You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The sudden change was unexpected to everyone, who would have thought that the so-called ancestor of the Styx would kill Yaohuang Han Feng on the spot!

This is a nuclear bomb-level figure in the Gamma Empire!

Once he is killed, it will not only affect a few people!

But thousands of lives!

Everyone looked at Chen Xiu with horror now, they were waiting for a reason, a reason to kill Han Feng!

I saw that the magic sea heart flame in Chen Xiu's hand was restrained, and another magic sea heart flame was taken out by Chen Xiu from the body of the medicine emperor Han Feng.

At the same time, Chen Xiu pulled out all of Han Feng's memories, his knowledge of alchemy, and his fighting skills became Chen Xiu's things.

All kinds of plunder!

Everything is done, nothing can't be taken away!

There was also a wave of otherworldly energy that followed, which instantly changed Chen Xiu's realm from one-star Dou Huang to two-star Dou Huang!

No one noticed during the whole process, and Chen Xiu also succeeded in stealing a new post and became a true sixth-rank alchemist!

Looking at a dark figure in the crowd, Chen Xiu grinned, "Don't panic, everyone, there is a reason for my killing emperor Han Feng, please allow me to speak carefully."

"You are alchemists, then do you know who the master Yao Yaochen is?"

Hearing Chen Xiu's explanation, everyone who watched the excitement did not seem to be a big deal echoed: "Who does not know the name of Venerable Yao!"

"It's just that Venerable Yao has already traveled in immortality, so what use are you saying!"

"That's it! What's the use!"

"Venerable Yao is the supreme alchemy, and just mentioning the name taboo is a taboo. It is disrespectful for you to call the venerable by his real name!"

"Yes! Yes!"

Everyone looked at Chen Xiu, but Chen Xiu looked at Xiao Yan, the black-robed man hidden in the crowd!

"Everyone, Venerable Medicine did not actually die, and Emperor Yao Han Feng and I are actually brothers of the same sect. I can say that both of me worship Venerable Medicine as our teacher at the same time."

"But what I didn't expect was that Han Feng's beast actually dared to destroy his ancestor!",

"The master, his old man, was also seriously injured by this calculation. He traveled around the vindictive continent as his home in frustration, and there was no place where he would stay permanently."

"And today, I got revenge, and I finally killed this traitor!"

The situation reversed!

In an instant, all the condemnation of Chen Xiu turned into admiration.

Why did Chen Xiu kill Han Feng for righteousness? What kind of kill was good? If you let them know, you will have to give him a few dollars.

Xiao Yan was also dumbfounded. He didn't know if Chen Xiu was in Hubian, but he had to admit that he was right!

It's just that the process is different from what Xiao Yan knew.

In the history that Yao Lao told, he was killed by Han Feng and the people of the Soul Palace.

Even Yao Lao was shocked, he did not expect that Chen Xiu would directly admit that he was his disciple!

"This person's scheming is really heavy. This man who can bend and stretch must be a generation of heroes. I really can't believe that someone can push him to this stage."

"What kind of character is the person who is right with him?"


If Chen Xiu is asked to answer this question, then it must be against the sky!

"Teacher, what should I do next?" Xiao Yan asked.

Yao Lao shook his head, "Don't worry, you and I are watching for a while, first listen to what he says."

However, to Yao Lao's expectation, Chen Xiu did not go on, but went straight to Xiao Yan.

Before Xiao Yan could speak, Chen Xiu instantly held his right hand, "Junior Brother, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Junior brother!!!

"Brother?" Reading for a long time

"This, this person turned out to be the apprentice of Patriarch Styx, is this also the apprentice of Venerable Yao!"


"How is this possible? Why have I never heard that Venerable Yao has so many apprentices!"

"I haven't heard of it either."

"However, since Patriarch Styx has called him a junior, there should be nothing wrong."

Seeing Chen Xiu pressing one hand on his shoulder, Xiao Yan's expression changed slightly, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Xiao Yan's attitude was not very good, but Chen Xiu still smiled and replied, "Didn't you want a strange fire? I'll give it to you."

Different fire!

These two words rushed into Xiao Yan's brain in an instant, which completely stopped his brain from functioning, and Xiao Yan was completely confused.

what did he say?

Give him strange fire, is this kind of Chinese cabbage?

Give it whatever you want?

But in fact, that's the case. Chen Xiu copied a copy of Sea Heart Flame, and then retrieved Han Feng's Sea Heart Flame.

A faint blue flame rose from Chen Xiu's right hand, and the mental fluctuations that emanated in an instant made people dreamlike.

Chen Xiu transferred the strange fire to Xiao Yan's hand and came to his ear, "Help me find the strange fire, Xiao Yan."


Xiao Yan's pupils tightened, and as expected, the other party was using him as a tool!

However, he couldn't refuse Chen Xiuli's temptation!

After all, this is actually a win-win situation. If Chen Xiu can copy the different fire, he doesn't have to fight against Xiao Yan.

The two can achieve peaceful coexistence, Xiao Yan looks for a different fire, and Chen Xiu only needs to copy, the two do not conflict with each other!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan also gave up the idea of ​​doing right with Chen Xiu.

He is not a person who does not know the reward.

The other party unconditionally gave him a strange fire, which has already demonstrated the sincerity of the other party. Accepting the strange fire is equivalent to reaching a cooperation between the two.

This is a mutually beneficial thing, and Xiao Yan has no reason to refuse.

It's just that whenever Xiao Yan thinks of the people who died tragically in Qingshan Town, he will be condemned by his conscience!


But not now...

Seeing Xiao Yan accepting the strange fire, Chen Xiu smiled slightly, "Everyone, this person is my junior, the little apprentice Master received when he was traveling abroad."

"Thank you all for giving me this face today, then please go up the mountain, and prepare a banquet for you to wash the dust, please."

Seeing Chen Xiu waved his hand to invite, everyone did not dare to neglect, and they boarded the blood bridge created by Chen Xiu.

The top of the blood bridge is the residence of the blood sand sect, where wine and food are already prepared, just waiting for the lamb to take a seat.

Wine is good wine, and food is also good. It's a pity that this alchemy conference itself is a great feast!

Chen Xiu and Xiao Yan stayed in the last climb, the others have already gone up, only two of them are still moving here.

After a long time, Xiao Yan spoke first, "I'm just a small contender, why should I choose me?"

Chen Xiu thought for a while, "You need to find out this problem yourself, just as why are you the son of luck in this world?"

Hearing what Chen Xiu said, Xiao Yan was stunned. What is the son of luck?

Why he is the son of luck, this Chen Xiu doesn't know.

However, Chen Xiu used his Bai Ze's martial arts spirit to clearly see Xiao Yan's unique luck!

This kind of air luck is quite similar to Chen Xiu's imperial air, but it is stronger than Chen Xiu's air luck!

Strong enough to surpass Chen Xiu's own luck ten times!

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