short. This solar disk has the power to distort time and space. Don't get me wrong. I didn't make it."

"As for who made it, you don't need to know that."

"It represents the sun. You can use it to plunge into other worlds that still have the sun. You must know that the world is not unique, and Douluo Continent is not the only world."

"There is a sun in all heavens and all realms, and this solar disc allows you to plunge into all realms to plunder the original power of other worlds."

"That's what you say, outside world energy."


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