Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 516 Unintentional Killing

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The nine spirit rings on the Divine Punishment Judgment body disappeared, and the golden light radiating from the body was also dissolved in an instant.

I saw him kneeling before Chen Xiu first, "Thanks to the teacher Long En, the subordinate spirit has been upgraded to the most perfect level, and now the whole body is covered with flesh and blood, all of which are spirits!"

Nodding slightly, Chen Xiu looked at the trial verdict again, and saw that he also knelt in front of Chen Xiu.

The two knelt side by side, and the trial ruling slowly bowed their hands. "Thanks to the master, the quality of the martial arts under his hand has also been changed, and even said that it has changed."

"Oh?" Chen Xiu raised her head slowly, "let's talk about it."

The trial verdict nodded, "Yes, the leader, the subordinate's situation is a bit complicated to speak of. To put it simply, the subordinate's spirit has jumped out of the limitations of the weapon spirit."

"As we all know, martial souls are divided into beast martial souls and weapon martial souls. Beast martial souls are possessed by martial souls to fight, and weapon martial souls are used for hand-held combat."

"The weapon spirit of the subordinates has both the characteristics of both. It can be possessed by the spirit and can be held in hand for combat!"

Chen Xiu put two fingers in front of her eyes, and for an instant a golden light flashed in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, "So, the death spirit, the twins of the other side, are divided into the death spirit body and the death sickle."

"It is both a weapon spirit and a beast spirit. It is an extremely extreme spirit."

"Interestingly, the extreme point turned out to be destructive."

Chen Xiugang said that the apocalyptic ruling on the side was suddenly stunned.

For some reason, a loneliness like a sea of ​​bitterness suddenly poured into his sea of ​​spirit!

This terrible loneliness, like the water of the abyss, eroded away the beautiful illusions remaining in the heart of the Apocalypse in an instant!

Endless despair occupies the heart, loneliness, darkness, and silence!

In an instant, Tianqi ruled that cold sweat was flowing, and he knelt on his knees, his body slumped.

Just now, the apocalyptic ruling of Wuhun's return to the ancestor gained the ability to sense heaven and man.

The so-called unity of nature and man, knowing the past, the future, and the present, this ability allows the apocalypse to read the emotions and thoughts of others.

Just now, because the Apocalypse Judgment accidentally read Chen Xiu's thoughts, in an instant, the boundless silence and loneliness directly caused him to fall into the abyss of despair!

OMG, I can't stand it even for a second!

What did the leader go through?

Fifty years of loneliness and death, this is definitely not a person can bear!

Just now, the sentiment that the Apocalypse Judgment read from Chen Xiu was only one thousandth of Chen Xiu's sentiment.

How can a person survive in this darkness?

The apocalypse ruling could not be imagined. Just now, he experienced that feeling.

He couldn't bear it even for a second.

But the leader, he can always be drunk in the endless darkness!

What kind of endurance is this?

People who often walk in the dark should not adapt to the darkness, but should yearn for the light.

With cold sweat all over his body, Tianqi Judgment looked at Chen Xiu laboriously, "How did you do it?"

"The subordinates really can't imagine, even you, shouldn't be able to adapt to this kind of loneliness like falling into the abyss?"

Hearing the question of Tianqi's ruling, Chen Xiu just smiled and replied: "You and I create different karma."

"Since you can read my emotions, you must know what I think, right?"

Apocalypse Judgment nodded painfully, "Yes."

Chen Xiu closed her eyes gently, "I'm tired of the endless killing. I'm tired and want to rest."

"Holy Spirit Sect, leave it to the three of you, and defeat the Douluo Continent. Can you do it now?"

Fighting the Douluo Continent, just the three of them?Fate Novel

The three of them hesitated and looked at each other. It was the Apocalypse ruling that came out first, "Master, you probably don't know something else."

"It has something to do with the twelve children." Chen Xiu said with her eyes closed.

The Apocalypse's ruling was surprised, "Yes, you didn't expect the leader to know that everything is in your calculations?"

Chen Xiu pulled out a smile, "No, my mental power has disintegrated, and the divinity that I once planted is naturally relieved."

"The believers have not rebelled yet, because they truly released their minds and bodies to the Holy Spirit Cult, not because I imposed them on them."

The Apocalypse nodded, "The leader expects things to be like gods, and now they don't have the divine suppression that your spiritual power gives them, the twelve holy spirits have rebelled."

"Of course, it may also be due to the side effects of the soul-absorbing. Now the holy spirits have turned to each other, cutting off the twelfth part of the land in Douluo Continent, occupying the land as the king.

"Subordinates don't have the confidence to control them, but if you go out, you can definitely bring the Holy Spirit back to the original religion!"

Chen Xiu waved her hand, "No, I won't make a move."

"Next, I will choose an assistant leader, among the three of you, and the condition for becoming an assistant leader is to defeat Douluo Continent."

"Go three of you. Although the twelve holy spirits occupy the land as king, they haven't completely separated from my teaching. Your task is to recover them."

"They will become an important weapon for you to unify the mainland. I am really curious, you three, who can sit in the position of deputy leader."

The leader is asking the three of us to break!

The three of them all wanted to understand in an instant, the position of the deputy leader can only be seated by one person!

But the way to sit in this position is very simple, subdue the twelve holy spirits, and lay the Douluo Continent based on them!

However, the Holy Spirit has rebelled, and it is certainly not easy to regain them!

If all the troops of the Holy Spirit Sect were used, it would be more than 20 titled Douluo, and it would be easy to defeat the Douluo Continent!

However, Chen Xiu gave up on this great opportunity!

In an instant, the three of them all wanted to understand.

The leader should be testing them. Since the Holy Spirit has the ability to dominate the mainland, who will complete this task?

Since Chen Xiu has given up, then the person who can complete this task will surely become an existence above 10,000!

Vice leader!

Apocalypse ruling, trial ruling, god punishment ruling!

The three looked at each other, everyone wanted to sit in this position, and no one wanted to let go!

So, the next battle is not only for the outside, but also for the inside!

Chen Xiu was relieved to see that the three of them understood what they meant, "Now that you understand, then it's time for you to see something."

Chen Xiu waved, and in an instant, countless ten thousand years spirit rings flew out!

The three rulings did not evade, Chen Xiu instantly used the power of the heavens to integrate these spirit rings into the three of them!

Otherworldly energy!


In an instant, three beams of light rose to the sky!

The martial soul of the trial was forced to appear, and the nine crimson soul rings were instantly exposed to everyone!

The divine punishment ruling is the same, and the nine spirit rings around him instantly become crimson!

Only the Apocalypse ruled, although the spirit ring pattern printed on his back did not appear, but it also turned into a crimson color!

The pupils of the three people shrank instantly, this is!!

One hundred thousand year spirit ring!

Moreover, there are nine hundred thousand year spirit rings!

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