Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 444 The Black Horn Domain Competition!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Three days later, Chen Xiu exited the customs again, this time he exited with great fanfare.

He summoned the disciples in the sect and directly smashed the Twilight City in the Blackhorn Region, and established the second blood sea sect here.

Since then, the Blood Sea Sect has also officially joined the blackhorn domain's battle, and has quickly risen to one of the top ten forces in the blackhorn domain!


Noire domain.

Because of the special terrain, it is almost the most chaotic area in the entire continent.

The strong who fled from various countries here have established the most barbaric law of survival!

There are no legal constraints, no rules at all, and some are just rules!

the rules of jungle!

In other words, that is, the weak eat the strong!

The weak are here and have no right to live!

This is an extremely pure area as long as you want to, even if you (****) women on the spot, there is no one to stop it.

Of course, the premise is that it is best to choose a good target when you (****), otherwise, the end may be quite miserable.

In the noire domain, women may sometimes be more scary than men.

There is only one reason, and that is, they survived here.

In addition, the Black Point Region can also be said to be an intelligence intersection on the mainland.

There are countless pieces of information flowing from here every day, and then countless pieces of information flowing in from outside.

Well, to be frank, if you want to be famous and want to be famous on the mainland, Black Point can give you the fastest shortcut.

Of course, the premise is that you must have sufficient strength and capital, otherwise, your name will be lost, and your life will be lost...


On this day, a middle-aged man took a little boy into the Black Point domain.

I saw the middle-aged man stroking the little boy's head and his face solemnly said: "Fan'er, listen carefully, we have entered the black corner domain. Starting today, you have to abandon all your knowledge of the past. "

"Here, only the strong can survive. From now on you have to learn more, watch more, and think more."

"And the first lesson I teach you today is to let you know who in Pointe-Noire domain we will never be able to offend."

"Listen well, the top ten forces on the surface of the Blackhorn Region today are: Demon Sword Gate, Eight Doors, Earth Flame Sect, Blood Sea Sect, Raksha Sect, Mad Lion Gang, Sky Yin Sect, Black Emperor Sect, Demon Flame Valley and Canaan College."

"Magic Blade Gate, the sect is located on a mountain road in the Black Point Region, named Magic Blade Mountain Road."

"Eight doors, Zongmen is located in one of the most prosperous large cities in the Black Point Region, named Heiyin City."

"Diyanzong, the sect is located in Diyan City."

"Blood Sea School, Zongmen is located in the Twilight City."

"Raksha Gate, Zongmen is located in Raksha City."

"The Mad Lion Gang, the sect is located in the Mad Lion City."

"Tianyin School, the sect is located in Tianyin City."

"Black Emperor Zong, Zongmen is located in the Black Emperor City."

"Devil Flame Valley, the sect is located in a huge valley in the Black Horn Region, named Demon Flame Valley."

"The Canaan Academy is one of the veteran powers in the Black Point Region. The Academy is located in a huge city in the Black Point, named Canaan City."

"And among these forces, the only thing we need to avoid now is one."

"Blood Sea Sect!"

"The old ancestor of the Styx doesn't know where the villain came from. After only a few months, he has completely refurbished and stood in one-tenth of the Blackhorn Region!"

"And his footsteps will never stop here. In order to avoid being affected, Fan'er, people who see the Blood Sea Sect will walk around directly afterwards, have you heard?"

The little boy nodded repeatedly, the middle-aged man showed a relieved smile, and the two stepped into the black corner domain.

If it wasn't for life, who would want to come to this place where people can eat people without spitting out bones?

This is the home ground of those careerists, and the same scenes continue to take place elsewhere.

The names of the blood sea sect and the ancestors of the Styx were spread in an instant!

At the same time, the news that was revealed was even more amazing!

First kill the emperor Han Feng, in the Zhu Dan Wang Guhe!

Holding four kinds of different fires in his hand, he has even made a seventh-rank Jie Dan!

Under the blessing of various titles, Chen Xiu's position in the Black Point region is rising, and the other nine forces also feel uneasy.

In this way, it was another half month after a flash, and a disturbing news exploded!53 Chinese Network

"The Magic Knife Gate is killing people!"

"Who did it?"

"Who else, ancestor Styx, Sect Master of Blood Sea!"

"Oh my god, it's only a few days now, so doing such a big move?"

"That's not right, I heard people say that the master of the Demon Blade Gate is a strong Douzong, and the Ancestor of Styx is just a strong Douhuang!"

"Yeah, how did this kill?"

"You are really ignorant."

"There has long been news that the ancestor of the river has broken through to the realm of Dou Zong!"

"You fart!"

"That was the Dou Zong who broke through after he destroyed the Demon Sword Gate!"

"I heard that the ancestors of Styx fought alone with one man, and with the power of the emperor, one enemy four, one emperor and three emperors!"

"I saw that the ancestor of Styx held four kinds of different fires at that time, and even the clouds were burned red as blood under the wave!"

"But this is not the point. The real lore is the unprecedented new fighting technique used by the ancestor of the river!"

"Under my blind guess, it is at least a high-level combat skill!"

"At that time, I was watching from a distance, and saw the four different fires in the hands of the ancestor Styx condense together instantly, forming a lotus flower!"

"That power, I dare say that no Dou Zong can take over the fire lotus trick of the ancestor of the Styx River!"

"At the moment the fire lotus exploded, the entire magic knife gate was razed to the ground in an instant!"

"So scary?"

"This is when he was fighting the emperor, now he is fighting the emperor!"

"It's gone, it's gone. We can't talk about these big people."


At this time, in the blood sea sect, the ancestor of the blood sea sect master Styx is enjoying the shoulder-squeezing service of the little doctor.

"Point up, yes, that's it, hard."

Looking at the master of the eight doors with frowning brows below, Chen Xiu grinned, "Sorry, I didn't pay much attention to what you said before."

Too much deception!

The owner of the eight doors almost couldn't help turning his face with Chen Xiu!

But after thinking about the Demon Sword Gate that had just been destroyed, he still didn't dare to turn his face with Chen Xiu in the end.

Chen Xiu is a dragon, saying that a strong dragon does not suppress a snake, but Chen Xiu is a bit too good!

Shot is to kill the door!

No way to survive!

"Yes, that's the case, Styx, you and I are both the blackhorn domain tyrants, bow your heads and look up, I hope you don't refuse if you ask for something today."

Chen Xiu raised her brows, "Okay, tell me about your conditions."

The master of the eight doors suddenly swallowed, "I need you to refine a Pozong Pill for the eight doors. I know that it is a seventh-grade pill, but you can listen to me first."

"I know your ambition, and our eight doors are also willing to cooperate with your blood sea sect, and my condition is only a broken zong pill, I don't think you have the right to refuse."

"The other forces in the Black Point Region have already begun to join forces. If you don't join hands with me, then what you will welcome is a full-scale siege from all forces!"

"You have to think clearly."

Chen Xiu smiled, the corners of his mouth split into an arc, "What makes you confident enough to retreat under my hands?"


The master of the eight doors instantly narrowed his pupils, "You, you want to kill me, are you crazy!"

Chen Xiu slowly got up, "To cooperate with you, I have to face the remaining seven forces. If you don't cooperate with you, it is the eight forces."

"Since the results are similar, why can't I just kill you?"

"Isn't this saving time and effort?"

"Come on, you are the second person to experience the power of my Buddha's anger lotus, a self-righteous idiot..."


Thanks to the following classmates for their rewards, the author clasped fists here.

100-'Sorrow Two Ha ``Top of the North'

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