Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 461: Everything is ready!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the inner courtyard of Canaan College, in the jail, and in the dark prison, there was a pretty figure.

She is tall and straight, and her figure is forward and backward. She is covered in a gorgeous dress, showing the queen's style.

Looking at the figure in the prison, Queen Medusa slowly raised a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be a real man. Have you considered being my servant after unblocking?"

Faced with Queen Medusa's ridicule, Chen Xiu just responded with an unclear sneer.

"If you still want to melt the spirit pill, I advise you to rot in your stomach just now, and don't let me hear similar words again."

After finishing speaking, a powerful deterrent came oncoming, and Queen Medusa almost obeyed the coercion emanating from Chen Xiu.

It's a pity, Huluo Pingyang was bullied by a dog, Ryuyu Asazawa was played by a shrimp.

A fierce beast in a cage is no different from a python whose fangs have been pulled out.

Although it looks scary, it is a vain appearance after all, and it does not hurt people at all.

Queen Medusa showed a smug look, "Threat me, you can think about it, I can find someone to help me refine the spiritual pill, but you can't find anyone else."

"Maybe, as soon as I leave, no one will help you, and you will be trapped here for a lifetime."

Chen Xiu in the cage closed the book in his hands without a hassle, "Oh, maybe you can find someone to help you refine the Pill, but who can solve the imprint in your soul?"

"Perhaps you can also ask for help from the Soul Palace, but I guarantee that you can only go to the Soul Palace without returning, and you will take your life for nothing."

"Of course, you can also find a spiritual master you can trust, but if you want to erase the mark in your soul, you must open your soul."

"In this way, all your secrets will be exposed to that person's eyes. This is no different from taking off your clothes and observing people, right?"

Hearing Chen Xiu's plain voice, Queen Medusa's complexion grew gloomy.

She still didn't understand why some people gave birth to an angel's skin, but what was hidden inside was the devil's soul!

Hidden under Chen Xiu's beautiful appearance is an endless ugly and twisted soul.

"You are really a demon." Queen Medusa gritted her teeth.

She knew in her heart that Chen Xiu's words meant something else, since unlocking the mark on her soul requires her to open up the secret of the soul.

So when you plant her soul mark, you won’t observe the secret of her soul?

How could there be such a good thing, Chen Xiu wanted to tell Medusa that she had no secrets to him!

Taking a deep breath, Queen Medusa finally let go of her superiority in her heart and looked squarely at the demon in front of her.

"Let's talk about it, what do you want me to do?" Queen Medusa said with her arms around her chest.

Chen Xiu nodded, "Zi Yan, you should pick up Xiao Yan first, and make sure that he enters the inner courtyard."

The silent little girl Zi Yan nodded, then stared at Medusa and left with a vigilant look.

Today is very unusual, my brother asked me to bring a woman over!

Well, Zi Yan felt a hint of danger.

Turning to look at Medusa, Chen Xiu picked up a map of Canaan College and handed it to her.

"What do you do with the map?" Queen Medusa asked in doubt.

Chen Xiu glanced at her, "I'm afraid you will get lost."

Queen Medusa nodded, "Oh."

and many more!

Something is wrong.

Afraid of me getting lost?

Doesn't that mean she is stupid?Love the book

Pouting slightly, Queen Medusa seemed a little unhappy.

Ignoring Medusa, who was depressed, Chen Xiu continued to tell her about her plan, "What I need you to do is very simple. After Xiao Yan enters the burning tower, attack him."

"Force him to use four different fires in the Heavenly Burning Gas Refining Tower, and your mission will be over."

"But note that outsiders of Canaan Academy are not allowed to enter, so you need to hide on Zi Yan."

"And to make sure you don't get lost, please look at the map of Canaan College when necessary."

"In this way, your mission is over. Also, be careful of the elders of Canaan College. Both of them have the pinnacle power of Douzong, which is very dangerous."

Queen Medusa nodded, "I understand, so the key to your plan is that kid Xiao Yan?"

"That's the case." Chen Xiu said: "If four powerful different fires show up next to Falling Heart Yan, then Falling Heart Yan will violently go away and cause chaos at that time."

"And what I need is exactly the word'chaos' created by Falling Heart Flame."

Queen Medusa still didn't understand what Chen Xiu was going to do after listening to it. Does Falling Heart Flame have anything to do with his being sealed here?

"Okay, I probably understand, then I will wait for you to come out and fulfill your promise now."


In the outer courtyard of Canaan College, Xiao Yan won a complete victory with one enemy forty-nine!


The elders, the dean of the outer courtyard, and all the disciples of the academy were all shocked and speechless!

Seven Star Fighter, terrible!

Of course, this is not the most terrifying. The elders of the Foreign Academy also have a bit of knowledge and know what the flame in Xiao Yan's hand is!

That is the spirit of heaven and earth, the different fire of the king of fire!

Any strange fire contains the laws of heaven and earth hidden in it. It can be said that as long as you get one, you can use it for life!

But that Xiao Yan had four different kinds of strange fire in his hands!

This is too appalling!

In today's ring, only two people are still facing each other.

That is Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er!

Seeing Xiao Yan today, Xiao Xun'er was very pleased, "Brother Xiao Yan has become so strong now, Xun'er may not be able to catch up with you."

"So, Brother Xiao Yan, you have to be merciful."

Xiao Yan smiled and shook his head, "Silly girl, how could I do it to you, even if the sky collapses and the earth is dead, I will never do it to you."

The eye sockets were slightly moist, and with Xiao Yan's affectionate confession, Xiao Xun'er instantly rushed into Xiao Yan's arms.

"Brother Xiao Yan!"

Witnessing an affectionate hug, the two of Xiao Yan severely hit everyone present.

Especially Hu Jia and others, although Hu Jia is a woman, it does not prevent her from liking Xiao Xun'er!

Can the same gender stop her from pursuing true love?

The answer is clear, no!

Hu Jia used practical actions to tell everyone that the same sex is true love, and the opposite sex is only to breed offspring!

However, since ancient times the true feelings could not be kept, Xun'er was abducted by the wolf after all.

All the students present collapsed one after another. There was no way.

God, why is there such a person in the world?

This kind of person who wins at the starting line is the most shameful, not even giving them a chance to play fair!

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