Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 449 Prisoner

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In a dark prison, countless pairs of blood-red eyes are emerging with endless madness.

The entire dungeon is from top to bottom, and the further down, the fewer rooms.

Until the deepest part of the ground, there was only one cell.

There is almost no light here, and the little light and shadow reflected from above can barely see a vague black figure in the cell.

Countless chains seem to have locked this person's hands and feet.

He leaned against the corner of the wall, with his left leg stretched out, his right leg slightly bent, and his arms leaning against the wall locks.

Ta Ta Ta.

There was a gentle sound of footsteps, and the figure in the prison slowly raised his head.

There was a gleam of blood in his eyes, and he smelled it and realized that it was not the person.

Withdrawing the killing intent from his eyes, the people in the cell began to look at the figures outside through the dim light.

It seemed to be a small figure, short, with long hair, and seemed to be a girl.

Because of the dim light, he couldn't see the girl's appearance or the clothes on his body.

The figure in the cell raised its brows and made a low voice, "What are you looking for, little girl?"

Hearing the voice coming from the cell, the little girl outside seemed surprised.

"You, who are you?"

The little girl's voice was very crisp, but her body seemed to tremble.

The people in the cell gently waved their arms, and the sound of the chain being dragged came, "Me? I am just a prisoner imprisoned here, girl, how did you find this place?"

The little girl outside the prison shook her cute little head, "I smelled it, there is a familiar smell here, now, let me ask you, are you Ziyan's family?"

The figure in the cell suddenly showed a meaningful smile, "So, what do you smell, is it the smell of the strange fire, or the smell of the dragon..."


In the Warcraft Mountains, a fighting emperor is opposing the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

Xiao Yan first swept his eyes to the huge monster in the sky.

This monster is huge, its body is seven or eight meters long, and it is covered with various purple crystals.

Is this the famous Amethyst Winged Lion King?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but swallowed his saliva secretly, a monster of this level might kill him by spitting it casually!

His gaze swept once again, and those who can oppose the Amethyst Wing Lion King are certainly not waiting for a moment.

"This turned out to be a woman!"

Xiao Yan was shocked and looked at the Miaoman figure in the sky, holding a cyan long sword in his right hand.

Yes, it is Yun Yun, the master of Yunlan Sect!

But Xiao Yan didn't recognize her, and until now, Xiao Yan's Three Views are still firmly bound by his previous life.

In his cognition, how could that kind of peerless powerhouse be a female stream?

Yao Laobai glanced at him, "Look at how you haven't seen a woman. There are not a few strong women on the Douqi Continent. What you see before your eyes is just the tip of the iceberg."

He is preaching to you again


Xiao Yan suddenly heard a weird whisper!

Turning his head and looking around, there was no one else except Yao Lao and himself!

There can be nothing wrong!

He definitely heard it just now!

Old Yao seemed to notice Xiao Yan's strangeness, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan turned to look at Yao Lao's phantom, "Teacher, did you hear any strange noises just now?"

Old Yao shook his head, "You kid has a hallucination, how can there be any noise?"

Is it true that you have a hallucination?

Heh, boy, if you don’t leave here again, I promise that the two above will notice you at the same time


There is absolutely nothing wrong with this time, Xiao Yan instantly widened his eyes, and tried to reply in his heart: "What are you?" Dream Literature Website

It doesn’t matter what I am, but I can tell you clearly now, if you don’t leave now, you will definitely regret it later

That weird whisper came in his mind again, and Xiao Yan suddenly felt anxious for some reason.

He looked at Yao Lao, "Teacher, shall we go back?"

Old Yao turned his head in a puzzled look, how did he feel that Xiao Yanzi was weird today?

"Why, are you scared?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, "No, teacher, I just suddenly felt a little sick."

Old Yao thought for a while, "Well, there is a rare duel between Douhuang. Since you don't want to watch it, let's go back."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He had no intention of going to see Dou Huang fighting now.

The condition of your body trumps everything.

He is now anxious to know what is coming in his body!

Turning back to the cave, Xiao Yan quickly sat down cross-legged, pretending to be practicing grudge.

Seeing this, Old Yao nodded, "I was stimulated? So I decided to work hard? Well, that's not bad."

"Then I will stare at the amethyst winged lion king, you are here to cultivate vindictiveness."

After speaking, Old Yao turned around and floated to the entrance of the cave, continuing to observe the battle between the two Douhuang level.

Xiao Yan lowered his heart to talk to that voice, "Who are you?"

Hehe, how long hasn't you seen me before you forget me completely?

This voice!

There can be no mistake, "Styx, aren't you dead!"

Yes, I am indeed dead, but my mental power is still in your body

Xiao Yan was shocked, "Impossible, I haven't seen you since the alchemy conference!"

A long time ago, I left a small gift on you, but communicating with you like this is very exhausting

Tonight, I am waiting for you in my dream

After speaking, the voice in Xiao Yan's mind seemed to be discouraged, getting smaller and smaller, until it disappeared completely.

After that, no matter what Xiao Yan called him, that voice stopped replying to him.

He suppressed the anxiety in his heart and waited until the night fell before Yao Lao floated back slowly.

"That human woman won. Today is the weakest day of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, but it happened by a coincidence that she met." Yao Lao said slowly.

But Xiao Yan didn't seem to care about the battle between a lion and a human, where he was still devoting himself to practicing fighting spirit.

Yao always saw that he was so devoted, and didn't bother anymore.

Soon, it was completely dark, and Xiao Yan lay down on the stone bed without even eating dinner.

Old Yao frowned slightly, "This kid is a bit abnormal."

"Could it be that I was stimulated by the female Douhuang, so I worked hard here?"

Forget it, shook his head, Yao Lao also returned to the ring.

However, although Xiao Yan fell asleep, his consciousness woke up in his dream!

In his dream, he came to a palace, this palace is very long, very long, very long!

Why do you say that?

Since Xiao Yan walked into the gate of this palace, he has been going forward for almost an hour!

There were many people passing by, among them there were 72 people in black and 36 people in white.

He didn't know who these people were, or why these people stood in a row and bowed down around the palace.

And when he passed several waves of people, Xiao Yan finally came to the end of the palace.

There are a total of twelve people kneeling in front of the throne, six on each side. These people are dressed very distinctively, completely different from those encountered before.

Even said that some of them are not human!

Vampires, skeletons, sharks with scales, people with bandages, people with bodies like sand.

Oh, there are two others dressed in mashups, Xiao Yan didn't pay attention and treated them as one person.

Seeing these people, Xiao Yan couldn't help but wonder, is this really his dream?

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