Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 506 Everyone's Hope, Xiao Yan!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!A fighting saint was actually killed by a little fighting sect!

Everyone was shocked, who on earth was Xiao Yan, the body of Dou Zong, could kill Dou Sheng in seconds!

At this moment, Gu Yuan, the patriarch of the ancient clan, instantly reacted, "I understand, the way to restrain Styx is to use strange fire!"

Wanting to understand this, a golden flame suddenly rose in the hand of the ancient clan chief!

He used the fighting skills of the law of space and rushed out of the Danta in a blink of an eye.

Crossing the crowd, Gu Yuan took the lead, "Haha, I already know your weaknesses, Styx, just grab it!"

Looking at Gu Yuan who swaggered towards him, Chen Xiu showed a smile, "No. 4 on the list of different fires, Jindi Burning Tianyan, yes, it's a pity."


At this moment, two Liches with the cultivation base of Nine Star Fighting Saints suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xiu.

They stood shoulder to shoulder and extended a right hand and a left hand respectively!

"Heavenly advanced fighting skills, Wangui's blood-splitting hand!"

"Heaven-level advanced fighting skills, the Dragon Emperor's meteorite is destroyed!"

Facing the two sudden moves of the Heaven-Rank Fighting Skill, Gu Yuan dismissed him with a smile. He raised the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan in his hands and then shouted, "Advanced Heaven-Rank Fighting Skill, Golden Flame Burning Heaven!"

A small fighting sect can kill a fighting sage with a different fire!

He is the Nine Star Fighting Saint, and he controls the sub-huo of the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven. Fighting the two fighting Saints should be easy and enjoyable!


In an instant, the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame Zihuo in Gu Yuan's hands was instantly defeated, and two high-level Heaven-rank fighting skills came oncoming!

On one side, the heads of the ghosts swept over, and on the other, a nine-clawed dragon entwining the beam of light came straight!

The two attacks hit Gu Yuan, severely wounded and vomited blood instantly.


"Why, how could this happen!"

Gu Yuan was beaten back by the two nine-star fighting saints, and was seriously injured. Seeing this, Gu Xun'er rushed to help her father.

"Father, are you all right!"

Seeing Gu Xun'er coming, Gu Yuanqiang stood up with the pain of broken bones and internal organs, "Xun, Xun'er, I, I'm fine, you first step back."

Although Gu Yuan was enduring the pain, what made him feel the most heartache was why his strange fire couldn't harm Chen Xiu's natural disaster army?

Obviously that kid can do it!

I saw Chen Xiu twisting his neck and let the two nine-star fighting saints lean back, "It's a pity that I didn't understand what the fellow Yao Chen said, so I dare to rush over like this?"

"Forget it, it's okay to tell you. In fact, the way to restrain the Scourge is very simple, that is, the fusion of different fires!"

"Only when a variety of different fires merge together can they cause the most deadly damage to the Scourge."

"Every time a different kind of fire is merged, its power will be greater against the Scourge. But who of you can do it, different fires merge?"

Chen Xiu grinned. There are not a few people present who have different fires, but they can really fuse them.

There is only one person, Xiao Yan!

At this moment, everyone understood that they could not achieve the fusion of different fires, but they could put their hope on Xiao Yan!

The people who wanted to understand this instantly formed a line of defense to protect Xiao Yan behind!

Gu Yuan grinned and slapped Gu Xun'er on the shoulder. "Xun'er, it's time to go find that kid. Although I'm very unwilling, I can only rely on him now!"

There was a touch of touch in Gu Xun'er's eyes, "Thank you, father."

Turning and passing through the crowd, grabbed Xiao Yan's right hand, and led him to run into the Danta. At the same time, several men and women followed.

Gu Xun'er was the first to stand up, "Brother Xiao Yan, please sit down, because Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan is the fire of my life, so I can't pass the mother fire to you, but I can kill Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan. Zihuo for you."

Xiao Yan was moved in his heart, but he knew that now is not the time to love his children!

One hundred thousand hot!

Everyone put their hope on themselves!

Gu Xun'er slowly released the sub-fire of Emperor Jindi Burning Tianyan, and then gently passed it to Xiao Yan.

There was no wildness, because it was a tamed fire, he was very cooperative and was absorbed by Xiao Yan.

Seven different fires!

At this time, an old man came slowly behind Xiao Yan, "Boy, don't let the old man down." The fifth novel

As he said, an aquamarine flame rose in his palm!

Xiao Yan's pupils shrank when he saw this strange fire, this is!

Ranked fifth in the list of different fires, the flames of life!

The old man in front of him must be the old man Shennong!

This creature's flame is different from other different fires, and most of the other different fires have terrible destructive power.

But the Flame of Living Being is different, the power he contains is not strong, but very weak.

Therefore, his real precious place is not in power, but in his continuous vitality!

The Flame of Life is also known as the fire of longevity. Even if it is acquired by an ordinary person, its lifespan will increase by 10,000 years, and it can even be compared with some powerful monsters!

The Flame of Life can also give birth to various elixir and make some rare plants mature quickly!

And without a word, the old man Shennong directly contributed to the heat of life!

Xiao Yan took it excitedly, he would never forget this kindness!

I saw Xiao Yan easily absorb the flames of life, and in an instant, the elderly Shennong's whole body was countless times older, as if he was about to fall into the soil.

But the old man Shennong waved his hand and said that it was not a problem. He didn't seem to want Xiao Yan to be distracted by himself.

Eight different fires!

At this time, Yan Jin, the head of the Yan Clan among the eight ancient clans, walked over with two disciples.

The patriarch of the Yan clan didn't say much, but simply stretched out his right hand and revealed the seventh in the list of different fires, Jiuyou Jin Ancestral Fire.

After that, the same members of the Yan tribe showed up a pair of huge flame wings!

Eight Desolation Disruption Yan!

This is the strongest alien fire that Yan Clan has mastered.

Since the masters of the Yan clan have injected an indelible soul mark, the Eight Desolation Disruption Yan can be directly transformed into a pair of huge flame wings!

After that, it was Yan Clan, Huo Zhi, and Xiao Yan was deeply surprised by the red lotus karma fire that she waved.

This is the eighth-ranked Alien Fire in the Alien Fire List, which is different from the Alien Fire that Chen Xiu gave Xiao Yan. These are two completely different Red Lotus Karma.

Is something like Alien Fire? It must be the most among Yan Clan.

Ranked sixteenth in the different fire list, Huo Yun Shui Yan.

Ranked seventeenth in the different fire list, volcanic stone flames.

After that, the Yan Clan reluctantly ceded two kinds of different fires. After all, their Yan Clan had no other fire, but there was a different fire!

However, there is one thing that makes the Yan clan people a little bit puzzled. When Chen Xiu married his wife, he had given two different fires to the Yan clan.

And Xiao Yan actually has these two kinds of different fires!

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but there is no time to think about it anyway.

After that, with the help of the five members of the Yan Clan, Xiao Yan once again successfully refined five different fires!

Thirteen kinds of different fires!

At this time, riots had occurred outside Danta, and the battle had begun!

More than 20 fighting sages shot together, how majestic the scene!

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth. He knew that everyone was buying time for him, so he had to speed up the progress!

Now that seven new different fires have been refined, Xiao Yan's cultivation has directly broken through Dou Zun and reached the realm of Dou Sheng!


At this time, everyone is racing against time!

There was only one exception. Looking at the fighting saints who rose up to resist, Chen Xiu sent people to respond in a hurry.

As if he was not in a hurry, he was here leisurely playing with the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

"Xiao Yan, don't let me down."


With local tyrant fans'cream with warm wine' funding, the author decided to draw a fan and give a skin of King Glory 1688.

Starting from August 1st, until 12 noon on August 20th, as long as the fans who have been rewarded during this period will have the opportunity to get it.

Randomly draw, all look at the face.

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