Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 554 Tang San, Long Time No See

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Ghost Douluo roared and looked at the black robe man who appeared suddenly, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break the chain on his chest.

These chains shrank a little, seeing the black robe man getting closer and closer, the two of them crazily mobilized their soul skills, but it didn't help.

I saw the black-robed man grinning, "I am Death Douluo, one of the three major rulings of the Holy Spirit Cult. You are very unlucky, and you even met me!"

"Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo, don't worry, I won't come to kill you, but from this moment, your soul will belong to me!"

When the words were over, the second spirit ability of the trial and verdict was activated, and the death ghost behind him instantly tore open his chest with Senbai's bone claws.

The pale ribs appeared in front of everyone, but in the ribs, there was a bright ruby ​​beating like a heart.

I saw two groups of flames burning out of thin air, and in an instant, two contracts emerged in the flames.

Above it was a dense row of words, but below, the real names of Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo appeared.

This is the second spirit ability of the divine punishment, the soul contract, or it can be called the slave contract.

Once the contract is established, it will provide attribute bonuses for the judgment, and once the contracted person dies, the soul contract will be cancelled.

The increase in the attributes of the judgment will also disappear, and the number of contracts that can be contracted is equal to his mental power.

The god of death has the characteristics of devouring the soul and enhancing the spiritual power. The two complement each other. If they can be handled properly, the judgment will be infinitely stronger.

As long as he locks up all his slaves and guarantees that they will not die, then he will always be in a state of super increase.

However, the trial verdict has not swallowed a soul.

Therefore, the trial ruling can only contract 10,000 souls at present, and in order to contract these two titles, the trial ruling has also cancelled the contract of the two weak soul masters.

Lifting the sickle of the god of death, looking at Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo, "Two choices, you die and they live, or they die, you live."

The people referred to by the trial verdict were naturally the Spiritual Hall Spirit Masters brought by Ghost Douluo.

Ghost Douluo gritted his teeth and was about to rush to fight the trial and verdict, but he was suddenly caught by Ju Douluo!

Just hearing a scream, Ju Douluo had already made a choice for Ghost Douluo.

"Old ghost." Ju Douluo's voice came from behind.

Ghost Douluo turned his head trembling, and what he saw was a bloody Wuhun Temple cultivator.

Ju Douluo had already started to kill all the Wuhun Temple followers!

Ghost Douluo's pupils shrank, "Yueguan, you are crazy!"

Ju Douluo shook his head, "Old ghost, we are not his opponents, in order to survive, I have no choice."

Ghost Douluo wanted to scold Ju Douluo angrily, but he couldn't say it because Ju Douluo was right.


Ghost Douluo roared, and then slammed a fist on his chest!

The trial verdict applauded, "Really decisive, well, you can go now."

Is it that simple to let us go?

Ju Douluo was a little grateful, but fortunately he started early.

"Wait, just let them go like this, who are you!"

At this moment, a female voice suddenly came from behind the trial verdict!

The trial verdict turned around, and it was the Crimson Spider King who had just spoken!

The trial verdict stretched out his right hand, and a golden sky eye symbol appeared!

The Scarlet-Eyed Golden Spider Emperor snorted coldly, "Why, you want to hit me? You can give it a try."


Ghost King Saran instantly backhanded and slapped the Scarlet-Eyed Golden Spider Emperor, "There are things with eyes but no beads, that is the seal of the Holy Spirit!"

I saw the ghost king Saran knelt and bowed to the trial verdict, "Saron, join the envoy!" E-bookstore

Holy envoy!

The red-eyed golden spider emperor's pupils shrank, thinking about it carefully, isn't the pattern that the ghost master showed them exactly the pattern on the trial judge?

For a moment, the Red-eyed Golden Spider Emperor had a chill on his back, and his body was trembling, and he knelt on the ground instantly, "The little woman has eyes and no beads, and offended the Lord, please forgive me!"

The trial ruling slowly withdrew his right hand, "Get up, I have no intention to punish you. Since these two humans have said that I will let them go, naturally they can't go back."

"Are you dissatisfied?"

The ghost king Saran lowered his head, "Don't dare, everything will be heard by the Lord."

The trial verdict nodded, and then said without looking back: "You can go away."

When Ghost Douluo gritted his teeth, the humiliation he suffered today will be returned ten times in the future, "Let's go!"


Looking at the backs of the two, the trial ruling was relieved, but fortunately everything was under control.

In the worst case, he was flanked by two forces. According to the current situation, the plan of trial and verdict was successful.

Establish prestige and recover the ghost army!


At the same time, at the other end of the Xingluo Forest, a blue figure was moving at great speed!

He was wearing a black noble robe with gold trim on the corners of his clothes and long aqua-blue hair.

Turning into afterimages, the ghost shadows on the feet rushed into the trees again and again.

Tang San's mood was very anxious at this time, for some reason, his heart was suddenly very disturbed!

"Xiao Wu."

Thinking of this, Tang San couldn't help speeding up his pace, don't know why, he always felt a weak and vague heart palpitations recently.

But intuition told Tang San that Xiao Wu had something wrong!

In order to ensure Xiao Wu's safety, while Tang San followed his father's practice, Xiao Wu returned to the Star Dou Great Forest alone with Da Ming Er Ming.

Tang San threw out the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit with his backhand, and instantly entangled a giant tree!

Tang San used this force to drive his body to slide a certain distance in an instant, and then used another Blue Silver Emperor to grab the tree in front.

Walking all the way, Tang San's speed increased a lot.

After seeing his mother, Tang San's spirit awakened as the Blue Silver Emperor, and his appearance and hair color also changed.

After walking through the path he had remembered, Tang San arrived in the depths of the Star Dou Forest within a few hours!


Just hearing a loud noise, a huge figure fell from the sky!

Tang San reacted extremely quickly and instantly avoided, he stepped into another tree and looked back at the thing that had just fallen down.

"Titan Great Ape!"

Tang San's pupils shrank, how could he be the Titan Great Ape, he is a hundred thousand year old spirit beast, who can put him in?

"Yo, the old acquaintance is here."

A flat and graceful voice came, and Tang San suddenly turned his head!

At this moment, the huge sky blue bull python was stepped on, and half of his face was stepped into the mud, looking extremely embarrassed.

And standing on him was a man in a black robe, with long black hair and a handsome face.

This person is the leader of the Holy Spirit Church, Chen Xiu!

At this time, the Xiao Wu that Tang San was thinking about was being held in the air by Chen Xiu's neck!

Squinting at Tang San, Chen Xiu suddenly smiled, "Tang San, long time no see."

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