Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

Chapter 588 Two Tang Sans Meet!

You can search for "Douluo Zhi Wanxiang Douluosou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The situation changes in an instant, and the waves are surging up suddenly!

The huge fangs pierced the sky instantly, and the ship under Tang San's feet shattered in an instant!

Huge fangs penetrated the main deck, and the world changed color for a while, and the torrential rain burst out instantly!

Tang San reacted instantly and hurriedly yelled at the cabin behind him!

"Xiao Ao, flying mushroom sausage!"

Hearing Tang San's call, a young man rushed out of the cabin in an instant.

The young man had scars on the corners of his eyes, and a little white-haired monkey was behind him.

Tang San recognized Oscar at a glance, and behind him were several other people from the Shrek Seven Monsters.

Oscar gestured in an instant, and when his soul ability was activated, he threw out eight flying mushroom sausages!

It is worth mentioning that, before going to sea, the Shrek Seven Devils chose a woman to go to sea together.

And this woman was the one who had been involved with Chen Xiu, Bai Chenxiang!

Eight people ate the flying mushroom intestines, and suddenly eight pairs of wings spread out behind them!

Tang San shouted out that the eight people left the boat with their feet in an instant, and the black rain fell across the faces of the few people.

Tang San's eyes condensed, and the thing under the bottom of the sea only revealed a ten thousandth of its breath, making him stand upside down!

This unprecedented powerful soul power, if the thing under the sea is just a soul beast, it can be far more than that!

Tang San had seen a one-hundred-thousand-year spirit beast, and this terrifying aura was definitely not something that a hundred-thousand-year spirit beast could radiate!

Could it be!

Tang San's pupils shrank, "Everyone quickly disperse!"

He grabbed Xiao Wu's hand, and before others could react, the sea water boiled like a pot!

The raging waves lifted up like a giant hand, instantly shooting the ship under their feet into the sea!

The sailor below was desperately calling for help, but Tang San was already unable to protect himself!

However, Tang San had already experienced strong winds and waves at this time.

Therefore, even if it was a shipwreck, Tang San still remained calm and calm!

Along with the destruction of the ship, a huge back like an island rushed out of the sea in a blink of an eye!

The moment this behemoth went out to sea, the sea-blue mist suddenly dispersed!

At this moment, the sky was spinning, and the sea was blue, and Tang San and the others felt dizzy.

The world in their eyes seemed to have changed. The sky at this time became the earth, and the sea at this time became the sky!

The body length of the thing that sprang from under the sea is definitely more than two hundred meters!

The whole body is as bright as a sapphire, and the two huge eyes are like black holes, as if to take everything into it!

But looking at its right eye, it was dark and lacklustre, and his eyes lacked expression. Sure enough, his right eye was blind!

Then there is a blind spot of vision!

Without giving Tang San a chance to think, a huge tail of that thing under the sea instantly broke through the sea and splashed billions of drops of water!

And every drop of this sea water instantly splashed on the waves like a sharp sword and turned into countless spikes!

Tang San yelled, "This thing is definitely not as simple as an ordinary 100,000-year soul beast!"

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu replied in an instant: "The third brother is right. The spirit power fluctuations I feel in him are at least nine to ten times more than what I had originally!"

The seven Shrek monsters looked solemn, "I didn't expect that we would encounter such a monster as soon as we went out to sea!"

Zhu Zhuqing on the side condensed his eyes, "Stop complaining, think about how to survive before talking!"

Seeing everyone panicked, the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit in Tang San's hands instantly appeared, entwining everyone's waist!

"Seven in one!" Tang San shouted these four words almost hoarsely.

The spirit ability of the blue silver emperor's right leg was activated instantly!Fubooks

A barrage-like spunlace struck in an instant!

Tang San grabbed everyone, and all of a sudden he saw his figure fluttering in the air, but there were still countless water jets piercing him!

Blood sputtered out, and Tang San's eyes turned red.

He had seen the power of Da Ming Er Ming and understood the fear of a hundred thousand year soul beast!

But he never thought that one day he would encounter an existence ten times stronger than a hundred thousand year soul beast!

At this moment, a figure appeared in Tang San's eyes!

A figure with eight golden rings and a red ring!

He finally figured it out, it turned out that his strangely colored spirit ring was a million-year-old spirit ring!

With such a terrifying existence, he actually killed eight!

He is scarier than a monster!

The Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea, the overlord of the ocean, has existed for a million years!

The eight spider spirit bones behind Tang San appeared, and they had no chance of winning!

If so, it is better to sacrifice him alone to save everyone's lives!

"Naughty animal, Hugh hurts people!"

"Uncertain storm!"


I saw a vague voice coming, and suddenly the waves swelled up like a giant hand, and instantly slapped the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea!


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a golden trident fell from the sky and plunged directly on the left eye of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King!

"Woo——!!!" The Deep Sea Demon Whale King made a painful voice instantly.

I saw a figure falling from the sky, blue hair, blue eyes, a gorgeous robe, and nine aqua-blue halos behind it!

This person instantly appeared on the back of the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea, and pulled out the golden trident, and the black liquid sputtered out!

The Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea instantly wailed in pain!


The huge figure swings, the waves boiled for a while, and all the fish in the water were shaken out of the sea!

The blue-haired man snorted coldly, "Huh, I don't know how to repent!"

I saw a blue-haired man holding a trident on the back of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King instantly, "The sea is boundless!"

As soon as the voice fell, the boiling waves subsided, and fish and shrimps returned to the ocean.

Even the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea calmed down, and saw the blue-haired man slowly pulling out the trident.

The blue-haired man said, and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King shook his huge body and sank directly into the sea.

Tang San and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They all thanked the blue-haired man, "Thank you, senior!"

The blue-haired man turned his head and smiled, and everyone in Shrek was dumbfounded!

This person is too similar to the third brother!

Even Tang San himself was stunned, what's the situation?

The blue-haired man smiled slightly, "Tang San, I have been waiting for you for a long time. If I didn't expect it to be bad, the target of your trip should be Sea God Island, right?"

Tang San nodded, "Exactly, I wonder if you are Senior?"

The blue-haired man shook his head, "I'm just a wanderer who left home..."

"Presumably you are also surprised, why do we look so alike?"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, and then nodded after thinking about it, "I beg Senior to help the younger generation."

The blue-haired man smiled, "You will understand one day, but not now."

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