Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 557: Soul Lock Tower!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Soul Lock Tower, a force planned for trial and verdict.

There are limits to one person fighting alone. The Apocalypse Judgment plans to establish the Tianling Pavilion, the Divine Punishment Judgment decides to establish the ontology sect, and the Judgment Judgment decides to establish the soul lock tower.

The trial verdict recognized the facts. There is no future in fighting alone, and a force must be formed to continuously increase the number of people under him.

However, the purpose of establishing the soul-locking tower in the trial was not purely for collecting manpower.

The trial ruled that you can't bear to kill people to take their souls, but with the soul of the dead in front of you, do you suck or not?

That is, when the trial verdict was hesitant, the ghost woman suddenly made a suggestion to the trial verdict.

"Master Saint, there is a way for the old man to increase his mental power without killing people and seizing his soul." The ghost woman said.

The trial verdict was delighted, "What method?"

The ghost woman glanced, "As long as we build a palace on the ghost realm of Sun Luo, then we can extract a steady stream of dead souls from the ghost realm. This is perfect for you."

"However, this matter requires the help of the ghost master. If there is no red lotus karma fire, if the adult has absorbed the soul in the forest ghost domain, he will no longer be able to go back and forth."

Senluo Ghost Territory, all the dead souls on Douluo Continent will eventually return here.

As long as you guard this precious place, you can extract a steady stream of spiritual power.

It's just that Senluo Ghost Realm is a dead place, and living people will turn into souls if they jump through the dead door.

And when I figured it out, I had to cross the life gate of the forest ghost realm to recover the body.

If it is not the cause and effect of the ghost realm, the external creatures can naturally go back and forth at will.

But if the dead souls there were absorbed in Senluo Ghost Territory, it would be bound by the chain of causality in Senluo Ghost Territory.

The more the chain of cause and effect is swallowed, the stronger.

In the forest of ghosts, there are two chains that even Chen Xiu can't break.

It stands to reason that although he has not become a god now, he can use the words of Emperor Yan to give out the power of a first-class god.

But he was stunned that he couldn't shake the two chains. Chen Xiu initially estimated that after he became a god, he could tear the two chains.

But why did he tear those two chains apart?

It's totally meaningless. Chen Xiu doesn't need to think about it. Those two chains must belong to the Rakshasa God and Nightmare Emperor.

And who is the Nightmare Emperor, the core of Senluo Ghost Domain, wouldn't he be gone if he went out of Senluo Ghost Domain?

Why did Chen Xiu do such a thankless thing?

Senluo Ghost Domain is a big seal, which exists to seal the Nightmare Emperor.

If the Nightmare Emperor is gone, is there any meaning to the existence of the ghost domain of the forest?

As soon as I heard the leader's help, the trial decision was a bit hesitant, "The leader should not help me easily, but if I have another reason..."

The ghost woman nodded, "Holy messenger, you can tell the ghost master like that, thinking that to open up the ghost domain in the name of collecting souls for adults is to make a contribution to the gods and the ghost master."

"Master Ghost will never refuse, and as long as you bring a little bit for yourself when collecting souls for the leader, then everything will be logical."

A row of hands was judged in the trial, "Wonderful, you are really sane, and with your help, I will be sure of this holy war."

Granny Hag smiled, "The envoy has passed the award, even if the old man doesn't say you can think of it."

"However, there is one thing you must pay attention to now. The fiefs at the ghost gates in the ghost domain of Sun Luo are already under control."

"It's a human-shaped skeleton. He has the ability to manipulate the dead and the undead. It is very difficult to deal with."

"If an adult builds a soul-locking tower, he must first solve the big problem in front of him." Love my novel

Humanoid bones?

The trial ruling thought for a while, and the one who managed the ghost realm of Senluo seemed to be the Holy Spirit of Death.

Controlling the dead, human-shaped bones, isn't it the Holy Spirit of Death?

His temple of death was built not far from the entrance of the forest ghost domain, and the entire barren land was under his control.

The trial verdict nodded, "It seems that if you want to build a soul-locking tower to extract souls, you must first recover the Holy Spirit of Death."

"The Holy Spirit of Death Hell claims to be a one-man army, and his undead army is immortal, turning that barren land into a hell on earth."

"If you want to defeat him, you must capture the thief first, and attack his body. Otherwise, with his current title strength, I might not be his opponent facing the enemy."

The consumption power of the Holy Spirit in the Death Prison is too terrifying, and the name of being an army and being the master of the undead is not for nothing.

This can't be solved by personal strength alone, the attributes of the trial judgment are too extreme, and there is no unpredictable spirit ability of the apocalypse judgment.

The Holy Spirit of Death Prison can control the undead of the title level before the title.

Now that he has become a Title Douluo, the number of undead he can control must be more, and the title is the same!

There are only two ways he wants to win the death jail, one is to talk and talk to him.

However, the situation of the Holy Spirit in the Death Prison is quite special. He is different from other Holy Spirits. He has no flesh and blood.

And without flesh and blood, many of the weaknesses to humans will no longer exist.

For example, diseases, blood loss, heart, and many of the fatal weaknesses of human beings have become clouds for him.

The price is his feelings. He has lost all human feelings, including touch and warmth.

He can't feel the temperature, the touch, the pain, or anything.

Except for the perception of the soul.

It is for this reason that the trial decision feels unlikely to convince him with his mouth.

And the second option is to find the spirit masters of the Light Element, they all have the characteristics of restraining the undead.

For example, Qian Renxue of Angel Martial Spirit, or Dawn Douluo Li Yao's sword.

However, both of these are very hopeless, and the trial verdict feels hopeless.

Therefore, it is better to rely on yourself than on others.

Relying on the ten thousand people under his own, plus the Nether army of the Sin Luo ghost domain, there is still hope to win!

In this way, a group of tens of thousands of people set off in a mighty manner.

In the dark, a thin tiger-shaped figure gritted his teeth secretly, "Damn, they all came out!"

"Master Cthulhu, I have to work hard and bear the humiliation, just to be able to rush out of the ghost domain one day!"

"In the end, I gave up my whole body in exchange for the opportunity to rush out of the forest ghost realm, and what did they do!"

"Why can they rush out of the forest ghost realm!"

"Right, it's him!"

"That man must have done something!"

"Damn it, wait. After I become stronger, I will not only tear that man apart, but also let the ghosts from the ghost realm enter my belly!"

"Wait for the moment I return, Lord Cthulhu!"

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