Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 510 Despair

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Xiao Yan's eyes were bloodshot and he was holding Gu Xun'er's corpse, his hands still shaking.

In an instant, Xiao Yan's anger and hatred were forcibly increased tenfold!

And Chen Xiu couldn't bear to raise the corner of her mouth when she saw this scene, "Ahhhhhhhh, please, hate me, go on, let me see how much you love her!"

Forcibly launching Wanxiang's plundering power, there is no reason, and directly forcibly pulling out the golden burning sky flame in Gu Xun'er's body!

This is the supreme law, let alone a small martial soul, Chen Xiu has used Wanxiang to plunder other people's spiritual treasures and supernatural powers many times.

These are all normal operations, but when escaping from the prehistoric continent, Wanxiang and Heavenly Court were all forbidden.

Fortunately, Chen Xiu finally solved the prohibition of Wanxiang and Heavenly Court, and only then can they reproduce the domineering nature of the two!

In these small worlds, these two are above all laws.

If everything in the world is born with a level, then the highest level of the small world is one hundred.

Heavenly Court and Wanxiang each represent 10,000-level!

Since Wanxiang and Heavenly Court even surpassed the level of Heavenly Dao in the small world at the root level, Heavenly Dao could not restrain them either.

As long as it exists, Chen Xiu can snatch it to you.

Of course, if something surpassed Heaven and Wanxiang in the root level, then Chen Xiu could not interfere with it.

For example, Hongmeng Ziqi.

Forget it, these are not important. The reason why Chen Xiu feels confident is because he is in the three thousand small world.

No matter how hard they tried, as long as their realm could not exceed Chen Xiu.

Then Chen Xiu can only be slaughtered, just like the nine-star fighting sage versus the eight-star fighting sage.

As long as Chen Xiu is one star higher than him, he can forcibly extract everything from his body!

Returning to the present, the angry Xiao Yan gently put down Gu Xun'er, and then stared directly at Chen Xiu!

"Hey! River! I! Want! You! You can't die!!!"


With both arms back, a strange fire spewed from the palm of his palm. Through this action, Xiao Yan's speed surged tenfold in an instant!

In a blink of an eye, he slammed in front of Chen Xiu, his left leg was wrapped in a layer of seven-colored flames, and then kicked at Chen Xiu's temple!

"Sky Fire Three Profound Change!"


Initiating the Three Profound Transformation of the Sky Fire, the secret of Fenyan Valley, Xiao Yan's fighting spirit exploded three times in an instant!

Exuding an aura of destruction, Xiao Yan kicked Chen Xiu's temple firmly!

and many more!


Xiao Yan's pupils shrank, and Chen Xiu caught the blow with his right hand in an instant!

With a grin, Chen Xiu twisted her neck, "Remember what I said to you, Xiao Yan?"

Xiao Yan wanted to retract his left leg, but he found that Chen Xiu's right hand was firmly grasping his left leg like iron tongs, making him unable to move!

"Damn, Buddha is angry..."


Before Xiao Yan's words were finished, Chen Xiu's left hand was even faster, and it turned into a hand knife and pierced his chest.

"It's rude to start without listening to others. Do you know why I keep you, Xiao Yan?"

Blood was dripping from the corner of Xiao Yan's mouth, but he still gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Chen Xiu smiled slightly when he saw this, "I told you a long time ago, collect the world's strange fires, I will divide you half by then, but you have to kill yourself, who can you blame?"

"Since the transaction fails, I can only use it unilaterally."

"Everything I did before was to force the Proterozoic Eight Clan to the point where they could only rely on you."

"In this way, they will voluntarily hand over the fire and save me a lot of trouble."

"Now, your task has been completed, Xiao Yan, you have no use value."

Wanxiang, plunder!51 Aesthetic Novels


Fourteen different fires merged into one, and instantly disappeared in his body, Xiao Yan's eyes widened, and his cultivation quickly retreated!

In a blink of an eye it became a little fighting sect!

However, a seven-color flame rose in Chen Xiu's hand, which was the product of the fusion of Xiao Yan's 14 different fires.

After squinting Xiao Yan, the fourteen flames in Chen Xiu's hand suddenly rose.

Immediately afterwards, Void Swallowing Yan, Jiuyou Fengyan, Bone Spirit Lenghuo, and Nanming Lihuo all emerged.

Using the power of heaven's fusion to fuse all the flames together in an instant, a pseudo-emperor flame was born.

It is useless to find the different fire further down, because it is too weak, as long as you find the third-ranked Jinglian Demon Fire, a new Emperor Flame will be born.

Even more than the original Emperor Yan.

Because it combines Chen Xiu's Nanming Lihuo, and Honglianye Huo, two different fires that are not weak.

Today's Puppet Emperor Yan already possesses all the abilities of Emperor Yan, although it may not be as powerful.

Because of the lack of the characteristics of Jinglian Demon Fire Purifying the World.

Well, forget it, combining the Red Lotus Karma Fire, Nanming Lihuo, Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo, and the Flame of Life, their recovery ability and vitality have reached a metamorphosis.

As long as the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo stands under the stars, it can regenerate infinitely.

The flames of life, needless to say, are full of vitality and can easily live for tens of thousands of years.

Nanming Lihuo, the flame of Suzaku, can be reborn from the ashes. The so-called Suzaku's Nirvana is immortal.

The red lotus karmic fire, which integrates the red lotus karmic fire of this world, is mainly aimed at the soul, which can guarantee the immortality of the soul.

With Emperor Yan ignited in his hands, Chen Xiu directly threw Xiao Yan to the sky.

"Since you like alien fire so much, let you die under alien fire."

After all, the Emperor Yan in his hand turned into a fire dragon and escaped.

No matter how Xiao Yan's defenses were, it was useless. The fire dragon that Emperor Yan had transformed consumed him into ashes in an instant.

The arsonist died in the flames.

After solving Xiao Yan, the world seemed to calm down.

Everyone under the Danta has no voice, the so-called greater expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Nothing is left now, only a wave of despair fills everyone's hearts.

Chen Xiu is too strong, strong and unreasonable.

After finally seeing a little hope, it turned into despair.

The terrible thing is not death, but the process of waiting for death.

The elders of the ancient tribe were determined, and they raised their swords to slay themselves.

This is the last pride in their hearts.

They don't want to die at the hands of the demon outside the territory, and there is no rescue, if he wants to exterminate all living beings.

Then he succeeded.

The ancients took the lead, and everyone followed suit and swept their swords.

Some were crying, some gritted their teeth, some laughed, some were expressionless.

All sentient beings came into view, and Chen Xiu felt miraculous. Is this human?

These people in front of us are the last strength in Zhongzhou. If even they give up, then the entire Zhongzhou will be destroyed.

Soon everyone died.

Everything returned to dead silence, Chen Xiu fell from the sky and slowly sat on top of the ruins.

Almost all dead.

Warcraft, humans, eight ancient tribes.

Chen Xiu sent someone to copy their home, and let the natural disaster army slaughter the entire Zhongzhou from outside to inside.

These people in front of them should be the last living people on this continent.

Chen Xiu calmed the world, the noise disappeared, and only the wind roamed every corner of the mainland.


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