Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 573 Four-phase Hearing Order!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"You know what this is, how important the sword bone remains to a spirit master who uses sword martial arts."

Yes, Li Yao certainly understands.

The so-called sword bone remains, in a sense, is a kind of inheritance, and it can be said that he is a soul bone.

According to legend, the cultivation of soul masters who possess sword martial spirits is mostly related to the perception of kendo.

And when the perception of Sword Dao reaches its limit, the soul master can break through the limit and become the legendary ninety-nine level limit Douluo.

The so-called heart is tied to a sword, everything is cut, even if you don't need a martial soul, you can turn your soul into a sword, and this sword cuts everything in the world!

And often these Extreme Douluo like to record their life's feelings before death.

And what they use to record their kendo perceptions is mostly the sword bones that they have honed.

Strictly speaking, sword bones are also a kind of spirit bones, but they are different from those produced by spirit beasts.

He is a soul bone produced from humans.

Does not belong to any of the head, trunk, or limbs.

In other words, ordinary spirit masters cannot absorb sword bones.

But a soul master who possesses a sword-like martial spirit can absorb it!

And once this sword bone is fused, then this Ultimate Douluo's lifelong kendo perception will be acquired by the spirit master who absorbed him.

In other words, if Li Yao gets the sword bone, then he will directly break through to the ninety-nine limit Douluo!

Throughout the history of Douluo Continent, there are only a handful of traces of sword bone relics, and almost no soul master has actually seen sword bone relics.

And the relic of the sword bone is just a legend passed down by people.

But today, Li Yao saw this legendary fetish!

Li Yao didn't know what the relic of the sword bone looked like, he just heard it before.

And when Li Feng took out the remains of the sword bone, he instantly felt the strongest kendo law!

Needless to say, except for the relics of sword bones, nothing in the world can have such a strong kendo law fluctuation!

"The matter is now, and it's time to let you know the truth, Yaolang."


At this moment, a soft female voice reached everyone's ears.

Li Yao suddenly turned his head, it was not someone else who was talking just now, it was Li Yao's wife, Chen Yuan!

Li Yao was a little startled, "Yuan'er, what did you just say?"

Li Yao's wife has an elegant and elegant temperament. She looks like a lady, and a gorgeous pale gold dress adds a bit of temperament to her.

But after she looked at the relic of the sword bone in Li Feng's hand, her eyes seemed to be lost.

"I'm sorry, Yaolang, the reason why I married you back then was not only because of love, but also because of my grandfather's death."

Pointing to the relic of the sword bone in Li Feng's hand, "Yes, I deliberately lied to your brother to come to my room at the beginning, in order to make your brothers turn back."

"And everything I do is for the quick sword bone relics in his hand!"

"Do you know who owns that sword bone relic?"

Li Feng snorted coldly, "Are you going to have a showdown? That's fine, I got this sword bone by accident during a long journey."

"I wanted to give it to my eldest brother as a gift on your wedding day, but I didn't expect that you, a snake-hearted woman, would count our brothers!"

"After I was expelled from the family, those soul masters who chased me were also the ones you photographed, right?"

Chenyuan nodded, "Yes, it is indeed mine who is chasing you."

"But how can you understand how important the sword bone remains to me and my brother!"

"That is the relic of the sword bone condensed after my father died. I just want to get my father's relic back. I ask you, is this excessive?"

Chenyuan's father, that is, Jian Douluo Chenxin's father!

It turned out to be that one!

The former master of the Seven Kills Sword of the Battle Soul!

Li Feng was also stunned. He didn't expect that the sword bone relic he had in his hands was actually the property of Jian Douluo's father!Zero long literature website

At this moment, everything was said and done, and Li Yao couldn't help feeling a wave of guilt and regret.

"Hey, did you forget something?"


At this moment, Chen Xiu's voice suddenly broke the deadlock in front of him!

Chen Xiu's eyes flashed with blood, and her body was wrapped in various colorful flames.

Just now, he suddenly wanted to understand one thing.

Why could Li Feng's spirit ability block the attack of Emperor Yan.

Originally Chen Xiu didn't understand, but it is reasonable to say that Di Yan's destructive power has reached the god level.

Coupled with the blessing of the nine spirit rings, its power should be overwhelming.

But why can Li Feng's wind of severance stop his attack?

After a lot of thinking, Chen Xiu instantly understood the problem.

The wind of severance of Li Feng's spirit ability has the characteristic of isolating all elements, as long as it is the element produced by the spirit of martial arts, the wind of severance can be completely isolated.

Even though Chen Xiu's Emperor Yan had reached the level of a divine soul, Chen Xiu had not yet become a god. Forcibly attaching a spirit ring to the emperor flame even doubled the power of the emperor flame countless times.

But it also restricted Di Yan with this, causing him to be demoted to the level of Wuhun in essence!

And not the soul!

After trying to understand this, Chen Xiu snapped his fingers directly, "Your family really made me wait. You have ignored me for so long. Where are the four things!"


An azure beam of light instantly rose in the east, "Lined up in the east, Qinglong obedient!"


A crimson beam of light rose in the south instantly, "Lined in the south, Suzaku obeys!"


A white-gold beam of light instantly rose in the west, "Lined up in the west, Baihu obeys!"

A mysterious black beam of light instantly rose in the north, "The array is in the north, Xuanwu obeys!"

Boom boom boom boom!!

The four pillars of light rose, and the four figures of Cuiyunfeng Mountain appeared in the sky in all directions!

The blue dragon is in the east, surrounded by blue aura, a blue dragon-patterned armor and long black hair flying.


A dragon roar came out, and above Qinglong's head, the five-clawed Qinglong appeared!

Suzaku was in the south, wrapped in fire, and spread its wings like a robe woven by phoenix tail feathers.

With long hair like flames, the Suzaku Faxiang appeared above his head!

The white tiger was in the west, wrapped in platinum air, a platinum armor, and the white cloak was blown by the wind.

The pale long hair spread out, and the white tiger's magic appearance appeared!

Xuanwu was in the north, surrounded by a water-like black air, a dark armor, and a Xuanwu snake stuck its head on the turtle shell behind it.

With a tall and straight posture, the form of Xuanwu appeared instantly!

"Four phases obey orders!" x4

Chen Xiu grinned, "Li Yao, what do you think is your chance of winning now?"

Li Yao smiled bitterly, "Perhaps, I have already counted the scene of today, but I don't want to face it."

"My seven children have grown up, and they have dispersed into the Douluo Continent. You are already late."

"You killed me, and my son, you killed my son, and my grandson, descendants and grandchildren, for generations to come, the emperor, you will eventually fall!"

Chen Xiu smiled and nodded, "Yes, what you said makes sense."

"In this case, we will kill all the creatures in Douluo Continent until only me is left!"

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