Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 429: Lin Wuxian

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In a blink of an eye, a month passed, and the man still couldn't remember who he was.

In desperation, Xiao Yixian could only leave him to work in Wanyao Zhai.

But it's not very good to call that man'you' all the time, so Xiao Yixian gave him a name.

His surname was Lin, and then he was called Wuxian.


In Wanyaozhai's backyard, Lin Wuxian, wearing a plain gown, is working hard to carry water. These days, he is working hard.

And he doesn't need money, just having a place to live and taking care of the meal is enough.

And Lin Wuxian did the most work with the least money, and he was naturally loved by the owner of Wanyaozhai.

After all, such a free labor force, I think everyone wants it.

However, Lin Wuxian was born with supernatural power, and he could do 30 people's work alone, and those who had him could take a break.

Of course most of the people have been fired by the owner of Wanyaozhai because they are not needed anymore.

However, Lin Wuxian's appetite is not that big, he can eat food for 20 or 30 people alone.

Under the scorching sun, Lin Wuxian's white skin did not see a trace of discoloration, which was envious of the maids.

At this time, a small maid suddenly ran to Lin Wuxian, "Brother Wuxian, are you doing anything this afternoon?"

Looking at this maid, Lin Wuxian thought for a while, "It seems to be okay."

Looking at Lin Wuxian Junyi's profile, the maid's cheeks flushed slightly, "Then, that, that is, my clothes are a bit old recently, and I want to buy a new one."

"But I am a weak girl and it is not safe to go out, so Brother Wuxian...Can you..."

Lin Wuxian smiled and replied, "Okay."

After getting an answer, the girl and him set a good time and left in a hurry.

In response to such a request, Lin Wuxian had no idea how much he had received in the past three days.

They were all young girls in the blooming season, even Xiao Yixian invited him twice, but every time Lin Wuxian was asked to leave.

When the time came to the afternoon, after finishing a busy day, Lin Wuxian had eaten food for dozens of people and went out of Wanyaozhai.

Outside Wanyaozhai, the girl had been waiting for him for a long time. She changed into a light blue dress and seemed to be well dressed.

"Brother Wuxian!"

The girl waved to Lin Wuxian.

Lin Wuxian saw the girl also waved his hand, he didn't know what it meant, he had forgotten too many things.

Now he would always imitate other people's actions unconsciously, and unconsciously seemed to remind him of a lot of things.

Seeing the clothes Lin Wuxian was wearing, the girl frowned slightly, "Brother Wuxian, why are you still wearing this suit?"

Lin Wuxian looked at himself, "But I only have this suit."

The girl thought for a moment, "Then choose a dress for Brother Wuxian today, I'm not in a hurry."

Lin Wuxian nodded, he still didn't quite understand the meaning, since someone else gave it to him, he would take it.

When you come to Fangshi in Qingshan Town, your destination is a dazzling array of goods and the constant shouts of vendors.

"Brother Wuxian, let's go to that store and have a look."

The girl boasted Lin Wuxian's arm and led him directly into the largest clothing shop in Qingshan Town.

The girl helped Lin Wuxian choose a piece of clothing that was not expensive nor cheap, and the girl still shook a little while paying.

After all, it was the money she had saved for a long time, just to buy herself a new dress.

However, the moment she saw Lin Wuxian put on the new clothes, the girl was dumbfounded!

This this this!

Lin Wuxian.

It's no wonder that Xiaoyixian gave him this name, no matter how you look at his appearance, he's all a fairy!

It's worth the trip to see the beauty of Brother Wuxian's flourishing age!

The girl shed tears of happiness.

But when the girl was enjoying a good moment, an accident happened suddenly!

"It's from the wolf head mercenary group!"

"It's almost gone, don't get into trouble." Food Novel

"The strong dragon does not suppress the snakes. They are outsiders so arrogant, they will get into trouble sooner or later!"

"The trouble is also their business, let's go early."


Suddenly there was a restless voice outside, as if someone was coming.

Lin Wuxian and the girl ran into them as soon as they walked out of the clothes shop!

The people on the street outside had already disappeared, and the head was a sturdy bald head.

He and the five people behind him all have a totem tattoo of a black wolf.

They are members of the Wolfhead Mercenary Group. They are Qingshan Town, which has only recently come. Those local mercenary groups are too lazy to take care of them.

But they are getting more and more rampant, thinking they are strong enough, these people dare not move them.

But in fact, the local mercenary group didn't bother to take care of them. If they really fought, the wolfhead mercenary group would not be ranked.

But no one is willing to care about them yet, so they can still be arrogant for a while.

Five people, three fighters in two stages, and two fighters in one stage.

At the moment the girl appeared, the eyes of the five people all fixed on him, "Hey, there is a chick here!"

"Oh, looks good, I didn't expect that there is another one to see in this poor country."

"Then let's go, spend the night with the men, and wait for them to be happy, maybe I will find you in the future!"


Saying Wu directly grabbed the girl, and ignored Lin Wuxian who was aside.

In their eyes, Lin Wuxian was just an ordinary person without grudge.


"Save me, Brother Wuxian!"

The girl's call instantly reached Lin Wuxian's ears.

Lin Wuxian opened his eyes in an instant, and immediately pinched the wrist of the leading man in a flash!

The lead brother frowned, "What, do you want to be nosy?"

A bright light flashed in Lin Wuxian's eyes, "Let her go."


A beast-like aura spread across Lin Wuxian's body, and the leader who took the lead was shocked for an instant!

what happened?

That momentum just now!

The lead boss was scared just now, but he soon realized that he was just an ordinary person.

Why should I be afraid of him?

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

"Yellow-level Intermediate Fighting Skill, Wind Ripper!"

Faced with the sudden attack, Lin Wuxian did not react, but his body moved on its own!

He lowered his head, dodged his windbreaker in an instant, then turned around, pinched his arm with both hands, and threw it over his shoulders!


A huge force came, and the leader was instantly dumbfounded. His dignified contender was hit to the ground by a mortal without grudge!

A familiar battle memory poured out of Lin Wuxian's mind!

Seeing that the boss was attacked, the other four people immediately released their fighting skills and attacked!

Lin Wuxian felt an unprecedented energy surge in his body, he tried to guide and control, and finally...

Release this power completely!


A pillar of blood, like a lotus flower, bloomed instantly, and a fiery red lotus mark appeared on Lin Wuxian's head instantly!

This familiar feeling.

Red lotus industry fire!

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