Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 512 Fight to Break the Sky!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Chen Xiu held up the ancient jade with her hand, and for an instant, a beam of light burst out of the ancient jade, shining on the ancient stone gate.


With the beam of light completely submerged into the stone gate, the stone gate that had been sealed in dust for thousands of years was finally opened!

A few cracks were opened, a lot of dust was shaken off, and even the ground on which Chen Xiu was standing trembled.

Immediately afterwards, the cracks got bigger and bigger, and Shimen slowly opened a distance for people to pass.

A breath of ancient vicissitudes is coming!


A powerful energy fluctuation hit instantly, and Xiao Yixian couldn't resist this force and his body was blown away instantly.

Apart from Chen Xiu's robe and hair being blown, the roots of her feet have not left the place for half a step.

I waved my hand to grab the little doctor immortal, this energy came and dissipated quickly, and soon, this shock-like energy stopped.

Boom boom boom!

With the last few bangs, Shimen opened completely, and a breath from ancient times poured into the nasal cavity, unspeakable bitterness and choking.


A wave of ripples suddenly appeared above the ancient stone gate, and a sense of distortion of space came, which seemed to form a passage through space.

Chen Xiu took the little doctor fairy, and the two slowly stepped into it.

Entering the space, there is a feeling of spinning around the world, and a faint mist is always permeating this space.

"This is the Ancient Emperor's Cave Mansion?" As soon as Xiao Yixian fell to the ground, he looked at it curiously.

Yes, this is the ancient emperor cave mansion!

Chen Xiu's eyes are shining, how many fighting saints are there in this world?


But why for thousands of years, no one except Tuoshe Gudi has been breaking through Doudi?

Is the Nine Star Peak Fighting Sage?

Quite a few, almost all of them existed in all races, and the ancient soul race had the most, and they were only one step away from Emperor Dou.

But why can't you pass this hurdle?

As the saying goes, if you don't become a fighting emperor, you will end up with ants.

Although, there is only a small realm between Dou Di and Dou Sheng.

But this small realm is a world of difference.

A Doudi can wipe out hundreds of fighting saints with a wave of his hand. This is an absolute suppression, just like the difference between the immortal and the common world.

And why is this small state embarrassing so many people?

Are they not working hard enough?

Are they not talented?

Do not!

It is because they have no chance at all!

The lack of the original imperial energy has said everything!

It's just like the grandiose and purple aura, without the grandiose and purple aura, no matter if you have great powers, you will never want to cross the hurdle of sanctification.

The same is true for Emperor Cheng. Without the original imperial energy, even if you pierce the sky and lift the mainland, it is useless.

Nothing means nothing.

But if you want to become an emperor, there is only one feasible method at present.

Legend has it that in the ancient emperor cave, there is an imperial young pill, which contains a trace of original imperial energy.

If this imperial product young pill can be refined, then Chen Xiu will have the capital of becoming emperor.

Chen Xiu and Xiao Yixian walked side by side, moving forward without hesitation, as if he knew the route and knew the road easily.

Xiao Yixian expressed doubts about this, "You have been here, why are you so familiar with the route?"

Chen Xiu shook her head, "I have never been here, but Void Swallowing has been here. I read his memory and naturally know the route."

"There is a strange fire square in front. Originally 22 kinds of strange fires were imprisoned here, but Void Swallowing Flame and Jinglian Demon Fire were unwilling to wait here for ten thousand years, so they sneaked away."

"Forget it, it's useless to say more, let's go."

The two walked along like this, and it didn't take long for them to see a simple palace.

Entering the palace, there is a vast square, and above the square, there are 22 stone pillars.

There was still a breath of strange fire on it, and it was obvious that this should be the pillar that sealed the strange fire.

On the two front pillars, the residual aura of the alien fire had disappeared, and it was obviously Void Swallowing Flame and Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

The strange fires on the other pillars almost disappeared, not because they ran out, but because they were too weak to stand the test of time.

Finally disappeared in the endless river of time.


No, there is still a strange fire surviving.

On the pillars in the last row, a dark yellow flame was faintly burning.

The flame was so weak that it looked shaky, as if it would go out at any time.

If unsurprisingly, this should be Xuan Huangyan at the bottom.

Chen Xiu waved his hand to unlock his chains, and then directly swallowed Xuan Huangyan with Emperor Yan.

Xiao Yixian looked at these pillars and nodded, "Unexpectedly, the ancient Emperor Tuoshe liked to collect alien fires. The higher these pillars, the higher the ranking of alien fires, but it is a pity that they are all extinguished.

Chen Xiu walked through the Hall of Different Fires and slowly came to a main hall.Meishuba

If unsurprisingly, Emperor Pin Young Pill should be here.

"This space hasn't been so lively for a long time..."

At this moment, an old and simple voice suddenly entered the ears of the two.

Xiaoyixian's pupils shrank, "Could it be that the ancient Emperor Tuoshe is not dead yet!"

As soon as the voice fell, an old man wearing a plain robe suddenly appeared in front of the two.

Judging from his looks, this person is exactly the same as the portrait of the ancient emperor that has spread out!

Chen Xiu patted her on the shoulder, "Don't be irritable, the fox is pretending to be a tiger, if I don't expect it to be bad."

"He is not the ancient emperor Tuoshe at all, but the imperial young pill that has become the ancient emperor Tuoshe."

After listening to Chen Xiu's words, the old man's complexion instantly broke down.

Who is this person?

He was able to tell his heels in one word!

"No, impossible, how can you recognize me, who are you?"

Seeing the imperial product young pill look excited, Chen Xiu lazy and the idiot were exhausted.

Di Pin Young Pill gave birth to spiritual wisdom through ten thousand years, and I like to pretend to be the ancient emperor when he is fine.

These were all extracted by Chen Xiu from the memory of nothingness swallowing inflammation.

With his right hand opened, the power of the universe was activated, and the Emperor Pin Young Pill instantly revealed its original shape and was taken into the palm of Chen Xiu.

"No, no, you can't do this to me, but I..."

Apart from anything else, Chen Xiu swallowed the Imperial Young Pill in one mouthful, and then directly refined the Imperial Young Pill on the spot.


Di Yan instantly rose next to Chen Xiu, and a layer of fire gradually burned around Chen Xiu.

The imperial young pill gradually turned into an original imperial aura, and the attributes contained in it were no longer important.

The most important thing is this source of imperial energy!

Using the spiritual power of the emperor rank as suppression, Chen Xiu easily obliterated the wisdom of the emperor young pill and refined it smoothly.

After that, it was Chen Xiu's three months of breaking the mirror!

For three months, Xiao Yixian looked at Chen Xiu like this, day and night, all the time.

Until the moment when Chen Xiu's breath broke through the ancient emperor cave mansion!

A monstrous momentum rose, and the entire ancient emperor cave collapsed instantly!

Chen Xiu opened her eyes, a little flame ignited between her eyebrows, and she slowly opened her right hand.

"I am Emperor Yan, and I shall be the vener of all fires. All fires in the world listen to my orders and all fires return to their place!"


As Chen Xiu's right hand opened, a pillar of fire pierced through the ancient emperor cave and sank directly to the top of the sky!

Chen Xiu and Xiaoyixian jumped out, and instantly came to the outside world.

At this moment, the entire vindictive continent trembled, Emperor Chen Xiucheng, the Lord of Ten Thousand Fires!

In an instant, the world's flames were summoned, and they rushed to Chen Xiu!

Those strange fires that Chen Xiu did not collect, and the various magical flames between heaven and earth, all rushed towards Chen Xiu one after another!

And Chen Xiu opened her arms to contain all the different fires, even the Demon Fire of the Lotus Flower was among them.

In an instant, more than twenty strange fires gathered around Chen Xiu again!

Waved to release the real fire of Emperor Yan and the sun, all fires are one!


That gorgeous flame, with more than twenty colors, dazzling and gorgeous, instantly made the little doctor immortal intoxicated.

He has become an emperor, but no one in the entire continent can witness.

How lucky I am to witness the birth of a Doudi.

This Doudi was the strongest person on this continent, and the loneliest person, if even she died.

So, even if he becomes an emperor, he will be lonely, right?

Looking at Chen Xiu, who was bathed in glory, Xiao Yixian smiled and walked with him all the way.

Looking down at the little doctor fairy, the Emperor Yan in Chen Xiu's hand dissipated into 25 flames in an instant!

"I said, would you die for me?"

The little doctor nodded, "I am willing."

Chen Xiu grinned, "Well, in return, I will let you witness the most exciting scene in the world."

"The destruction of a continent!"


Twenty-five kinds of different fires were entwined around Chen Xiu, and her person fell into the sky for an instant.

Twenty-five kinds of different fires converge into a chaotic fire lotus in his hands!

"Shenlong nine changes, seven changes!"

"The continent has fallen!"


On the earth, the little doctor fairy witnessed all this, shattering the sky and sinking the earth!

Fight to break the sky!!

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