Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 435 Pill Refining Conference?

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What is the position of the alchemist in the Dou Qi continent?

That's not Dou Zong Dou Huang, something that can be summed up with realm.

An alchemy master, that is such a rare existence, even a first-grade alchemist will be regarded as a guest of honor by various families.

It can be said that behind every alchemist is an extremely large network, it doesn't matter if you offend an alchemist.

The ones who are really terrible are the strong people behind the alchemist!

They may be the master of a sect, they may be the strongest of Douzong, and more likely to be Dou Zun!

And look at Chen Xiu, holding two kinds of different fires in his hand, it is obvious that he is an alchemist, and he is also that kind of alchemist of not low grade!

Coupled with Chen Xiu's fighting emperor realm, Yun Yun initially estimated that Chen Xiu was at least a fifth to sixth rank alchemist.

It may even be higher!

Perhaps Dan King Guhe can't be compared with him!

Naturally, Yun Yun would not be so arrogant that Yun Lanzong was already invincible on the mainland.

This is the most stupid idea!

Besides, Yun Yun had never heard of such a rare person as Chen Xiu, an alchemist.

How could the rise of a senior alchemist be silent?

The most likely thing is that Chen Xiu is from outside!

Combined with the fact that the blood sand sect was destroyed overnight and he took over everything, Yun Yun could already imagine the huge power behind Chen Xiu!

Such a person declared war on his Yun Lanzong for no reason, most likely because he wanted to have fun.

And the reason why he is so bold, must be because the mysterious forces behind him are strong enough to make him so confident!

For a while, Yun Yun directly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight, she must not let Yun Lanzong be destroyed in her hands!

"I think we need to know why you want to take action against my Yun Lanzong, there is no hatred between us?" Yun Yun said with the sword.

Seeing Yun Yun's sword, Chen Xiu was also very cooperative to withdraw the fire, "The reason?"

"Because I want to destroy your Yun Lanzong, is this reason not enough?"


Yun Yun gritted her teeth secretly, things are in trouble!

The ancestor of Styx in front of him is a hornet's nest!

Killing him will definitely attract a strong Dou Zong like a sea, even a strong Dou Zong!

"Since we have no enmity, why can't we turn fighting into jade?"

"We can all forget about the things of the great elder Yun Leng."

Yun Leng?

That one?

Chen Xiu thought for a while, it should be the Dou Wang who was killed by himself.

"Want to make peace with me? That's okay, how about you marry me?" Chen Xiu grinned.


Yun Yun clenched her fists, she couldn't get angry because this person was deliberately picking things up!


at this time!

A majestic aura that resembled a dragon waking up, and in an instant it enveloped the entire Yunlan Mountain!

A powerful pressure that Chen Xiu had never felt before spread out from the depths of Yunlan Mountain, and finally filled the square!


All the Yunlan sect children on the square couldn't help but knelt on their knees at the place where the momentum spread!

And the elders of Yunlanzong, although they did not bow down, they also bowed respectfully.

A clear howl suddenly rose into the sky, and under the gaze of countless eyes, a white shadow suddenly emerged from the depths of Yunlan Mountain!

Immediately stepping on the void, he slowly came towards the Yunlanzong Square.Worry-free Novel Network

Bai Ying hasn't summoned the wings of fighting spirit, but can walk in the void!

Every time where the footsteps fall, the void will ripple and disappear, but the figure has already appeared a hundred meters away, extremely mysterious!

After striding several times, in just a moment, the figure flashed on the top of the stone monument in the center of the square!

Bai Ying was dressed in a set of very simple white robes, and the breeze came, and the robes fluttered, quite a kind of dust.

He doesn't look very old because of his age. There are no wrinkles that old people should have on his face. On the contrary, he is like a piece of warm jade shining a little.

With long snow-white hair and Chen Xiu's black hair fluttering in the wind, Chen Xiu's first thought was Dou Zong when the two looked at each other!

Stride through the air, the strong one!

However, Chen Xiu's face didn't have any fear, on the contrary, there was a feeling of eagerness to try!

And this person is not someone else, it is Yun Shan, the former suzerain of Yun Lanzong and Yun Yun's master!

Yun Shan frowned slightly, "Yun Yun, you will marry this son on another day."



Yun Yun was dumbfounded, what are you talking about, master!

Chen Xiu was also a little confused. Didn't he come to find the fault? Why did the other party directly give him the sovereign?

"Master, master, I..."

Yun Yun said half of Yunshan immediately gave him a look, and Yun Yun dared not speak immediately.

Chen Xiu applauded for him, "Sure enough, my old family is sensible, but I have a principle."

"That is, what you can't get is always the best. You gave me your sect master directly, and it made me lose interest in an instant."

Yunshan frowned, "What do you think?"

Chen Xiu thought for a while and finally grinned, "As you know, I am an alchemist, and I came here this time to discuss some academic knowledge with the local alchemist."

"Well, you help me summon all the alchemists of the Gamma Empire to the Blood Sand Sect. What happened to us today is over, how about it?"

Yunshan didn't give Chen Xiuzai a chance to change and quickly said: "It's so good. Why not come to my clan for a drink?"

Chen Xiu directly shook her head and rejected it, "No, your Yunlanzong water is too deep, I'm afraid it will choke to death."

After speaking, Chen Xiu turned around and left with a group of men.

Yun Yun hasn't realized what is going on, why does the master suddenly appear?

Did he keep peeking in secret all the time?

No, it is not important!

The most important thing is that the master betrothed himself to him, and he turned down with a look of disgust!

What's the matter with this person?

Is she not beautiful?

Looking at her proud figure, Yun Yun thought something was wrong!

How could there be such a person?

She admitted that Chen Xiu's appearance is indeed against the sky, but her own is not bad!

And the other party even said disgustingly that she didn't want her!

This caused Yun Yun's self-esteem to be seriously affected!

But Chen Xiu, the initiator of all this, has already returned to the residence of the Blood Sand Sect with the little doctor fairy.


At the Warcraft Mountains.

Xiao Yan, who was working hard on his fighting skills by the side, was sweating like rain, but Yao Lao was relaxing wherever he went.

A homing pigeon flapped its wings suddenly and flew in front of Yao Lao.

Yao Lao took out the letter and let the pigeon fly again, "Little Yanzi, come to see the latest news."

Xiao Yan closed his fists and trot to Lao Yao, "Teacher is here, what's the news this time?"

Yao Lao looked hesitant, "The ancestor of Styx is anxious that all alchemists of the Gamma Empire will jointly convene an alchemy conference?"

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