You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"You are Xiao Yan, right?"

Accompanied by the voice was a little girl who was carved and carved.

She has slender limbs, long purple hair, and a very beautiful voice, a standard loli voice.

Before Xiao Yan could react, ten black crystal cards were instantly thrown down from the sky!

Xiao Yan had practiced the Eye of the Spirit Emperor. It could be said that he had eye problems and quick hands. He flashed away and instantly pinched the crystal card with his ten fingers.

Then he landed steadily and made a pose.

"Hey, mean." Xiao Yan smiled confidently.

After receiving the card, Xiao Yan looked at it secretly.

These cards are a bit similar to the cards the teachers gave themselves. Are they also fire cards?

Holding this question, Xiao Yanzi carefully compared his own Fire Energy Card.

Well, the colors are the same.

Well, the material is the same.

Well, I can't find the fault.

The only difference is the number above.

The number on Xiao Yan's fire energy card is 5, but these cards are 100!!

Damn, money is falling from the sky.

But when I recalled the previous rules, the seniors' eyes were like wolves. At that time, they only had 5 firepower!

What kind of temptation is this for those seniors who can make the eyes of those seniors who can make a mere fire a fierce light?

Take a look at the few in my hand again, I'll take it, 100!

If this is seen by those seniors, the battle royale might turn into a zombie siege.

Shaking his head, Xiao Yan quickly broke free of his desire for money and material.

"Hey, there is a good thing about money falling from the sky?" Xiao Yan suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

Could this be a trap, specially used to lure these new students?

"Of course there is no good thing about falling money from the sky, it was given to you by my brother." A familiar voice suddenly came from the front.

Xiao Yan frowned. This voice was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it before.

"Hey, where are you looking!"

The little girl's voice came from the front again, and when she looked down, Xiao Yan saw Zi Yan, a short figure.

Comparing with his hand in front of him, Xiao Yan frowned, "Child?"

Ziyan's face turned dark, kid?

Your whole family are children!

Forget it.

My brother said that when you encounter this kind of thing, you shouldn't be angry, and just beat him calmly and it will be over.

Of course, you can't start too hard, just hit a punch.

Zi Yan's footsteps lightened, and her figure flickered and appeared in front of Xiao Yan instantly!

Xiao Yan's pupils shrank, even if he had practiced the Eye of the Spirit Emperor, he couldn't react!

Zi Yan's sudden attack left Xiao Yan unprepared, especially Zi Yan, who seemed to have never rushed over!

She seems to have teleported here out of thin air!

"not good!"

Xiao Yan didn't have time to react, and Zi Yan's small fist hit his chest directly!


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For a moment, Xiao Yan seemed to hear the sound of his ribs breaking!

That's it, I met Wei Li Niang!


Just a punch!

Xiao Yan's chest was directly sunk by this punch!

At the same time, his whole person was also affected by this huge force, and he flew backwards in an instant, breaking several thick trees in a row before stopping.


Xiao Yan felt a sweet in his throat, and instantly vomited a mouthful of blood.

At this time, Yao Lao's figure suddenly appeared!

He hurriedly flew to Xiao Yan's side, and pulled Xiao Yan's arm and shook it, "Little Yanzi! Little Yanzi! Are you still alive?"

Seeing Yao Lao's behavior, Xiao Yan couldn't help vomiting blood for three liters. "Teacher, if I am going to die, I must die in your hands."

Yao Lao's expression froze, "That's how you talked to your teacher?"

Xiao Yan frowned, "Teacher, you have the skill to reprimand me, so why don't you give me some healing medicine first."

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Yao Lao threw a pill of melting bone and blood from Na Jie.

"You have broken ribs. Eat this first. You can't die from this injury, but if there is congestion in your body, it will be troublesome."

Xiao Yan nodded, "Then teacher, look, should you break up the injustice for the disciple?"

Old Yao turned his head to look at Zi Yan, who was still looking at his small fist, as if he didn't understand why he flew out after touching Xiao Yan.

Old Yao couldn't help covering his face, "I was beaten like this by a little girl. In the future, let's not say that you are my apprentice when you go out."

Xiao Yan sprayed blood, "Teacher, you have been dead for so many years, still care about your face?"

Hearing this, Old Yao immediately reprimanded him back, "Asshole, what is meant by death for so many years, as a teacher, I was murdered by an adulterer."

When he mentioned the word treacherous man, Xiao Yan instantly forgot the pain, and he blurted out, "Is it the soul palace?"

"Oh?" Yao Lao seemed a little surprised, "how do you know, did anything special happen these days when I was away?"

Xiao Yan nodded, "I was chased by the Soul Palace once before. Although the danger was finally turned into a breeze, I still can't forget what happened that day."

Yao Lao's expression gradually became a little dignified, "It seems that the Soul Palace has noticed me, Xiao Yanzi, you must be mentally prepared."

"Maybe, the news that I am still alive has already reached the ears of the head of the Soul Palace."

Xiao Yan took the pill, his face was a little gloomy due to the pain of the wound, "Teacher, what kind of power is the Soul Palace?"

Old Yao slowly looked into the distance, "The Soul Palace is an extremely mysterious force, and their main goal is to harvest the souls of the strong."

"Of course, you can also take the initiative to trade with them, or help you break through the realm, or exchange for genius treasures, all of which are fine."

"It's just a price, but your soul will be owned by the Soul Palace after you die."

"And the people of the Soul Palace are despicable and shameless, and they often start to harvest the soul when they are seriously injured, so trading with them is undoubtedly a tiger for skin.

"And behind the Soul Palace is a very old family, old enough to be traced back to the era when the Emperor Dou was rampant."

"Forget it, I'll tell you these things when I go back. You should deal with the things in front of you first."

After speaking, Yao Lao left the healing medicine and went straight back into the ring.

And Zi Yan watched Xiao Yan finally stopped talking to herself before she walked over.

At the same time, she was very puzzled, this person is so tall but so weak, and he likes to talk to himself.

What a strange person.

"Now, are you okay?" Zi Yan asked carefully.

Xiao Yan showed a far-fetched smile, "Do you think I look good?"

Zi Yan snorted, "It's not because you said that Zi Yan is small, I tell you, Zi Yan is not small at all!"

"Forget it, what shall I tell you, can I still move? I will take you to see my brother."

Afterwards, in Xiao Yan's puzzled eyes, Zi Yan slowly grabbed his right hand, "Wait, wait, stop, I still have last words!"

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