Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 547 Tide Holy Spirit!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Located in the North Sea of ​​Douluo Continent, nine kilometers below the deep sea, in a deep seabed, there is a majestic building!

Around this building, there are fortresses and castles made up of countless rocks, covered with moss.

A variety of ancient totems and texts fill every building, this is a non-human architectural style!

That kind of ancient times, that kind of exaggeration, everything seems to be natural, and it seems to be drawn by some kind of master craftsman meticulously carving for several years!

Everything can be linked together ingeniously, seemingly irregular but ingenious, you can even see the opposite of these patterns from different angles!

In the deep sea, a stone statue of a human believer knelt on the ground, as if asking for something from the overseas world.

Either God, or something he believes in.

It's a pity that there is no light in the deep sea, and the darkness is endless, even if he kneels and worships for thousands of years, the god he prays for will not come.

Contrary to the style of these buildings, an architectural style is luxurious and exaggerated, and a temple made of prismarine gleams with dazzling light, and stands proudly here.

Countless half-man, half-fish creatures enter and exit here, but these merfolks that can enter and exit are all males, and very few females enter.

Among mermaids, males usually have a human upper body, fish tails on their lower body, and fins on both ears. They have long wavy hair and a proud body.

It can be said that most males are very beautiful.

The female is the opposite. They have two legs and are covered with fish scales. They have a head that can barely be counted as a human head.

They have large eyes, with protruding eye sockets, and a sharp fin standing upright on the backbone of their back.

Most of them hold turquoise tridents, they have webbed feet on their feet, and their fingers have dark green joints!

According to human aesthetics, this creature can only be described in two words, and that is ugly.

At this time, the darkness of the deep sea was suddenly stirred, and a ray of light shone!

Suddenly, the entire Sea Clan trembled!

They have been living in the darkness, the light, all belong to others!

Their eyes are accustomed to the darkness, and when the dawn shines, their vision is almost instantly taken away!

The sea clan who reacted first turned around and rushed into the tidal temple!

Pushing open the door, a male sea clan rushed into the temple in an instant!

Pushing open the door of the temple, a layer of sea waves opened.

I saw a ray of fluorescence shining out of the door, and the bustling scene presented in an instant almost stunned the mermaid.

Mermaid like pearls and gems, these shiny and beautiful things, and usually, they are only allowed to wear a few pearls.

The higher the status of the mermaid, the more gems and pearls they can wear.

Pushing the door open, a human female appeared in front of the mermaid.

She was wearing a sparkling dress, a gorgeous robe sprinkled with shards of precious stones, and a crystal crown with various gems inlaid on it.

Shake your hands, the whiteness is like ceramics, and the supple skin is not too much.

Opening a pair of sapphire eyes, the Holy Spirit of the tide spit out four words faintly, "I know."

The male mermaid was stunned. She hadn't said yet, Master Aquaman already knew?

At this moment, a man with a golden crown suddenly walked out behind Chao Shengsheng.

He is holding a golden trident and wearing a gleaming golden armor. This man is also human!

Seeing this person, the male sea clan instantly lowered his head, "Master Naga!"

……Literature under the pen

In the North Sea, looking at the believers who jumped down one after another, the divine punishment ruling slowly lit a cigarette.

"The Tide Holy Spirit is the twelfth Holy Spirit, and the only Holy Spirit I don't understand. I heard from the leader once mentioned that she is the most genius among the Holy Spirit."

"Xuanwu, how much do you know about her?"

At this time, Xuanwu, who was standing by the judgment of the gods, sighed, "The twelfth Holy Spirit is the strangest Holy Spirit. Even my understanding of her is not particularly detailed."

"Strictly speaking, she should be the strongest being among all the Holy Spirit."

The strongest?

In the memory of the divine punishment ruling, the strongest one is the Holy Spirit of Heaven, and the strongest one is the Holy Spirit of Death.

But why does Xuanwu say that the twelfth place is the strongest?

Xuanwu nodded, "Because Tidal Holy Spirit, she is the only twin spirit among the Holy Spirit."


Twin Wuhun!

The divine punishment ruled that his pupils shrank, and the cigarette butt in his mouth fell directly.

"Twin Martial Souls turned out to be Twin Martial Souls. That's why, no wonder, no wonder!"

It was only then that the divine punishment ruling understood that when the Holy Spirit was chosen in the teaching, why the leader chose the little girl with Wuhun as a small fish!

The light radiated from the eyes of the leader at that time was just as he is now!

It turned out that the leader saw at a glance that the little girl was a twin Wuhun!

Xuanwu sighed, "The old man knows very little about her second spirit, but the old man knows that her two spirits belong to the same type."

"A different variant in the beast spirit!"

"As we all know, the fighting method of the beast spirit is to use the spirit to fight on its own."

"But among the beast spirits, there is an extremely rare mutant beast spirit."

"Soul masters with this kind of beast spirit are generally extremely fragile, and their fighting method is to release their beast spirits to fight."

"A few years ago, there was a soul master who claimed to be the number one soul master in the world of soul master theory.

"His martial spirit was originally the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, but when he awakened, he mutated, and finally turned into Luo San Pao."

Luo Sanpao, master?

The Divine Punishment Decision suddenly remembered that the master was Tang San's master in the original work, but the leader was killed.

After being dead for so long, he almost forgot, not only the master, but he almost forgot the plot of Douluo Continent.

More than ten years have passed, and even if he remembers well, he can't remember those things.

As he stays in this world longer, his feelings for that world become weaker.

Nodded, the divine punishment ruling twisted her neck and clasped her fists, "That is to say, her body is very weak?"

"As long as I am fast enough, this battle will not be a bit difficult for me, Xuanwu, what do you think?"

Strictly speaking, the theory of divine punishment and ruling is indeed correct, but is it really that simple?

"My lord, I only know that the first martial soul of the Tide Spirit is Naga. It was originally a small fish, but later evolved into a snake, but now it is a Naga. More old men don't know it."

"And her second martial arts old man has also heard about it. I heard that Tidal Holy Spirit generally does not easily show her second martial arts to people."

"Because, her second martial soul is very big, very big, claiming to be the largest beast martial soul in history!"


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