Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 454 Draw a Flatbread

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Okay, Yunshan, it seems that after becoming a Dou Zong, you completely don't put my Styx in your eyes."

"Remember what you said at this time, Yunshan, ten years later, at the summit of Yunlan, can you dare to fight?"

The body transformed by Chen Xiu's blood and fire was tumbling and burning, and he could see that he was really irritated.

In Yunshan's eyes, there was a moment of indifference from beginning to end, "Well, I'm waiting for you at any time.

"It's just that I hope you can stay on fire for ten years."


What a Yunshan!

"Yunshan, when I arrive at the door in the future, I will honor everything I have said." Chen Xiu turned into a burst of flames and plunged into Xiao Yan's body.

But Yunshan showed a disdainful smile, "Okay, I am waiting for you to give up your hands."

Leaving such a sentence, Yunshan watched Xiao Yan leave.

Turning his head and glanced at Yun Yun, Yunshan snorted coldly, "This little thing can't be handled well, Yun Yun, I think you are starting to be powerless, right."

Leaving such a paragraph, Yun Shan turned and flew back to Yunlan Mountain, returning to his retreat.

In his retreat, an old man in a black robe has been waiting here for a long time.

I saw the old man in black robe turned into black mist, and instantly came to Yunshan's side, "I said I want that person's soul, why did you let him go?"

Yunshan said lightly, "If he wants to leave, I can't keep him."

"You are lying!" The black robe old man seemed to be irritated.

"The Soul Palace helps you promote to Dou Sect. It is not without a price. If you don't want to be dragged down to the Soul Palace and tortured by eternity after death, then you'd better hurry up and bring that person's soul to me!

"By the way, there is still a soul on his body, there is nothing wrong with it, and the other is definitely Yaochen!"

"I want both souls!"


Somewhere in the prison, it was brightly lit with numerous pink candles inlaid on the wall.

In the cage, the books at this time were already piled up like a mountain, and the people in the cage also appeared under the light of the light.

Wearing a tattered robe, after three years of corrosion, the color on the robe has faded and turned into the purest black.

Although three years have passed, there is no stubble on this person's face.

Only one long black hair has crawled out of the cage.

And outside the cage, a little girl with long purple hair was playing with his hair while holding candy.

"Hey, isn't it this one? Zi Yan has already run dozens of times. It's not that Zi Yan didn't work hard, but there is no one at all~" The little girl said aggrievedly.

The man in the cage closed the book in his hand, and then gently touched the little girl's head.

"Since it is not there, there is only one place. If I guess it is right, the book I want should be at the bottom of the Tianfen Lianqi Pagoda." said the figure in the cage.

Zi Yan squinted her eyes and rubbed the man's hand a little flatteringly, "However, only the elders can enter the bottom of the tower, where is the only place Zi Yan can't enter."

The figure in the cell retracted his right hand, "So, you need to wait now."

Zi Yan raised her head questioningly, "What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for someone called Xiao Yan. Soon, Falling Heart Flame will break through the seal. When it falls, you can get in and get the book."

"It's up to you whether I can break the shackles and break through this cage, Zi Yan."

Zi Yan patted her chest vigorously, "Well, brother, don't worry about giving it to Zi Yan!"

The figure in the cage gradually narrowed his eyes, and Xiao Yan was about to come.

It seems that he has to start preparing too.

Super Martial Spirit: Immortal Blood Corpse + Sinful Skeleton + Ultimate Martial Spirit: Lalaiye Orb + Light Sacred Dragon King.

Synthesizing the strongest Martial Spirit on hand, if the trajectory of the fusion is correct, then the condition of immortality is satisfied.

As for the Nanming Lihuo of the Suzaku Wuhun, and the red lotus karma of the red lotus, they still need to be retained.

He also needs to fuse the new Emperor Yan, the characteristics of the two are indispensable.

It's a pity, if you can mobilize the power of the sun's real fire in your body, let alone the lotus demon fire.Wonderful Novel Network

Even Emperor Yan is not enough to compete with him!


Utan City, Xiao Family.

After the three-year contract, Xiao Yan returned to Utan City. After visiting his father, he was about to set off for Canaan College.

However, their journey back to Utan City was not smooth.

There were a total of five ambushes back and forth. Although they were all burned to ashes by Chen Xiuyong's karma, this is not the most difficult thing right now.

The trickiest thing is that Queen Medusa woke up.

In the hall of the Xiao family at this time, Xiao Yan was recounting the old with his father, and countless elders and peers surrounded him.

And Chen Xiu stared at Queen Medusa from the back of the Xiao family.

There is no other reason, because only he can suppress the soul of Queen Medusa.

Chen Xiu looked at the enchanting woman in front of her. Her figure was extremely plump, especially her thin waist...

Cough, her face is also charming, with willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes, her voice is extremely numb, she is really a stunner in the world.

Only seeing Chen Xiu made Queen Medusa's eyes full of unwillingness and anger.

Gritting her teeth, Queen Medusa almost forced these words out of her teeth, "Why are you not dead yet."

Chen Xiuhuo's body slowly approached Medusa, "Didn't I tell you, if you were wise and handed over Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire earlier, you wouldn't end up like this."

As soon as Qinglian's heart is hot, Queen Medusa just doesn't get out of her anger, "It's not all because of you. She said a good cooperation, but you have teamed up with others to lie to me!"

At the beginning, when in the snake-man tribe, Chen Xiu became a red lotus karma to persuade Queen Medusa to surrender the fire.

As a result, Queen Medusa saw that it was a strange fire and swept it directly.

The Queen of Medusa at that time can be said to be overjoyed, because she got the higher-quality strange fire of Chen Xiu!

Resolutely and resolutely abandoned Qinglian's heart-fire, Xiao Yan sneaked around and absorbed the Qinglian heart's fire.

And this is actually a plan negotiated by Xiao Yan and Chen Xiu, after which only Queen Medusa will swallow him.

Then, Chen Xiu can directly destroy the soul of Queen Medusa.

However, Chen Xiu did not do so.

Yes, he negotiated a deal with Queen Medusa to help her promote her to Douzong.

And she only needs to follow Xiao Yan to Canaan College to make a big fuss and buy time for Chen Xiu's plan.

I saw that Chen Xiu gently raised her hair with her right hand made of flames, "Do you still have a choice now?"

A scorching sensation came from the soul, and Queen Medusa said coldly, "I hate being threatened by others."

"NO, NO, NO."

"This is not a threat, but you have no choice. When I help you complete the sharp change, I have planted my mark in the depths of your soul." Chen Xiu said with a smile.

The anger in the Queen Medusa's cosmetic contact lenses slowly burned, "You are really despicable. You said a fair deal at the beginning, but you concealed something from me!"

The corner of Chen Xiuhuo's mouth cracked, "What we said at the beginning was that I helped you get promoted to Douzong, and you helped me go to Canaan College to make a big fuss.

"I have completed the transaction, you have been promoted to Douzong, and our transaction has been completed. As for the problem of your bloodline returning to the ancestors, you need a spiritual pill."

"What does it have to do with me?"


Queen Medusa knew that all of this was the ghost of Chen Xiu, and he was able to wipe out the consciousness of the colorful swallowing python at the beginning.

But he didn't!

Not only did he not destroy the consciousness of the Seven-Colored Sky Swallowing Python, but he also indulged her to fight for the body with himself!

"I'm also afraid of you breaking the contract, after all, I don't have the ability to deal with a Dou Zong now."

Queen Medusa took a deep breath, "Very well, Styx, right? I will fulfill my promise, but this time, you have to refine the Melting Pill for me first."

Chen Xiu narrowed her eyes slightly, "Queen, there is no problem with this, but with my current state, I can't make alchemy for you."

"As I told you, my body is imprisoned in Canaan Academy. As long as I can break through the seal, let alone a small melting pill at that time."

"I can give you whatever you want."

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