Douluo of Wanxiang Douluo

590 How to beat yourself?

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In the Temple of the Three Gods, Tianqi Judgment faced his own shadow, who was a black-robed man who looked exactly like his own.

He was wearing a pure black robe, and all the platinum positions on the original robe were replaced by crimson blood.

The three pairs of cyan eyes turned blood red, even the face!

Especially the smile on his face can only be described in two words, ugly!

The apocalyptic ruling frowned, "This is not just a copy. He has the same spirit power as mine, the same spirit ring, and the same spirit, but I can read the information he reads. !"

Yes, Apocalypse Judgment has the ability to read minds, and his shadow also has the ability to read minds.

Therefore, the ruling of the apocalypse can read the information he has read.

It's really tricky.

The apocalypse judged his eyes and looked up directly at the Wisdom Statue facing him, "How can I defeat myself?"

The eyes of the huge idol flashed with aqua-blue light, and a vague voice fell instantly, "How to defeat yourself, only you know best."

I know best.

After receiving the reply from the God of Wisdom, Tianqi Judgment couldn't help sighing, "If I know, should I ask you?"

Forget it, then try this first!

I saw the eighth spirit ring tattooed on the body behind the ruling of the apocalypse flashing instantly, "The eighth spirit ability, the spirit is out of the body!"


For an instant, time seemed to stop, all the voices fell silent, and the soul of the apocalypse judgment instantly entered the spiritual realm!

Beyond the physical realm, the consciousness of the apocalypse judgment has entered a realm that is beyond time.

I saw Apocalypse Judgment's eyes crossed, and a long knife with gleaming silver light appeared in the hands of Apocalypse Judgment instantly.

This long knife is condensed by his mental power and can only be used to attack the enemy's soul.

There are very few that can make him use this trick. The first time he used this trick, it was still in the battle against the divine punishment.

I saw Apocalypse Judgment grinning, the long knife in his hand pointed directly at his head in front of him, "Easily."

With a disdainful smile, Apocalypse Judgment's wrist pierced directly into the phantom in front of him!

But in the next second, he suddenly became motivated, motionless in front of him!


In an instant, the palms of the other Apocalypse Judgment turned into afterimages, and he grabbed the long knife in the Apocalypse Judgment's hand and threw a palm with his backhand!

The apocalypse judged that the pupils shrank and suddenly retreated back, "You can move!"

With a grin, another pure black apocalypse ruling gently waved the black feather fan, "I am you, what you know and think, I know what you hear."

"You can enter the spiritual realm where time stops, so why not have me with the same spirit ability?"

Ha ha.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the worst...

Apocalyptic ruling gave a glance, "Well, it seems that I should be a little more serious!"


Wuhun Hall, within a secret realm.

As the Supreme Elder of Wuhun Hall and the guide of angel gods, Qian Daoliu finally made an important decision today.

"Xue'er, look at these people in front of you. They were all title-level powerhouses who had been standing for a while during their lives. They were born and died for my Spirit Hall in the glorious life. They will be buried here when they grow old."

"But they, after all, are just a dog in my spirit hall."

Qian Renxue's eyes followed the direction pointed by his grandfather's fingers, and her eyes were pure white buildings and vast land.

But on this piece of land, tombstones were erected, on which were written the glorious deeds of Title Douluo in his lifetime.

This is the Hall of Honor of the Hall of Spirits, and only those who have made great work for the Hall of Spirits, or who died fighting for the Hall of Spirits can be buried here.

But Qian Daoliu devalued these people in front of him for nothing. Qian Renxue took a closer look at the tombs here and said that there are less than two hundred tombs!

Could it be that these are the Title Douluo that the Wuhun Palace once controlled?

Seeing Qian Renxue's stunned look, Qian Daoliu snorted backhand and shattered a stone monument!

"Hmph, these mortals are just dogs in my Wuhun Palace. The owner has set up a grave for the pets, not for the owner to respect these pets!"


A terrifying wave of spirit power swayed away in an instant, and the entire grave in the cemetery was instantly shattered!

Qian Renxue was a little unsure, so, "Grandpa, what are you?"

Qian Daoliu carried his hands on his back, "Remember your identity, you are the real master of the Wuhun Hall, and the foreign woman named Bibi Dong is just taking care of you."

When the words were over, three pairs of golden wings spread out behind Qian Daoliu instantly!

"Remember, we are a clan of angels! Except for angel gods, no one deserves our respect. Do you understand, Cher?"

Qian Renxue nodded solemnly, "I understand, Grandpa."

Stroking the gray beard, Qiandao smiled, "Go ahead, next is your own way."

"The road I haven't finished, you will finish it in place of Grandpa!"

"When you become a god, whether it's the Seven Great Sects or the Two Great Empires, even the invincible Holy Spirit Sect will all kneel down at the feet of my Wuhun Hall!"

"Let's start, Nine Tests of Angel God!"

Qian Renxue's face was determined, "I will definitely succeed, grandpa, I want to avenge him, Tang San, let's go and see."


At this moment, on Seagod Island far overseas, Tang San steadily arrived at Seagod Island under the leadership of this mysterious man.

With a vigilant mentality, Tang San did not choose to tell the mysterious person the purpose of his trip.

But this mysterious person seemed to know what he was thinking, no matter where he came from, or the eight of them, Shrek, he was very familiar!

The expression between words made Qi Wei more puzzled, because he was like another Tang San!

But how could Tang San have two?

They had all met Tang San's father, and the man in front of him was his grandfather?

Or, is it his great grandfather or elder brother?

Tang San even began to doubt himself. Did his father and mother already have a child before he was born, just kept hiding from himself?

Forget it, no matter how you guess it is useless.

Although the mysterious person in front of him refuses to reveal his identity, he always considers everyone in his words, and he does not seem to be someone with a plan.

Is there really someone willing to help others wholeheartedly?

Without deep fetters, without blood ties, would anyone really make such selfless dedication?

Unless it's yourself!

Tang San stared at this man's thigh for a long time, and finally said something like this, "Secretly learn the inner sect technique, and cut the flesh by two catties."

Everyone turned their heads suspiciously. They didn't understand. Therefore, only the mysterious person's expression suddenly changed, "Before I cut my meat, I'll cut the meat.

Tang San's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly asked, "Shang Chao has an extra layer of hell!"

The mysterious man smiled: "Tang Lian regrets I have no regrets, I will fight Douluo again!"

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