Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 508 Chen Xiu shot, Gu Yuqi!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!As early as thousands of years ago, the elders who guarded the ancient emperor Tuoshe jade of the ancient clan had their souls swallowed by nothingness.

Then, the soul clan secretly exchanged posts and secretly sent the soul of a soul clan elder into the elder's body.

This wait has lasted for thousands of years. To this day, after swallowing the nihilism, this plan was naturally known to Chen Xiu.

So he directly ordered the elder to retrieve the ancient jade and present it to him!

And this elder is the ancient sheep!

Taking off his hat, the patriarch of the ancient clan in the distance instantly saw the appearance of the ancient sheep, and the ancient Emperor Tuoshe jade in his hand!

"It turns out that the traitor is you, Gu Yang!"

No, it is absolutely impossible to let Tuoshe ancient emperor jade fall into the hands of extraterritorial demon!

Gu Yuan, the patriarch of the ancient clan, let out an angry roar, and at the same time, the five seals of the Emperor Seal Judgment came out and directly attacked Chen Xiu!

The five huge palm prints covered the sky and the sun, and when they were all placed together, Chen Xiu couldn't help but think of the palm technique of falling from the sky.

"The sun is really hot."

Facing the five huge palm prints, Chen Xiu let out with a wave of the sun's real fire!

In an instant, the real fire of the sun was as real as it was, and in a blink of an eye it transformed into a blazing spear!

Surrounded by golden flames, the spears are unstoppable, and in a blink of an eye they collided with the emperor seals that were all printed out!


Just listen to a loud noise, and in an instant, the five seals are all broken!

The sun is really fire, and the flame is almost the same as Di Yan.

Chen Xiu's casual blow seemed normal, but in fact, it had reached the level of Doudi!

There is this fire, this world, no fighting emperor, no powerful enemy.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the spear made by the real fire of the sun had not disappeared!

Gu Yuan did not expect that his attack would be so vulnerable!

It was too late to evade. Seeing the flame spear plunged into his chest, Gu Yuan could only forcefully activate the ancient emperor's golden body!


In an instant, something seemed to break.

The elders of the ancient tribe suddenly looked at Gu Yuan together, and saw that at this moment, Gu Yuan's body instantly condensed into gold and stone, and the whole person seemed to have become a statue.

Everyone understood that the patriarch had been pushed to the limit, and as a last resort he had already revealed his final hole card!

However, the next second, the golden body of the ancient emperor was shattered by a single blow!

The flame spear pierced through Gu Yuan's chest without any hindrance, and burst out from behind it!

That shattering was exactly what happened when the golden body was broken!

What does it mean that the golden body is broken?

The pupils of the ancient tribes widened, trying to hold the patriarch Gu Yuan, but it was too late.

In a blink of an eye, Gu Yuan's body was already covered with cracks.

As if it were glass, the crack gradually expanded from the inside to the outside, and finally broke with a bang.

Gu Yuan, die!

"No, the patriarch!!!"

"How is it possible, that is the strongest secret technique of our ancients!"

"Styghe, my ancients will never die with you!"

"It's unreasonable, God, how could my clan chief be so frustrated!"

"The children of the ancient race follow the order and fight to death!"

"Dead battle!!!"


Under the Dan Tower, Gu Xun'er also witnessed the fall of his father.

Tears flowed out of the eye sockets, and all the past appeared before him.

Sadness and hatred poured out in my heart, looking at the distant enemy who killed his father, he was clearly in front of him!

But I can do nothing...

You can kill a nine-star fighting saint with a single blow. In this world, besides Emperor Dou, can anyone stop him?


After twisting his neck, Chen Xiu glanced at the mad fighting saints, "Human life is really fragile, even the world's top powerhouse has such fragile life."

Whoosh whoosh!!

At this moment, three bloody figures suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xiu.Xishi Literature

On one side is Mang Tianchi, on the other is Baimu, and on the other is Yunyun.

All three of them were holding a piece of ancient jade in their hands.

Yan Clan, Stone Clan, Lei Clan, in this way, the last three pieces are all.

Chen Xiu took the ancient jade in their hands, and then gently combined these pieces of ancient jade together.

A complete piece of ancient jade appeared in front of Chen Xiu's eyes. It was an ancient jade disk, and the pattern engraved on it was the body of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe jade.

Different fire!

All things are born with their own spirits, and so are different fires.

There was a strange fire that was born between heaven and earth, formed for thousands of years, gathered spirits for thousands of years, and cultivated for thousands of years.

After the birth of Alien Fire, he rarely leaves his birthplace.

But there is a strange fire that is different. He wanders on the magma of the earth's core and lives by swallowing fire, wandering for thousands of years.

According to legend, the 22 different fires on the list of different fires were eaten by them.

This fire called himself Emperor Yan after he had the spiritual wisdom, and he was born after ten thousand years of cultivation!

He has all the characteristics of the different fire, the so-called debut is the peak, and the beginning of Emperor Yan has the cultivation base of Emperor Dou!

Later generations called him Tuoshegudi, and he was the only fighting emperor for thousands of years.

"Finally gathered. After so many years, I think about Tang San a little bit."

The corners of Chen Xiu's mouth couldn't help raising, although now, Tang San might no longer be qualified to be his opponent.

But it doesn't matter, Douluo Continent is his back garden.

He is willing to give Tang three opportunities, try to become stronger, Tang San.

Don't let me down.


Now that the ancient Emperor Tuoshe jade was collected, Chen Xiu didn't want to waste any more time.

The real fire of the sun emerged around him, and Chen Xiu's pair of dragon pupils instantly showed a monstrous killing intent!

"Just let you see what is the emperor rank fighting skill."

"Emperor rank low-level fighting skills, great huangxingxing!"


Using the real fire of the sun as a guide, the meteorite outside the sky will be turned into a small sun and dragged into the Dou Qi continent!

The setting sun is like the dusk of the gods, visible to the naked eye, the speed of the sun falling faster and faster!

At this time, a slender hand suddenly grabbed Chen Xiu's arm.

Frowning, Chen Xiu turned her head and saw that it was not someone else who grabbed her arm, but Yun Yun, the natural disaster undead under her.

"Can I ask you a question?"

The earth heats up, and golden flames gradually cover the sky.

Faced with the sudden problem of Yun Yun, Chen Xiu didn't pay much attention, "Give you one minute."

Yun Yun's expression was a bit twisted, "That's right, do you remember that about eight years ago, when you were named Yun Lanzong."

"At the time you said, let me marry you, were you serious at the time?"

Chen Xiu stretched out her fingers to pinch Yun Yun's cheeks, "What are you talking about, don't you know that women I hate the most?"

"Will you be worthy to marry you?"

In Chen Xiu's murderous eyes, Yun Yun saw that this man was really cold-blooded.

At this time, the little sun fell, and the flames swallowed everything.

The strong light made everything lose its color, and even the Scourge was in the attack range!

"Buddha's Fury Lotus!"

"Fry me!"


A fourteen-color fire lotus appeared out of thin air, and the sudden explosion instantly dispersed a part of the flames of the little sun!

As a result, the fighting saint of Danta side survived most of them, of course, most of them died under this golden sun's true fire.

Compared with Chen Xiu's Scourge Corps, their damage was nothing short of a fraction.

Thanks to the sudden fire lotus, part of the real sun fire was blown up and all spread to the natural disaster army under Chen Xiu.

In an instant, the twenty-odd fighting saints of Chen Xiu's side and the tens of billions of Liches were reduced to ashes in an instant.

The black gas gathered into a tornado and was generally inhaled by Chen Xiu.

He raised his head and looked at the man who threw the fire lotus just now.

Chen Xiu applauded him, "Good job, Xiao Yan."

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