Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 551 Leviathan wakes up!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this moment, in the sky above the North Sea of ​​the Douluo Continent, a red-haired man was looking down at the entire sea area.

At this moment, the North Sea had turned into a sea of ​​profound ice, and a huge ice ball almost enveloped the entire sea.

At this moment, the figure of a white-haired man suddenly appeared beside the red-haired man.

He was wearing a white robe, and holding a feather fan in his hand, fanning in no hurry.

"God is quick enough to punish him, yes, with Xuanwu, it is not difficult for him to find the Vortex Temple."

"However, if the Holy Spirit of Tide followed the punishment, then I would have a very headache, so we have to give the punishment a great gift."


At this time, in the whirlpool temple, the divine punishment ruling and the tidal holy spirit had ordered their men to stop fighting.

The divine punishment ruling was about to go out to be called Xuanwu, but the face of the holy spirit of the tide suddenly changed, "No, my continuity with Naga is broken!"

The divine punishment was stunned. Could it be that Xuanwu solved the Naga?

Do not!

No, Xuanwu is not good at fighting, it shouldn't be so fast!


At this moment, the gate of the Vortex Temple was instantly shattered!


A scream came, and the body of a sea clan was directly thrown in!

Countless believers poured into the Vortex Temple, and the divine judge decided to take a closer look. Isn't this the believer he brought over?

Didn't he let them stop?

Looking at these believers, their eyes were red, and their pupils were bloodshot!

The Holy Spirit of the tide looked outside the temple, only to see that at this moment, the blood was flowing into a river, and the sea clan under his own was dead and injured!

Before the combination, Naga died, and the Holy Spirit of Tide came to the conclusion in an instant, "Okay, Lord Judgment, your trick is too high!"

"If you want to kill me alive, let me put down my guard, you really are a good method!"

God's punishment was stunned, "No, no, Tide, listen to me!"

The Holy Spirit of the tide instantly moved away from the judgment of the divine punishment, and then stared at him with a vigilant look. His spirit power was released, which meant he was fighting to death!

At this time, far above the sea of ​​Xuanbing, Xuanwu's Xuanbing Domain was still there, but a group of people passed through the ice wall and entered the Xuanbing Domain.

At this time, Naga's body fell on the profound ice and was constantly dissipating.

On the other hand, Xuanwu was pressed by a dragon's claw on the ice, with Xuanbing's face pressed against Xuanwu's face, and Xuanwu's martial spirit body was directly trampled by a blue dragon!

At the same time, two human figures appeared in front of Xuanwu, and their figures were very small in front of these two divine beasts.

They don't even have one percent of Xuanwu's eyes.

I saw Xuanwu let out a low growl, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't turn over, "Apocalypse, what method did you use, why can't the old man move!"

Yes, the people in front of Xuanwu are the Apocalypse Ruling and Suzaku!

I saw Apocalypse Judgment waving the feather fan in his hand, smiling at the corner of his mouth and saying: "The seventh soul skill, the heavenly spirit seizes the body."

"The person with this spirit skill will lose control of the body. The duration depends on my mood."

"Xuanwu, the person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man, now, you abandon the dark and cast the light with me, and the future is great. If God can give you the punishment, I will give you double!"

As early as when Xuanwu was fighting Naga, Apocalypse Judgment secretly displayed two spirit abilities.

One is the seventh spirit ability, the heavenly spirit seizes the body.

One is the sixth spirit ability, the ecstasy of heavenly eyes.

Needless to say the seventh spirit ability, Naga and Xuanwu both won this spirit ability and could not move since.

The Sky Eye Ecstasy is a hypnotic spirit ability. The Apocalypse Judgment hypnotizes those spirit masters under the Divine Punishment Judgment, allowing them to kill the Sea Clan ignoring the order.

"Hehe, you give up the apocalypse. Although the old man punishes the adults for profit, the old man also has the bottom line of the old man!" Tiantian Novel

"The big deal you will kill the old man!"

Xuanwu just approved Tianqi's ruling and didn't dare to kill him, because if this matter was let the master know.

So even if the Apocalypse won the ruling, he would definitely not be able to sit in the position of the deputy leader!

Yes, Xuanwu won, Tianqi did not dare to kill him.

But what about it, "Although I can't kill you, I can let you out early in this game!"

"The Ninth Soul Ability, the Heaven Jedi Tong Taixu Seal!"


At this moment, under the deep sea, the sea area frozen by profound ice instantly disintegrated into sea water!

The sea regained its blue color, and the severed trench was instantly filled with sea water!

The divine punishment ruling was swallowed by the sea in an instant, but it was okay, he didn't need to breathe, and he even swept underwater like a fish!

His martial soul also has the characteristic of infinitely becoming stronger, and the way he becomes stronger is by adapting.

As long as he is attacked, his body will adapt to the attack, and as long as he is fully adapted, the corresponding attack cannot cause damage to him.

For example, flame, when his body is burned to a certain level by flame, he will generate antibodies to flame.

There is no upper limit to the highest, because the power system has no upper limit.

Even if the divine punishment ruling had 100% resistance to flames, he couldn't stop Chen Xiu's Emperor Yan.

Unless he has tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of flame resistance, he will definitely be burned to ashes by Emperor Yan instantly.

And the level of attack is different, the enhanced adaptation is also different.

For example, against the flames of a first-level spirit master, even if he resists his full attack, I am afraid that he will not be able to increase his resistance.

Because he couldn't cause harm to God's punishment ruling at all.

And if the divine punishment ruling can adapt to Chen Xiu's attack of Emperor Yan, then his resistance may directly increase by several thousand!

However, the premise is that he can survive.

At this moment, the body of God's punishment judgment is adapting to the current environment.

His lungs will adapt to become fish lungs, giving him the ability to breathe underwater.

But although he can adapt to suffocation, these spirit masters can't hold on for long.

If you drag on here for a day, then his little brothers will probably be wiped out!

After gritting his teeth, the god of punishment just wanted to say something when he saw a dark shadow suddenly rushing out of the sea!

The entire sea area was stirred!

For a while, the sky was rolling, and a submarine vortex suddenly rose in the sea!

Looking towards the Holy Spirit of the Tide, she was already immersed in the sea at this moment and she was never seen again!

God's punishment ruling waved his hand, "Go, retreat!"

When the words were over, thousands of followers immediately followed him out of the sea!

Along the way, the school of fish retreated, and the divine punishment ruling turned into a light and rushed out of the sea first!


A flash of lightning passed, and the sea was surging!

There was no light under the dark clouds, and the heavy rain fell violently.

The divine punishment ruled that he allowed his body to be wetted by rain, his eyes trembled, and he couldn't even believe his eyes!

He saw two suns on the dark clouds, no, those were eyes!

Some behemoth quietly awakened, unprecedented fear filled his heart, and the judgment of God's punishment trembled and he couldn't believe it.


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