Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 583 The three major rulings reunited!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Wan Xiang Dou Luo Soo Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Outside the Douluo Continent, on an island called Tianhun Island, the ontology sect that had just entered the initial stage was erected here.

The ontology sect, as its name suggests, only recruits soul masters with ontology spirit.

Qizong advocated that the immortal possessed the body spirit of the whole body, but this was not his strongest ability.

He dared to pull everyone down and stand on his own, relying on an ability that his body spirit gave him.

Perform a second awakening for the main body spirit!

Yes, the previous divine punishment ruling, now the ontology sect advocates immortality!

He has the ability to awaken the spirit master of his body a second time!

But even so, in front of the Holy Spirit Sect, who was in control before the ruling of the apocalypse, he was still beaten and could not fight back!

The reason? It is a special force in the Holy Spirit Church.

Tianling Pavilion, a special organization established by the apocalypse ruling.

On the surface, they are subordinates taught by the Holy Spirit, but in fact they are all subordinates trained by Apocalypse Judgment.

The soul masters in the Tianling Pavilion are all spirit type soul masters, and Zhang Undead's ontology sect is suppressed by them as a whole!

And now, Chen Qianzhu regained control of the Holy Spirit Cult, and the Tianling Pavilion ruled by the Apocalypse returned to the control of the Holy Spirit.

And the ontology sect should be the same!

Therefore, the apocalypse ruling was sent out.

At this time, located in the main hall of the Onto Sect, the Onto Sect advocates immortality and naked upper body.

A black rune crawled all over his body, his eyes were pitch black and his black hair swayed in the wind.

There was a crude cigarette hanging from his mouth, and the smoke was wrapped around his tiger-like figure.

Tianqi ruling frowned, "God's punishment, there are some things, it's better to open up."

"I came to you this time, not to fight, nor to squeeze you. In fact, I gave way."

"No, I should say, I lost."

The divine punishment judgement smiled, "Oh, then I really want to hear, who could make Master Tianqi give way willingly?"

The Apocalypse ruling sighed, "I won't sloppy with you anymore, it's Lord Son."

"Perhaps you won't believe it, but as a traverser, I believe you can understand that since we can traverse, there are people who can naturally return from the past to the present."

The divine punishment ruled that his pupils shrank, "You mean, the Son, he has returned to the present from the past?"

The Apocalypse judged nodded, "Yes, Lord Saint Son has an amazing plot, I am convinced that I lost."

"And this time I came to you, just after listening to the order of the Son, I came to invite you two to convert."

When it came to this, God's Punishment Judgment suddenly smiled, "Hahaha, how old are you, Apocalypse, so you still use this kind of deception to a three-year-old child to frame me?"

"What kind of calculations are you making in your heart, don't I know?"

The Apocalypse Judgment shook his head, "Well, whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with me."

"However, there is one thing, I must remind you that in ten years, you will die, and so will I. This is what Lord Son told me personally."

The future of the Apocalypse Judgment is activated, "Moreover, the woman you are thinking about now will also die!"


Divine Punishment Judgment moved if Thunder rushed to the Apocalypse Judgment in the blink of an eye!

Grabbing the collar of the Apocalypse Judgment, God Punishment Judging angrily said: "How do you know, no! You will look into the future, and I am naturally not surprised to see her."

"But you actually said that she will die. I tell you, Apocalypse, if she misses a little bit, I will make you better than dead!" Literature 2020

The Apocalypse ruling coldly snorted, "You don't need to take action. When that day comes, no one on the mainland is spared."

"You, me, or her are all going to die, even if I go one step ahead?"

At this moment, the divine punishment ruling was shaken. Looking at the expression of the apocalypse ruling, it is not a joke at all!

Slowly let go of the hand, and the cigarette butt in the mouth of God's punishment directly fell, "Well, it doesn't matter to hang up high, since this matter concerns her, then it is a pit, I admit it!"

The apocalypse judged to tidy up the clothes, "Okay, you can return to the religious sect by yourself, and I have to go to the guy to judge.

The divine punishment ruling hesitated to speak, and the apocalyptic ruling naturally saw this, "what's wrong?"

God's punishment ruling sighed, "Fine, how is the leader now?"

The Apocalypse ruling waved his hand, "I will live in ten years. Okay, I'm very busy. If you want to go back and talk to the Son of God."

Having said that, the Apocalypse Judgment pushed out the door, and the Divine Punishment Judgment watched his back thoughtfully, "The appearance of the Apocalypse really looks like a collapse after a failure."


Ten days later, in the Douluo Continent, at the ghost gate, Apocalypse Judgment drove non-stop all the way, and finally reached the legendary Soul Locking Tower within ten days.

The so-called soul-locking tower is naturally the power of trial and judgment.

Since the last battle of Excalibur Villa, the hostility of the trial and verdict has become heavier and heavier!

Now he has given up everything he once cherished, indiscriminately killing innocents, killing people and sucking souls, he does no evil!

And the Soul Locking Tower has become the most notorious force in the Douluo Continent over time!

Because the soul-locking tower is not rejected, whether it is a notorious fugitive or a villain who kills and sets fire, he can accept it!

For such a long time, although the Soul Locking Tower's combat power has been uneven.

However, they have provided a steady stream of power for trial decisions.

It can be said that with his death god, no one dares to commit a step towards the Soul Locking Tower!

Except for the apocalypse ruling, his eighth spirit ability can't be solved by the trial ruling so far, so nine battles and nine defeats!

But now, what makes the trial ruling unexpected is that the apocalyptic ruling has entered the tiger's mouth and actively entered his soul lock tower!

When the two meet, they are full of gunpowder, and the trial verdict is not to mention the death Wuhun instantly possessed!

The huge black flame sickle in his hand pointed directly at Apocalypse's ruling, "Apocalypse, but you dare to break into my soul-locking tower, today you are doomed!"

The Apocalypse Judgment closed his eyes, "Do it, I don't want to say anything, the leader is resurrected, he will not let me go, it is better to die in your hands."


The leader is resurrected!

The trial ruled that his pupils shrank, "Is this serious?"

The Apocalypse ruling sighed, "Can there be falsehoods?"

"Fine, this is the last time. The Son asked me to gather three major verdicts, and now I am leaving you."

"After I went back, my trial began, and I blamed me for being dazzled by power for a while."

The trial ruling slowly withdrew Wuhun, "Oh, if I knew today, why bother?"

"Forget it, let me give you the last ride. I will return to the bishop with you, but you have to tell me first when did the master resurrect?"

The apocalyptic ruling's eyes rolled, "Ten years later, the supreme soul will come to life, and the leader will be resurrected."

"If you don't believe me, you can return to the religion with me, Lord Son, I will tell you everything."

The trial verdict was a bit hesitant. Is this a trap?

"Oh, full of nonsense, how do you know that the leader will be resurrected in ten years? This is just your own words!"

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