You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this moment, the Rakshasa god felt like someone shit at his house, and he wanted to wipe their ass!

My brain hurts all over!

How could there be such a person!

Ignoring the Rakshasa god who was crying on the sidelines, Chen Xiu waved his hand and instantly opened a black hole in front of everyone.

This is the soul skill of the Mirror of Illusion, empty, now released by Chen Xiu, its power has increased thousands of times.

The black hole formed in an instant directly presents the scenery of the other side.

There is a desolate and pale desert, densely packed with soul beasts, looking up to the sky.

Above the endless dark sky, there is a huge hole, and there is a ray of light shining through the hole.

Seeing hope was right there, but no one dared to move through the tunnel.

This is a ghost door, and the soul body can get the body from here.

In the same way, the body will turn into the soul when coming in from the outside.

It can be said that this is a gate of virtual reality conversion, connecting the yang realm and underworld of the Douluo world.

Once Chen Xiu destroys the ghost realm of Senluo, the ghosts of the world will have no destination and can only wander on the mainland without an owner.

Although most people can't see it, the spirit type spirit master can notice these ghosts.

Of course, ordinary ghosts will not exist for too long, and the soul body will completely dissipate between the heaven and the earth in about seven days.

Chen Xiu looked back at the three of them, "Let's go, they should have been waiting for a long time."

The ghost woman bowed sincerely to Chen Xiu, "Your kindness will not be repaid, and the entire ghost realm will not be repaid. Even if you die on the battlefield, we cannot repay it."

"Thank you, the old body sincerely thank you for all the creatures in the ghost domain."

Chen Xiu waved her hand, "It doesn't matter, but it's easy."

The Rakshasa god on the side looked at Chen Xiu, "Then what should I do?"

Casting a glance at him, Chen Xiu turned her head and walked into the void, "You stay here and wait for death."

After speaking, Chen Xiu's figure had disappeared in front of the three of them.

The ghost woman took the two spider emperors and looked at the god Raksha apologetically, only to see them bowed, and then followed Chen Xiu.

Only the Rakshasa god froze in place, until the empty door disappeared, the head transformed by the Rakshasa god took action.

I saw a black flame spreading across the head, and in an instant, the flame constructed his body.

Black flames surrounded the skull, and a hazy figure gradually formed.

Rakshasa looked up to the sky, "What do you think?"


Rakshasa God said, and another black flame fell from the sky!

This black flame also holds a skull, but this skull is a dragon bone!

A dragon skull, ribs, limb bones, and everything else is a black flame.

I saw this unidentified creature ejected two black fires from its nose, and then stared at the God of Raksha in a daze.

"This human being is stronger than you and me at this time. If it is him, maybe it can."

He opened his mouth and made a hoarse voice, like a magical sound, even Rakshasa was uncomfortable with his words.

I saw the Rakshasa god pretending to cover his ears, "It's really easy for you not to speak, because your mouth will hurt people, Emperor Nightmare."

The nightmare emperor...186 Chinese website

It seems that no one has called himself that for a long time.

I saw the nightmare emperor's arrogance raging, "No need to say more, although this is not simple, it doesn't need to be too important, he still can't break the shackles of Senluo Ghost Domain."

"You and I have been raising Gu for ten thousand years, just to let these souls swallow each other, and finally evolve a million-year soul beast."

"Unfortunately, even after tens of thousands of years, the million-year-old soul beast of our dreams has never been born. Have you ever thought about the reason?"

God Raksha nodded, "Naturally thought that those people used to reinforce the seal in order to prevent you from being overwhelmed forever, putting you on this brand new shackle."

"And tens of thousands of years, why do the shackles that imprison us never wear out?"

"Isn't it because we absorbed the remains of the soul beast after death, and because most of the soul body was absorbed by this chain, it led to our failure in raising Gu."

The Nightmare Emperor nodded, "Yes, but the sky is endless. I didn't expect that within these ten thousand years, in the ghost domain, a strange thing that drew heaven and earth would be born."

"This thing is exactly the nemesis of those causal chains, some souls have even broken out of the ghost realm with this."

"But these are not enough. If you want to burn down the chain of cause and effect in the entire ghost realm, you must have a master god urge the red lotus karma to burn all the chains in one fell swoop."

"In this way, you and I can break through this seal and find revenge for the gods in the sky!"

Rakshasa's expression trembled a little, "Vengeance is not easy, we can't even untie the shackles in front of us, so what do we take revenge?"

The nightmare emperor's arrogance declined, "Yes, what revenge can I take, even my father died in the hands of those humans!"

"Fine, nothing, let him go, don't you still have a back hand?"

"That human being is called Bibi Dong, if he can defeat the god Shura and get back his incomplete body, we still have hope, don't we?"

Rakshasa shook his head, "No, she can't, only that person can do this, he has to do this!"

The Nightmare Emperor's expression was a bit sarcasm, "But he doesn't want to inherit your god position, is he?"

God Raksha was silent, "No, he will definitely."

"Because no one can defeat God Shura except me!"


At this time, above the white desert of Sun Luo Ghost Domain.

Chen Xiu's figure stepped across the black hole, and gradually appeared in front of a group of spirit beasts.

Suddenly all beasts worshipped, "I wait, see the lord of the ghost domain!" xN

The shouts continued, and morale among the soul beasts was high at this time.

Saran, the ghost woman, and the two spider emperors were all standing behind Chen Xiu at this time.

They were floating above the sky, and the atmosphere at this time was unspeakably serious.

I saw Chen Xiu slowly spread his arms, and twenty-five kinds of flames rose up!

They have different colors and different powers. Chen Xiu transformed all these different fires into martial spirits.

When the twenty-five different fires were merged into one, Chen Xiu's concept of martial soul was refreshed again.

It turns out that there is something called Shenhun above Wuhun!

Integrating the real fire of the sun and adding the power of God Yan itself, Chen Xiu now has mastered the power of the god.

With the addition of eight million-year spirit rings, looking at the Douluo Continent, he already considered himself invincible.

And with the appearance of twenty-five kinds of flames, eight golden rings shining with colorful light, and a crimson one hundred thousand year spirit ring, nine spirit rings emerged!

A force that touched the origin of the divine power spread across the world instantly!

In the distance, on Tianding Mountain, when the Nightmare Emperor witnessed Chen Xiuliang's eight million-year-old spirit rings, he directly concluded, "This person will definitely help you and I break the seal!"

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