Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 427 Chen Xiu's Miscalculation

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The royal family of the Tiandou Empire, Qian Renxue looked at Chen Xiu expressionlessly, but the synchronized heartbeat betrayed her.

Chen Xiu brushed her golden hair slightly, and a faint fragrance spread out, "Xue'er, it's been a long time since I saw you, I miss you a bit."

Qian Renxue's complexion turned ruddy, but she still didn't let go of her restraint, "Didn't you engage in the turmoil of the mainland recently? Have you been very cautious before?"

"Aren't you afraid to anger those old monsters, especially my grandpa."

Leaning against the platinum stone wall, Chen Xiu smiled slightly, "Believe it or not, no one is my opponent on the current Douluo Continent."

Qian Renxue said: "Chen Xiu, you seem to have changed. In my cognition, you will not be arrogant enough to despise everyone."

Chen Xiu took Qian Renxue's hand, "Xue'er, don't you believe me?"

"My self-confidence does not come from arrogance, but from my martial soul. Now I am the enemy and nemesis of all soul masters in the world."

Qian Renxue sighed, "Yes, those people call you Evil Soul Patriarch, but you have always been looking for me for no purpose, right?"


Was seen through.

Chen Xiu hugged Qian Renxue, "Xue'er, lend me your second martial arts spirit."

Copy start!

Chen Xiu's right hand grabbed Qian Renxue's left hand, and soon an identical mirror soul mark appeared in Chen Xiu's hand.

This is a permanent copy of Wuhun, and it can only be copied for 24 hours as before.

However, there is still a restriction, that is, each person can only copy once, and the other party must voluntarily hand over the martial arts to Chen Xiu, and there can be no resistance.

I saw Chen Xiu's right hand showing the Mirror Martial Soul of the illusion, and the realm coins below had been directly returned to zero.

Chen Xiu thought for a while, this should be because his martial soul and Qian Renxue's martial soul are not synchronized.

Before, Chen Xiu borrowed Qian Renxue's martial arts soul, but now he is copying Qian Renxue's martial arts soul, and the two martial arts are no longer related.

I took a look at Qian Renxue's spirit power, at level 72, thinking that when the two first met, they had a total difference of level 20 spirit power.

Seeing now, Chen Xiu's spirit power has reached the 70th level, and the spirit power of the two has infinitely equaled, and this is the result of Chen Xiu's not pursuing the improvement of spirit power.

If he wanted to desperately improve his soul power, his ability to absorb soul alone would be enough to make him reach Title Douluo.

Chen Xiu's strength grew too fast, almost beyond his own imagination.

Every step of his plan that he used to fight steadily and steadily is actually unnecessary now, because in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger.

As long as Chen Xiu is strong enough, does he still use the calculation of the Martial Soul Palace?

Fight directly on the Douluo Continent, and then no matter what the spirit hall or the seven major sects, they will all push past!

"Well, can you stay here tonight?"

Faced with Qian Renxue's request, Chen Xiu brushed her hair with regret, "I'm sorry, but I really don't allow me to stay here for a long time."

"Xue'er, believe me, as long as you give me a period of time and wait for me to hold the Douluo Continent in my hands, this is your back garden."

"And my current goal is to hide the infinite world hidden in the endless starry sky, where it will be our next stop."

Qian Renxue sighed, "Well, no matter what you do, I will support you, because I love you."


Three days later, the Sun Moon Continent.

Chen Xiushun copied the spirit of all people of the Holy Spirit Sect, and uprooted the Holy Spirit Sect and installed it into the heavenly space.

Returning to the Sun-Moon Empire, still in this familiar place, Xu Yin had already been waiting here!

The ghost mother's smiling beauty was also enshrined and came to Chen Xiu's side, "I'm back, have you brought my daughter?"

Chen Xiu glanced at the palace frame being built in the distance and waved his hand, only to see a huge palace appearing out of thin air to replace the frame!


A huge city is located here out of thin air. Fortunately, the Sun-Moon Empire covers a large area.

The Holy Spirit was moved here in its entirety, and with it tens of millions of followers of the Holy Spirit.

Chen Xiu gave everything to the Ghost Mother and Zong Yang. Xu Yin was a smart man, and he knew what to do.

As for Chen Xiu, he found the highest mountain with Xu Yin's help.Jiangsu Literature Network

This is Dingtian Mountain, the highest mountain in the Sun and Moon Continent. Although it will be destroyed by the collision of two continents in ten thousand years, it is indeed the highest mountain in the Sun and Moon Continent.

What Chen Xiu had to do was to place the Sun Altar here. It was not convenient to keep the sun disc on him.

And Chen Xiu next, will take a risk, if he fails, then he will definitely fall.

But in order to pursue the ultimate and immortality, the necessary risks and sacrifices are necessary.

On this day, as Chen Xiu erected a huge solar disk here, even the sun deviated from its direction in an instant!

He descended rapidly at an unusual angle until the moon appeared parallel to it at the same angle!

The sun and the moon are bright!

Millions of Holy Spirit followers and Sun-Moon Empire soldiers have all witnessed this scene!

Brilliant like fire, red radiance like gold, rising like the sun!

Tian Dou Xing Luo, the sun and the moon fight!

Chen Xiu's black hair and his white-gold robe fluttered with the wind, and a faint golden light slowly poured into his body.

A familiar feeling came, but this time the Sun Disk was no longer taking Chen Xiu around the mainland!

This time, Chen Xiu will try the space jump for the first time!

The golden beam of light fell from the sky, and an unprecedented sense of tearing came!

What came out immediately afterwards was a sense of distortion, and Chen Xiu instantly felt the heavens turn around!

The scene in front of me began to change rapidly!

The space in front of him was shattered into countless fragments, and a curtain like a galaxy quickly passed by Chen Xiu!

Chen Xiu felt her body was torn and healed again!

He suddenly felt something bad!

Do not!

not good!


At this moment, an accident happened!

His ten-thousand-divided mental power suddenly shook unstable!

They are no longer controlled, they are madly together!

Finally, merge into one!


Tens of thousands of different emotions exploded at the same time!!


The tearing feeling in the spirit made Chen Xiu recall the pain!



How long hasn't he felt this kind of pain!

He has almost forgotten the feeling of pain!

This piercing feeling, this kind of painful feeling!

It is not only mental pain, but also the pain from mental breakdown!

Once he can't bear it, his soul will disappear in an instant!

Chen Xiu's pupils shattered, and countless blood stains burst out of his body instantly. His mental power has reached the critical point!

"No, I can't hold on, that's it..."




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