You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Hongtian Lingsheng suddenly yelled, and everyone heard the reputation, only to see him standing under the ancient tree, pulling away some vines with his hands.

Everyone came closer and saw that there was actually a monument under the giant tree.

And this Taoist stele seems to be made of some kind of white jade, emits a little light, and looks spotless.

Chen Xiu observed the stele several times, and saw all kinds of texts distorted like insects written on it.

These words are very complicated, and each word is like a hieroglyph. He seems to be using pictures to describe the meaning of a word.

Chen Xiu didn't understand the meaning, but the Great Sage on the sea felt a little familiar, "This seems to be the words of the monster race in the ancient period."

"The characters of the monster race?" Hongtian Lingsheng frowned, "This Fusang Island is owned by the ancient emperor Hunyuan, and he is also the emperor of the human race. How can you learn the words of the monster race?"

The Great Sage Fusang shook his head, "No, this monument was not built by the ancient emperor Hunyuan, but I can recognize some of the words on it. The annotations below clearly indicate the word Fusang, and the next two words should be the Great Emperor."

Hongtian Lingsheng still didn't understand, "Isn't Fusang the Great Emperor Hunyuan? It's just that he lives in seclusion, so he changed his name."

Yes, everyone in the world says so.

Fusang the Great is the name of the ancient emperor Hun Yuan after his seclusion. It has been passed down from generation to generation. Is this really the case?

This accidental discovery by the Great Sage Covering the Sea today will reveal another unprecedented secret.

He stroked the rows of handwriting on the aisle stele with his hand, "There is an emperor in the east, born from the sun of the sky, he is the king of the monster clan, who knows Taiyi, and the golden fire in his hand can purify everything in the world."

"Before the ancient times, the dragon and the phoenix came together, the demon emperor ruled the world, and there was an emperor, named Hun Yuan, who was the son of man, cut the ancestor phoenix, and demoted the phoenix clan to the sky demon."

"The demon emperor is also furious. Therefore, when the sky fire came down, the ten sons under his knees appeared together. However, they were still defeated by the ancient emperor. The demon emperor's ten sons fell and finally landed on the ancient hibiscus tree and gathered into ten sky fires."

"Reunited to the origin after ten thousand years, incarnate as a bird, its body is black, with golden feathers, three footed ground, and its name is golden crow.

"The demon emperor sought revenge for his son. Of course, he was still defeated by the ancient emperor. He was broken into the Fusang island with his two wings broken. After that, the human race was prosperous, and the demon emperor came out of the world when the ancient emperor fell."

"It claims to be Emperor Fusang, but he doesn't want to say that the fall of the ancient emperor is false, and it is true that he was born fraud. When he comes out, the ancient emperor kills the demon emperor, then lives in Fusang Island and establishes the Taixu Palace, and falls a hundred years later."

"Emperor Fusang erected this monument, which was finally made up by the ancient emperor Hunyuan."

After reading the last sentence, the Great Sage Fuhai has already set off a wave of emotions, "Unexpectedly, the Monster Race has also appeared in the Emperor Dou, the emperor in the east, Taiyi, and Eastern Emperor Taiyi."

So familiar, Chen Xiu gradually narrowed his eyes. For some reason, he has always suffered indirect headaches recently.

The reason is that he saw something and heard something.

It seems that there is something that I have forgotten, waking up little by little.

And just as everyone was thinking about his story, they saw a burst of white light from the inscription!

Before everyone could dodge, they were instantly shrouded in white light!

The four of them disappeared in the same place in an instant, and when the Great Sage Covering Sea came back to their senses, the other three had disappeared.

And he suddenly appeared on an ancient city wall for some reason.

Looking at his hands, the Great Sage Covering the Sea felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness. He seemed to have become a mortal, and his fighting spirit disappeared.

And at this moment, a vague and vague words came into his ears, "Temporary Void Secret Realm trial, the tested, the plague of East County is rampant, you will deal with this plague in one month, and forget it."

The voice disappeared, and the sea-covering Great Sage Rumeng woke up, and his whole person was in a trance just now.

"Too Void Secret Realm, that's how it is, it seems that we should have activated the Secret Realm by accident, and we don't know what happened to other people."

I felt it a little, my body was still my own body, still young, but all of his grudge was gone.

And he was on a tower at this time, and in front of the gate were large swaths of refugees.

At this time, a general in armor came over and said, "Report the city lord that all Ping who has been infected with the plague has been evacuated outside the city. What should I do next?"

The Great Sage Covering the Sea nodded, "Very well, then we will make every effort to develop an antidote to control the plague, and ensure the lives of these people outside, and open the warehouse to distribute food."

"By the way, send some more bedding by the way to ensure that the casualties of these refugees are reduced to a minimum."

Seeing the great saint covering the sea orderly giving orders, the general next to him was full of joy, "Yes, the city lord is wise."

In this way, in a flash, half a month passed, and the overlying Great Sage ruled the city well, opened warehouses for food, and guaranteed food and clothing for the refugees.

Moreover, he himself personally participated in the team developing the antidote. Under his wise leadership, he finally developed the antidote on the twentieth day.

Although many people have died outside the city, the Great Sage Covering the Sea has achieved the limit he can do.

Looking at the antidote formula in front of him, Great Sage Fuhai looked relieved, "This time, it should be fine."

At this moment, the general suddenly rushed in, "Report, City Lord, the big thing is not good!"

Seeing that the general rushed out in a panic, the sea-covering great sage frowned, "What kind of demeanor is panic, let us say something slowly."

The general gasped for a moment, "City Lord, the major event is not good, the plague has spread throughout the city, and many soldiers and nobles are infected with the plague!"

The Great Sage Covering Sea shrank his pupils, "How could this be?"

The general was also embarrassed. "During the process of evacuating the civilians, several soldiers were unfortunately infected with the plague. They have spread the plague without reporting it!"

The Great Sage Fu Hai slapped his forehead with a palm, yeah, he had forgotten this!

"Now it's too late to evacuate, and the formula for the antidote has come out, so please order someone to refine it!"

The Great Sage of the Sea Covered immediately stood up, he ordered people to refine the antidote, and gathered all the people in the city who had contracted the plague.

Gather them together to prevent the plague from spreading again.

After that, the antidote was refined, and the Great Sage Covering the Sea first saved everyone in the city, and the process wasted five days.

At the same time, the spread of the plague outside has become more serious, and more than half of the civilians have died of the plague.

If it were not for his negligence and forgot to investigate the people in the city, how could there be so many deaths and injuries outside the city?

Finally, on the 30th day, the only remaining refugees outside the city took the medicine, and the plague was finally resolved.

The Great Sage Covering the Sea saved half of the people in the city, and the other half died in the plague.

At this moment, the sky fell, and a golden pill that shone with purple light fell in front of the Great Sage.

At the same time, the voice came again, "You passed the test, this is your reward."

The Great Sage Fuhai caught the pill, "It turned out to be an eight-pin pill!"

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