Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 471: The Devil Dragon Immortal!

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With a roar of the dragon, Chen Xiu's figure was instantly enveloped by a black air!

Turning in the air, a burst of black air erupted, and Chen Xiu's figure was instantly stretched countless times!

Two pairs of dragon wings erupting with black mist spread out, and a layer of black prismatic scales spread wildly.

However, in the blink of an eye, Chen Xiu's figure has disappeared without a trace, replaced by an ancient dragon with a huge body and black flame!

He has four feet, and his minions are like golden crystals, which can tear flesh and blood easily.

He has a huge physique, and his two pairs of dragon wings stretch out to cover the sky and sun.

His face was extremely hideous, his sharp dragon teeth intertwined, and a pair of blood-colored vertical pupils exuded endless killing intent!

Seeing this dragon, Queen Medusa was shocked, "It turns out that Styx is not a human race. No wonder he is so powerful. I didn't expect him to be a dragon."

Zi Yan proudly listened to her small chest, "Of course, my brother is a dragon, and Zi Yan is also a dragon. This is what my brother told Zi Yan."

Queen Medusa was a little puzzled, "I still don't quite understand, how did he rescue me, is it because of that map?"

"I heard that the dragon clan has a line and is good at using the laws of space."

"Could it be that the map that Styx gave me covered some kind of supernatural powers, and he had already set the location, so he dared to use the heavenly fighting skills with such a big fanfare, right?"

Hearing Medusa's analysis, Zi Yan instantly showed a mentally retarded look.

"You think too much. There is only one mark on the map that your brother gave you so that Zi Yan can find you. Do you understand?"

"It was Ziyan who rescued you, you should Xie Ziyan!" Pointing to Queen Medusa's chest, Ziyan's small face seemed to be filled with dissatisfaction.

Queen Medusa just wanted to say something, but everything that happened behind her made her unable to look away!

What did she see?

Above a piece of ruin, a huge black dragon, wrapped in seven black rings, stomped hundreds of millions of dead souls!

Those Canaanite children who died under his heavenly fighting skills, those peerless strong men who were killed by him!

Now they all turned into dead spirits, being dragged back from the underworld back to the sun by Chen Xiu!

God, what a mighty force this is!

Man Tianchi, who is located above the sky, has gradually dimmed now, "You, you are actually a member of the Dragon Race!"

Seeing this picture of Man Tianchi, the black dragon that Chen Xiu had transformed couldn't help but sneered, "Mang Tianchi, do you think you alone are looking for a way to kill me in these three years?"

"In the past three years, I have also been thinking about how I can be ashamed and drag you into the boundless hell to repay my hatred!"

"The emperor is worthy of his heart. Those of you who practice fighting qi throughout your life are destined to be bound by fighting qi, but I control the power of the sky!"

"The power of Wuhun is something you, a native of the fighting spirit continent, cannot predict at all."

"Today, let your heart-wrenching subordinates come and personally send you into reincarnation."

"A thousand and hundred and two old!"

As Chen Xiu's words fell, two old men suddenly fought out among thousands of heroic spirits, "My lord, long live!"

The corner of the dragon's mouth cracked, "Go and kill Mang Tianchi!"

Qian Bai Er nodded at the same time, "Yes!"


Man Tianchi was shocked!

Looking at the ruins of the earth, countless light blue spirit bodies appeared one after another!

They dress differently and look different, but most of them are children of Canaan College!

Their figures gradually had corpses, pale skin, and zombies-like bodies!

More and more, more and more, until the dead on the earth are already densely packed!

But the bodies of these undead were wrapped in a black mist, and the dragon that Chen Xiu transformed into slaved them!7 questions novel

Not only the body, but also the soul!

From struggling in death, to facing death, to transcending death itself now!

"Now, I dominate death."

A burst of death erupted into the sky, and an army of undead had gathered quietly!

Man Tianchi has come to an epiphany now, and Styx is so successful, he may not have time to organize him!


At this moment, two pale silhouettes of Xufa suddenly stopped in front of Man Tianchi.

Both of these are old men, wearing the robes of the elders of Canaan College, they are the two old men who have already died!

Before the two lived, they had the peak power of Douzong, but now they are resurrected by Chen Xiu.

Both broke through the realm of Dou Zun!

I saw the two with their hands on their backs, their faces were flat and they said to Man Tianchi: "Dean, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Man Tianchi's hand holding the Fire Slashing Sword trembled, "Qianlie, Baimu, do you remember me?"

I saw that Qian Baier showed a weird smile, "Master, you are confused, how could I and the two of you forget you, but we are now serving the new master..."

Before they finished their words, the two of them acted in an instant, and the two chains suddenly shot out in the void, and Man Tianchi was instantly cross-bound by the chains without any protection!

"What the hell is going on, Qianlie, Baimu, the two I have trusted the most are you!"

Mang Tianchi couldn't believe that the old Qianbaier who was once regarded as a confidant would betray him!

She had imagined countless betrayals, but never thought that they would betray themselves!

No, that's not right!

Qianlie and Baimu are dead!

These resurrected things can no longer be called people with independent thinking!

They are just puppets of Styx!

Thinking of this, Man Tianchi immediately used a trick to kill his heart and was shown as a trump card!

"Qianlie, Baimu, you two died in battle for the glory of Canaan. I will definitely not let this deceiver blaspheme your soul!"

"Sky-level low-level fighting skills, Nine Tribulations Emperor Thunder!"

With the words of Man Tianchi, the sky shrouded in black mist was instantly torn apart!

A burst of golden flash, like a thunder god's gun, came from above the dome!

An aura of death rushed to the earth instantly, and thousands of death auras were not enough to compete with them!

This catastrophe is like the catastrophe of sentient beings, hanging on the heads of sentient beings, even Chen Xiu can't help feeling a slight threat.

But there is only a trace.

What really surprised Chen Xiu was that Man Tianchi also mastered this heavenly fighting skill. It seemed that his background was not simple.


With a loud noise, the Nine Tribulations Emperor Thunder fell to the ground, the golden light came to the world to purify the evil spirits, and most of the thousands of undead were killed and injured in an instant!

Of course, Qian Bai Er Lao was torn to pieces by the Nine Tribulations Emperor Thunder, and his soul was destroyed!

In the face of the unstoppable Nine Tribulations Emperor Thunder, the giant dragon that Chen Xiu transformed into dispersed with a single flick of its wings.

I saw Chen Xiu nodded, "It's really ruthless. The former subordinates killed them when they said they would kill, and it really hurt them."

"The soul struggles of both of them are extremely fierce. If they are given a period of time, they may really be able to break free of my control."

"It's just, it's a pity that the two worked hard for so long, but in the end, they died in the hands of their most trusted man. It was a pity that they could break free."

"And all this is your fault!"

"Mang Tianchi!"

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