Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 477: Unattainable!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Under the pure white moonlight, shining on the majestic mountains, large clouds and mist slowly gathered, shining here, as if you had entered a fairyland.

And on a boulder in the mountains, a pretty figure is looking into the distance with her pair of cosmetic contacts.

As if seeing someone's shadow on the moon, Gu Xun'er slowly closed his eyes, "Brother Xiao Yan."

Under the moonlight, the beautiful lady shed tears, such a desolate scene, it is really pitiful.

Standing in the distance and witnessing everything, Ling Ying couldn't help sighing secretly, "Hey, family is not a child's play, miss, I hope you can grow up."

Six months ago, Gu Xun'er returned to the ancient clan, and she asked the family to take action to punish the villains in the Styx.

But the family didn't exist for her alone, even though her father was the patriarch, that didn't work.

However, Gu Xun'er lurked in the Xiao family, and the plan to steal the ancient emperor jade from Tuo She was not successful.

The eighth Kuituoshe ancient emperor jade was lost and disappeared since then. These are all serious sins.

If she was not the daughter of the patriarch, then this alone would be enough to abolish her vindictiveness and be reduced to a foreigner.

And now, just put her in confinement, and I don't know how much it will be cheaper.

The family also made it clear that they would not deal with a small fighting sect, let alone.

Gu Xun'er actually fell in love with the waste of Xiao Yan's declining family.

All this made the family unbearable, and the patriarch also ordered to directly cut off Xun'er from the outside world, leaving her to practice alone in the family.

But Gu Xun'er Naken stopped like this. She had secretly sent Ling Ying to inquire about outside news many times.

The news available is uniform, nothing unusual, but some reforms seem to have taken place within the Gamma Empire.

Today, the Gamma Empire has assembled the power of the whole country, sweeping the land in all directions with the power of watching the world.

However, in the eyes of many forces in Zhongzhou, these are nothing more than little children's little troubles.

However, the army of the Gama Empire was so powerful that it successively captured the two empires on its left and right, but they were hesitant to move towards Zhongzhou.

With this move, the people in Zhongzhou expressed their disdain even more.

They regard Zhongzhou as the Shenzhou, which is the essence of the entire vindictive continent.

Converted to the area of ​​the earth, it is about the size of two Asian plates.

But what Gu Xun'er wanted to know was not that, she just wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of a person.


Where is that guy?

Could it be that he would really do nothing for so many days?

No, there is a ninety-nine chance, the current situation of the Gamma Empire is precisely his masterpiece!

Gu Xun'er can now imagine that the invisible guy has already stood at the highest point again.

He stood in a high place, looking down at all sentient beings, but all sentient beings could only see his shadow when they raised their heads.

And his fingers are holding countless red threads, controlling people's life and death, playing with his evil conspiracy.

But no matter how many tricks he is doing, it is useless, he is just a fighting sect after all, and any elder in the family can destroy him!

Gu Xun'er firmly believed that it was just that the family didn't want to make a move, as long as the family's anger died down.

When that happens, she will be free again, and she can find someone to avenge Xiao Yan's brother!

Just like that, Gu Xun'er waited, this is another spring and autumn cycle.

One year has passed in a blink of an eye, and the attitude of the ancients has not changed, but has become tougher!Love you e-book

And a nightmare news also reached Gu Xun'er's ears.

"Eight-Rank Alchemist, Dousheng cultivation base, handsome in appearance, seems to be a member of the Dragon Clan, self-proclaimed Styx Tao..."

When he heard the news, Gu Xun'er was already stunned.

At this moment, Ling Ying was also trembling, he was enduring desperately.

Gu Xun'er didn't know that Ling Ying was already seriously injured in order to find out the news.

It's just that he was wearing a black robe, so the color of his blood was not obvious, and Gu Xun'er did not realize that Ling Ying had been seriously injured.

At this moment, Ling Ying's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he ventured closer to the guy who claimed to be the Styx Taoist.

Everything that happened at that time was still fresh in his memory!

His own illusion ability was useless in front of him, but a casual blow made him collapse to the ground!

With a quick blow from Dousheng, a little Douhuang almost died on the spot!

I just remember that the Daoist Styx grinned, "Send a message to your master, who wants to kill me Styx, and let her roll over to see me."

"Also, walk slowly on the road, don't die halfway, if the news is not in place, I will destroy you, and you will never be born again!"


Ling Ying's body shuddered fiercely, and that hideous expression had become his nightmare.

Every time she thinks about it, Ling Ying can't help but feel a chill in her back and her whole body is standing upside down.

"You mean, Styx has come to Zhongzhou, and he is also sanctified?" Gu Xun'er still didn't notice Ling Ying's strangeness.

I saw Ling Ying nodded reluctantly, "Yes, yes, it is the old slave who reported late. He had already arrived a year ago."

"Since, after that, he has done a few earth-shattering things, which is considered a complete name."

"Little, miss, you should give up the idea of ​​dealing with him."

"The current Styx can no longer be shaken by my ancient tribe alone."


Hearing Styx's words, Gu Xun'er felt puzzled for a while, "What do you mean?"

"Could it be that my ancient clan can't deal with a little fighting saint now?"

Ling Ying shook her teeth and shook her head, "The Stygian Taoist, when he first entered Zhongzhou, he brought two beautiful ladies with him. They were a little older. At that time, he was also named because of these two."

"People say that the Styx Tao is a handsome man with a prosperous beauty, even surpassing the four young masters of Zhongzhou."

"Because of this rumor, a large number of female sisters want to see his peerless beauty when they are curious."

"And what happened after that was just out of control. All the female nuns who met him were fascinated.

"Among them are the shadows of the ancient eight clans, and the women in the major clans have fallen in love with him, and even vowed that he will not marry."

Gu Xun'er frowned, "So what? It's all a mob, how can you make waves?"

Ling Ying couldn't help shaking, "The daughter of Yan Jin, the head of the Yan clan, has entered into a marriage contract with Styx."

Gu Xun'er was shocked, "How could the Yan clan agree to it?"

Ling Ying's face was uncomfortable, "He has a fighting sage and uses two kinds of different fires as a betrothal. Naturally, the Yan Clan will not refuse, and he is even very happy..."

Gu Xun'er calmed down slightly, "Oh, it's just the little Yan clan, is it because of this, my ancient clan can't take action against him?"

Ling Ying couldn't hold on anymore, although it was a bit hurtful to say that, but now he must tell the truth.

"Among the eight ancient clans, except for you and the soul clans, all the clans have become the backing of Styx."

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