Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 522: Meeting Raksha God Again!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Senluo Ghost Domain, Raksha Temple!

Returning to this familiar ancient temple, there are still statues of these two door gods on the gate of Raksha Temple.

The door god on the left, carrying a blood-red long knife, rushed to the door god on the right.

The door god on the right, surrounded by four sickles rushing to the door god on the left.

There were two noises in the middle of the door crack, if Chen Xiu had expected it.

The door god on the left should be Shura god, and the door god on the right is Rakshasa god.

The door opened, and a row of pillars lined up with ghosts and gods.

Dark green flames flashed on the wall, the light was very dim, and the more gloomy you walked inside, the denser the atmosphere.

The hag was standing outside the door with two maids, not daring to step inside.

Walking to the statue of Rakshasa, Chen Xiu raised her head and looked at the statue of Rakshasa.

This statue is less than 20 meters high, and his finger is several times thicker than Chen Xiu's waist.

As before, it was still a long ladder, reaching the feet of the god Raksha.

"It has not been seen for many years, I am back again, God Raksha." Chen Xiu said to herself at the statue, the statue of God Raksha did not give the slightest response.

Chen Xiu stepped up the stairs one step at a time, and a powerful counter shock came instantly!

Just like before, this force is extremely domineering, even Title Douluo can't resist this force!

But this time, there was a difference, Chen Xiu was not bounced away!

Facing this powerful repulsive force, Chen Xiu was able to maintain the same posture just now!

At this moment, a pattern of lightning suddenly appeared on Chen Xiu's forehead!

And the lightning pattern quickly passed away, and in a blink of an eye it changed into the head of a beast.

The head of this beast looked like a white tiger, but it was different.

Immediately afterwards, the pattern of the beast disappeared, and a swastika appeared on Chen Xiu's head!

At the same time, three illusory figures appeared behind Chen Xiu at the same time!

A bolt of thunder, white hair fluttering, and open eyes are pure lightning energy!

Holding a purple electric spear in his hand, seven rounds of purple rings are floating behind his head!

The figure emitting thunder and lightning stood on Chen Xiu's left side, while on his right was a man in white armor.

The same seven halos hovered behind his head, and what he held in his hand was a white-gold long sword.

In the end, there was a figure facing Chen Xiu, this figure was completely red, standing between the other two figures.

He didn't hold anything in his hand, but behind him, there were these nine red auras!

At this moment, the statue of the god Raksha trembled!


A black skull fell from the sky, exuding a strong black air, and directly suspended in front of Chen Xiu!

This black skull seemed very curious, and it stopped after turning around Chen Xiu several times.

"Good, good, good!"

"Enjoy these gods to me, from now on you will be the descendant of the god Raksha!"

This skull suddenly opened his mouth to speak. Although there were no eyes in his eye sockets, Chen Xiu knew what he was thinking when he saw the three figures behind him staring at him.

Now, he sucked all his clones back into his body, accepted Thor's test, and the clones who had accepted the test of White Tiger God returned to his body.

The 9th Thor test has completed the 8th test, and the Nineth Test of the White Tiger God has also completed the 8th test, all of which are missing the last test.Qiyin Novels

The sun god has no assessment, and Chen Xiu only needs to meet three conditions to inherit the throne of the sun god.

Defeat the sea god and gain the power of the sun's true fire.

Let the angel god fall in love with yourself and take back the sword of the blazing sun.

Defeat the god of Shura, complete your godhead, and inherit the god of the sun!

For some reason, Chen Xiu gained the power of the sun's true fire ahead of time.

And the reason why he didn't conduct the last two tests of Thunder God and White Tiger God was because one person can only inherit one god position.

And because the inheritance of Thunder God and White Tiger God was ruined, there was no god bestowed spirit ring even though they were upgraded.

However, there are quite a few rewards for completing the God Examination, most of which are rewards for directly enhancing soul power.

And Thor's final test is very simple, with a mortal body, holding ninety-nine sky thunders.

This is a test, and it is also a reward. Using the sky thunder to temper the body, you can train into the sky thunder body.

The final test of the White Tiger God was even simpler, so that the entire Douluo Continent would know the name of the White Tiger God.

Chen Xiu also understood why Bai Di told the people of the world that he had inherited the throne.

It was also suffering for him. In order to make others believe, he even held an ascension ceremony.

For Chen Xiu, this task couldn't be easier.

He wanted to make people believe in something, and just by looking at the other person, he could convince the other person about it.

But at this time, this skull that didn't know where it came from, opened his mouth and asked him to contribute to the gods?

Chen Xiu grinned, then squeezed her skull, "Hey, take your ugly gaze away and take a good look. Could it be that after only a few years, have you forgotten me?"

When Chen Xiu pressed her head and forcibly looked at his face, this skull suddenly trembled, "You can touch me!"

"Impossible, unless your mental power exceeds my remnant soul, otherwise you will never touch me!"

"Spiritual power, spiritual power, by the way, I remember, you are the kid back then!"

"Back then, you didn't know what kind of magic tricks you used to steal the Karma Fire Red Lotus and refining the sea of ​​bitterness. That was what we and the Nightmare Emperor finally accumulated after tens of thousands of years!"

Listening to the endless talk of the skull, Chen Xiu suddenly remembered something, "Isn't the deity immune to mental power, why can I suppress you in terms of mental power?"

Hearing Chen Xiu's words, the skull suddenly lost its vitality, "Oh, I am no longer a deity. I, who have been deprived of the status of God, cannot even choose a successor."

"Fortunately, in that battle, I had a trace of remnant soul and escaped by chance, and left this Raksha god inheritance with the only remaining godhood."

"Young man, if you believe me, pass on all the three gods in your body to me, and when I complete the godhead, you can directly pass on the Rakshasa god position to you!"

Chen Xiu snorted coldly, "Swap the inheritance of three deities for your inheritance of one deity, do you think I am stupid?"

Skull sighed in a low voice, "Although I don't want to admit it, I was once the main god, and the god of Shura was called the second god of killing."

"It can be said that at that time, apart from the god Shura, there were really few opponents in the God Realm."

"But the two supreme god kings are above, how can I be willing to live below others?"

"So, I defeated the gods, took part of the godheads, and prepared to gather into the undefeated godhead."

"But I didn't expect that the despicable villain of God Raksha would even plot with me, and everything I did became his wedding dress!"

"My undefeated godhead has not been completed yet, where am I the opponent of the Rakshasa god after a great battle?"

"So, not only did he take away my undefeated godhead, but he also took most of my killing godhead!"

"Later, God Shura continued to use my strength and challenged all the gods continuously!"

"Unexpectedly, the undefeated godhead was condensed by him in the end, why is the way of heaven so unfair!"

"I hate it, I can't wait to cramp the god Shura, smash the corpse, let him taste the suffering of eternal hell!"

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